You made a big deal about the veracity of the fraud figure - which was, and is, the primary point in contention on this thread, given the OP.
Furthermore, you attempted to suggest that the fraud figure was probably conservative, and the other figures inflated, so you WERE offering a comment on those numbers. I think you are wriggling, now, to be honest - you probably thought you'd just use generalities to get your point across, and what's actually happened is that you have tied yourself in knots. I don't know what your agenda is on this, but I am increasingly suspicious that you do have one, and that you are somehow attempting to claim that the Government's propagandising on the question of fraudulent benefits claims is somehow justifiable, without actually having the courage of your convictions to come out and say so in so many words.
If I am misjudging you, then I apologise, but every intervention you make on this thread is causing me to be increasingly suspicious that you are more interested in obfuscating the debate than engaging in it openly and honestly, and that is why I am also increasingly suspicious as to your motivations.
ETA: and, having gone back to the beginning of the thread, and your intervention in the post that butchersapron has just linked to, I now see that your strategy was the same from the outset - to nitpick and undermine on the most trivial basis the claims being made, rather than address them on their face. Hmm.
How about some honesty from you, since you seem so keen to decry benefits claimants as fraudulent and dishonest? What is YOUR view on the question of benefit fraud, alleged and actual?