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Benefit money stopped


up and down...
Did not get up until late so, could not get threw, it just seems like one thing after another, at the moment
this is going to send me over the edge I don't get a lot I have my PIP interview next week ,if that fails life
is over ,they had not told me they had a problem I can not ring up until Tuesday now, what an easter
this going to be I need to find a food bank, but are they open on weekends typing this is hard work
but you guys might have some ideas :facepalm:
I have my PIP interview next week

doesn't answer the immediate question, but bear in mind that the benefits system is increasingly a benefits denial system. getting rejected at first application / assessment is increasingly standard, and they hope that people will just fuck off (the 'and die' bit is optional) rather than go through the appeals process.

i've not seen recent figures, but the proportion of claims that are allowed at appeal is pretty high, but it's a lot easier with some help / advice.

if you have got someone who can accompany you to the 'assessment' then it's worth doing. they are less likely to lie about what you said if there's a witness. if that someone can at least give the impression of being reasonably middle class and respectable then it may help (i have accompanied a friend in the past, and i dressed as if i was going in to the office)

there is help out there - there is a specific thread on here about DWP health assessments (i'll find it for you if you want), and the 'benefits and work' site is pretty good.

hope you get things sorted out
Hate the job centre.

They were originally letting me travel to London, stay with a friend and sign on up there whilst I sought work in London.
They were even paying my train ticket.

Then someone told me it wasn't allowed and sanctioned me for a whole month even though they'd given me permission to do all this.

Punishing me for actively seeking work. Madness.

I'll bung a tenner.
Did not get up until late so, could not get threw, it just seems like one thing after another, at the moment
this is going to send me over the edge I don't get a lot I have my PIP interview next week ,if that fails life
is over ,they had not told me they had a problem I can not ring up until Tuesday now, what an easter
this going to be I need to find a food bank, but are they open on weekends typing this is hard work
but you guys might have some ideas :facepalm:

pm me your bank details, I can bung you £10, not a lot but can get you some basics
Yes let urbz help. Send me you details too
Only just spotted this thread, well done everyone.

I actually bunged them some cash a few months ago, to go see their mother in hospital, that was soon after I lost my own mother, so it seemed right to help, and as other generous urbs seem to have it covered, I'll just applaud everyone else on this occasion. :)

If someone is in the area and can collect it and give him the cash?

Not sure if they'll see it go in and question if it's income from a side fiddle.

That's a good point, IIRC they are in the Crawley area, if there's a nearby urb
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