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Beigel Bake, Brick Lane - love it!



I love this place. Top bagels, cheap as fuck and open all night. One of the few East London things I'm envious of...

More: http://www.urban75.org/blog/in-praise-of-beigel-bake-brick-lane-london-e1/
We always used to end up in there at 5 in the morning, eyes like saucers, and then the pigs would come in but it seemed like a safe house, they could never be bothered to hassle any of the obviously muntered customers.

My favourite 24 hour bagel place is on Kingsland Road in Dalston, opposite the big cop shop.
Only outsiders go to Brick Lane bagel shops for the bagels.

To your regular, inebriated, local: It's all about the salt beef sandwiches.
I love both of them.. but I'm not sure which one is better. Jewish friends of mine rate Beigel bake as being better, but I think that's more due to the fact that the yellow fronted one does such treif abominations as bacon bagels.

Although an old East End Jewish cabbie recommended the one at the bottom of Stoke Newington Road as doing the best bagels in London.

I really miss having it within 10 mintues walk, and the really very mixed clientèle you get there at 4am in the morning.

Oh, and salt beef on onion platzel with mustard and pickle for the huge sandwich win.
Only outsiders go to Brick Lane bagel shops for the bagels.

To your regular, inebriated, local: It's all about the salt beef sandwiches.

rubbish, I was a local for 5 years, and loved rocking up there at bleery o'clock the morning after for bagels and or platzels, or rye bread to make breakfast with.
rubbish, I was a local for 5 years, and loved rocking up there at bleery o'clock the morning after for bagels and or platzels, or rye bread to make breakfast with.

I was obviously referring to myself. Unless you really believe I carried out some kind of survey? :D
I can remember a very good bagel place which i used to go to when visiting my aunt in when she lived in Hendon. Was over 20 years ago though but i think its still there.
I wish I had a stalky impersonator :(

Fagbat, Nobbat, Fogtwat. There are plenty of options available. I hope to see you soon.
Their beigels are too sweet. the place next door too. so there. :p I still like it there though.

Grodzinski Bakery in Dunsmure Rd N16 is great. I went to primary school round there. yum. If you go there on a Friday afternoon before sabbath its a trip. UNless you're an orthodox Jew, in which case its very mundane.
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