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BBC - Owen Jones

at least then you wouldn't conflate/confuse class struggle with your career
I don't - I just think if I'm able to earn a living and make some kind of politically worthwhile contribution at the same time I'd rather do that than sell myself out to the highest bidder.
i've never had any kind of political or academic job, so not sure how it would be possible to conflate class struggle with a career

It depends what you consider to be your career. I suspect that you consider your career to be quite different from what you do for money.
self interest actually, like any good communist

You say that like it's a joke, but you wouldn't be the first to make a very good career out of communism.

Seems to me that the only moral difference between you and articul8 is that his bet that his politics will aid his career is a fairly safe one, while yours is a long shot. But then again, the potential benefits to you are that much greater.

But of course none of that ever crossed your mind, and you're utterly devoid of personal ambition, am I right?
there's a huge difference - everyone else has a job because they need to work to live, no one other than the likes of articul8 pretends that his job is politically important/relevant and in some way a positive contribution to the development of progressive working class politics

Are you suggesting that articul8 has enough disposable income to be able to afford not to work? In any case it seems like it's articul8's own disposition towards his job that infuriates people, but I mean why give a toss really?
It depends what you consider to be your career. I suspect that you consider your career to be quite different from what you do for money.
right so if we completely redefine the word career, humpty dumpty style, so it doesn't mean career anymore then it negates my original point to articul8, and thus your counterpoint (counterpoint in the loosest possible sense of the word that is)
You say that like it's a joke, but you wouldn't be the first to make a very good career out of communism.

Seems to me that the only moral difference between you and articul8 is that his bet that his politics will aid his career is a fairly safe one, while yours is a long shot. But then again, the potential benefits to you are that much greater.

But of course none of that ever crossed your mind, and you're utterly devoid of personal ambition, am I right?

again you show very little understanding of Marx

i wasn't in the slightest bit joking by saying self-interest

i'm not surprised a fuckwit like you can't see the relevance of self interest playing a crucial part in the possibility of communism however

it's only liberals and the like who seem to see progressive politics as being some kind of moral/charitable/benevolent activity

it's in the self interest of everyone to be a communist, to create a better world for us to live in, without self interest it hasn't got a hope in hells chance of happening (not that it does anyway mind)

Also what do you mean by me making a good career out of communism? Is this career as in the dictionary definition or your definition which doesn't equate to anything like what career actually means?
right so if we completely redefine the word career, humpty dumpty style, so it doesn't mean career anymore then it negates my original point to articul8, and thus your counterpoint (counterpoint in the loosest possible sense of the word that is)

So it's never occurred to you that a small group of dedicated individuals who do not shrink from political violence might, given propitious circumstances consequent on a major crisis in capitalism, be able to seize and hold power for themselves?

Or that such a band of radicals might well find themselves crying out for the leadership of a diminutive bald man with a comprehensive grasp of Marxist economics but not too many ethical scruples?

If not, then I've got a couple of books you might like to borrow. But I suspect you've read them already eh?
So it's never occurred to you that a small group of dedicated individuals who do not shrink from political violence might, given propitious circumstances consequent on a major crisis in capitalism, be able to seize and hold power for themselves?
Yes, the IWCA have contingency plans to seize power at the next available opportunity, probably around next tuesday evening once our tea has went down, should be pretty easy so we'll be done in time for lunch on wednesday, evening at the latest
Or that such a band of radicals might well find themselves crying out for the leadership of a diminutive bald man with a comprehensive grasp of Marxist economics but not too many ethical scruples?
so it's kind of like a career in waiting then? kind of like the rapture in that it will never come - I'm not bald by the way (nor fat, ugly, old & stupid like you)
If not, then I've got a couple of books you might like to borrow. But I suspect you've read them already eh?
it's all books this, books that with you isn't it

i know you've never worked outside of academia in your life, so it's to be expected that everything you know about life comes straight out a book, but we're not all like you, you know
Yes, the IWCA have contingency plans to seize power at the next available opportunity, probably around next tuesday evening once our tea has went down, should be pretty easy so we'll be done in time for lunch on wednesday, evening at the latest

Yes of course, seizing power never enters your head does it? All this political stuff is just like a community bring-and-buy sale really isn't it? A sort of church fete with dialectics.

Still, if the Owl of Minerva should happen by some wild trick of fate to settle upon your shoulders, I'm sure you wouldn't be churlish enough to brush her away.

so it's kind of like a career in waiting then?

Yep. And don't despair--it's happened before, many times, as well you know.

I'm not bald by the way

Yes you are. You're spiritually bald. Baldy. Kojak.
Yes of course, seizing power never enters your head does it? All this political stuff is just like a community bring-and-buy sale really isn't it? A sort of church fete with dialectics.

ironically the later is usually what the IWCA gets criticised for and also for not having ambitions as to the former. I disagree with such criticisms but I can understand where they come from. Yours however just shows how desperately struggling you are - most undignified really

Still, if the Owl of Minerva should happen by some wild trick of fate to settle upon your shoulders, I'm sure you wouldn't be churlish enough to brush her away.

She's been with me for some time as it happens, probably explains why your still so stupid. I can send her round your way though, although it's a big job so no promises can be made as to what can be done. Can give it a go though, even the smallest improvement would be a world of difference

Yep. And don't despair--it's happened before, many times, as well you know.

can't wait

Yes you are. You're spiritually bald. Baldy. Kojak.

at least i'm easy on the eye, not like your rotting carcass (spiritually & physically)
at least i'm easy on the eye, not like your rotting carcass (spiritually & physically)

Oooh you little bitch.

Right, that does it. Time to put up or shut up. You post a pic, I'll post a pic. Everyone on the thread votes on who's best looking. Loser can never post on PnP again.

Are we on?
Oooh you little bitch.

Right, that does it. Time to put up or shut up. You post a pic, I'll post a pic. Everyone on the thread votes on who's best looking. Loser can never post on PnP again.

Are we on?
allow me to do both

you can find me here

1. Me

2. You


You can have one last post
Err, thanks? Funny how the SP have maintained the old (and entirely self-defeating) Stalinist tradition that an ex-comrade becomes "wrong about everything, ever"!

Nah, there are plenty of "ex-comrades" on here. They aren't wrong about everything, ever. You are wrong about everything because you are a Labour left, which makes you roughly the equivalent of one of those bewildered Japanese soldiers they used to find on a jungle island every once in a while in the 1960s, still fighting a war which was over twenty years earlier.
From someone who is still trying to get a democratic centralist organisation to forge another international as the vanguard of world revolution, in order to achieve state power/the dictatorship of the proletariat, it's a bit rich to say I'm the one fighting the battles of the past!!

fwiw I've never expected to win the Labour party bag and baggage to socialism - I share Ralph Miliband's view of the limits of Labourism.
fwiw I've never expected to win the Labour party bag and baggage to socialism - I share Ralph Miliband's view of the limits of Labourism.

You really don't get it all. The point is not that you are mental to think that you can win over the whole Labour Party to socialism. It's that you are mental not to understand that Labour is now a neo-liberal party with no audience inside it for radical ideas and so any activism within it is a waste of time at best and actively counterproductive much of the time. No politically radical young person would even dream of signing up to Labour. You are only there because you are a bewildered long term left activist.
You really don't get it all. The point is not that you are mental to think that you can win over the whole Labour Party to socialism. It's that you are mental not to understand that Labour is now a neo-liberal party with no audience inside it for radical ideas and so any activism within it is a waste of time at best and actively counterproductive much of the time. No politically radical young person would even dream of signing up to Labour. You are only there because you are a bewildered long term left activist.

Is there a particular time at which Labour's transformation into a place with no audience inside it can be dated?
Labour is now a neo-liberal party with no audience inside it for radical ideas and so any activism within it is a waste of time at best and actively counterproductive much of the time. No politically radical young person would even dream of signing up to Labour.

Most politically active people on the left who vote at the next election, including your "radical young person", will vote Labour (in England, bar Brighton perhaps). They are comparatively unlikely to vote for the far left's latest acronym. Given this, it makes sense to contest that particular space, whilst at the same time building popular support for radical left alternatives/analysis.
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