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BBC - Owen Jones

As one of the few people here who actually used to know articul8 a bit, I don't think he's a scumbag. I just think that frogwoman's description "wrong about everything, ever" was spot on.
Err, thanks? Funny how the SP have maintained the old (and entirely self-defeating) Stalinist tradition that an ex-comrade becomes "wrong about everything, ever"!
There's a quote from Leo Panitch from The End of Parliamentary Socialism that I put in my article that I know you love so much, and I think it's appropriate here.

“For its part, the Labour new left contributed to its own defeat through some major weaknesses. The most important of all was, evidently, that in concentrating on trying to change the Labour party it became trapped in that struggle. It never solved the problem of having to fight for its goals through unending party committee’s and conferences without becoming absorbed by them. For many it was a point of principle to try and win the party over to a new democratic socialist project by persuasion and the fullest use of the party’s existing democratic processes. But the bitterness of the right’s resistance prolonged the struggle over so many years that almost a whole political generation consumed their energies in this way.”

I totally agree with this - it's why I'm clear from the outset that extra-parliamentary, extra-Labour struggle is critical - doesn't mean that there is nothing to be achieved from contesting the space in any way whatsoever though. Just that you musn't be sucked into it at the expense of building a "new democratic socialist project".
Err, thanks? Funny how the SP have maintained the old (and entirely self-defeating) Stalinist tradition that an ex-comrade becomes "wrong about everything, ever"!

I've met you a few times and I thought you were a very pleasant individual. But get the feeling you would be much more comfortable and contented working in academia, where you could then be a lot more open and accepting of the fact that wage labour activism is never going to lead anywhere. You would also do a lot less damage being wrong in academia than in these kind of political activist jobs you seem to do/cherish
why have you turned it into a morality play?

your initial point was that 'it's not as if articul8 was working for nick clegg' - i pointed out that in effect he's already been there

but as to your point, this idea that class struggle via political activist wage labour is ever going to lead anywhere is politically naive and ultimately just becomes self serving, as we have seen as well it's completely undemocratic and unaccountable - where was this new job of articul8's advertised for example?

and also are you saying that people who end up working in the arms industry to pay the bills and can't get work anywhere else are less honourable than the right honourable articul8?
but as to your point, this idea that class struggle via political activist wage labour is ever going to lead anywhere is politically naive and ultimately just becomes self serving, as we have seen as well it's completely undemocratic and unaccountable - where was this new job of articul8's advertised for example?

and also are you saying that people who end up working in the arms industry to pay the bills and can't get work anywhere else are less honourable than the right honourable articul8?

So I might as well throw my lot in with Nukem at Weber Shandwick and earn 4 or 5 times as much at least?
why have you turned it into a morality play?

your initial point was that 'it's not as if articul8 was working for nick clegg' - i pointed out that in effect he's already been there

but as to your point, this idea that class struggle via political activist wage labour is ever going to lead anywhere is politically naive and ultimately just becomes self serving, as we have seen as well it's completely undemocratic and unaccountable - where was this new job of articul8's advertised for example?

and also are you saying that people who end up working in the arms industry to pay the bills and can't get work anywhere else are less honourable than the right honourable articul8?

It was already a morality play when other posters fiercly denounced articul8 as being a sell out, a careerist and so forth. I'm trying to discover what the basis for such righteous indignation is. According to you it's because what he does is ineffectual and maybe self serving - in which case he's basically no different to most people with a job is he?
It was already a morality play when other posters fiercly denounced articul8 as being a sell out, a careerist and so forth. I'm trying to discover what the basis for such righteous indignation is. According to you it's because what he does is ineffectual and maybe self serving - in which case he's basically no different to most people with a job is he?

there's a huge difference - everyone else has a job because they need to work to live, no one other than the likes of articul8 pretends that his job is politically important/relevant and in some way a positive contribution to the development of progressive working class politics
there's a huge difference - everyone else has a job because they need to work to live, no one other than the likes of articul8 pretends that his job is politically important/relevant and in some way a positive contribution to the development of progressive working class politics

So you're involved in politics out of the goodness of your heart?
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