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bands with really annoying names

fuzzy felt

New Member
i haven't actually heard either of these bands, purely because their names irritate me too much! daft i know (although i suspect not in the case of fucking 'hootie'!) but there you go.

anyway, the two that spring immediately to mind are:

Hootie and the blowfish

annoyingly, my pea brain has now shut down and i can't think of any more (there's one on the tip of my tongue but my brain is failing me...think that one might begin with 'H' too!) daggnabbit!!

but surely, there has to be squillions!!
I've always hated the name of that band "!!!" or "chk chk chk" as everyone pronounces it. What a rubbush name.

Equally shite is the Damon Alburn 'Good The Bad And The Queen' 'project'- oh no its not the name of the band, we don't have one, its more of an album concept but you can use it if you want. Yes thanks now fuck off Damon.
The Bravery is fucking awful. The Rapture is pretty fucking terrible too, but I don't mind them, so I'll let them off. :hmm:
It's the really pretntious ones that annoy me like "The Music" (like they're the last word....)

We had a laugh in work trying to come up with others in the same vein best ones were:

"The Question"
"The Answer"
"The Rules"

I bet there probably are bands with these names already - pretentious twats!
The Bravery is fucking awful.

but it fits so well. I love The Bravery. They are the most heroically awful band of recent years.
I really wish they were more succesful so I could be more amused by them.

as for names,

Hell Is For Heroes made me laugh out loud the first time I heard it.

My Chemical Romance

Reverend and the Makers

Test Icicles
also, the name Holy Fuck really annoyed me. I thought 'these are gonna be a bunch of self regarding, pretentious, useless Hoxton type twunts' and avoided them at first.

imagine my suprise at how great they are
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