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Atos Medicals - Questions, Answers and Support

i have but unless you sign on to jsa straight away they stop your money
i was shocked but no points what an insult ....i was just staring at the wall in shock
for hours I felt like dirt ,but more upbeat today.
So any advice ,help from my fellow urbanites would be a big help :)
Like chainsawjob said, do fight it. And you have nothing to lose.
Are you well enough to go to the job centre?
Like chainsawjob said, do fight it. And you have nothing to lose.
Are you well enough to go to the job centre?
Will have to get in some how try and get a lift in its like most injuries you have good and bad days friendofdorothy i have a number to call re appeal but can not go to tribunal as they stop your money ...but again thanks to everyone i don`t feel alone as i am a member here
had a WCA about 5 weeks ago.

Have got severe mental health problems - urgings, occasional voices, outbursts of angry , uncontrollably aggressive destructive behaviour and sometimes self harm. I can't, control my behaviour in public sometimes. A few days ago, someone tried to tell me off for littering when there was no bin in sight - he might have had me out as an easy target who wouldn't stand up for himself, he was wrong. There were stern words said, to put it politely. (I did say to him in response ; "How do you know I'm not violent? You wouldn't have picked on someone you thought was a threat - that means you believe I am an pushover. You are a bully, who picks on less powerful people to throw your weight around" at one point. it verbally escalated from there, but thats not the point)

Self harm - Normally where people can't see. it is about me trying to control my own environment, my own body, and not about inflicting anything on anyone else. So when I cut, its' places where people don't get to see.

Prior to going into the WCA such as writing on myself prior to the appointment, plus I was pressing a pen onto my skin throughout as a means of trying to stay centered.

it didn't work. I had taken a craft knife (What the police generally rfer to as a "bladed article") in - sometimes I find it helps my self-control to cut.I self-harmed in the WCA.

They ended the appt early saying they had enough information to complete the assessment.I left the building early.They then filled in a UF1 form (i think thats what it is called). And told me to go the GP as it was an emergency situation. I did not.

Upon my return home, I had a letter from my psychiatrist saying "unfit for work in foreseeable future".I could have done with that prior to the appointment.

Later that evening (after closing hours, but whilst building was still staffed) I handed a written apology for my behaviour and also the psychiatrist letter to the site, by placing it under the then locked door. Security were still there, so It wasnt to a closed office. (I had the psychiiatrist letter returned two days later in the post)

Next day at about 2pm, had a call from my GP. Didnt recognise the number, so didnt pick it up. Phoned them back, didnt speak to GP. About 4pm the Mental health nurse at the psychiatrist contacted me saying they had contact from the DWP about what had happened, so i spoke to them.

And then, 1640, I saw a police car pull up. Yeah, as the GP didn't get an answer from me, she contacted the police asking for them to conduct a safeguarding visit. I let them up, spoke to them, they left about 5 mins later. They did comment about how disorganised and messy my home was. I've never been told off by a Policeman for that before...

Far as I gather, self harm counts as a Schedule 3 descriptor, as per below ;

"14. Appropriateness of behaviour with other people, due to cognitive impairment or mental disorder.
- Has, on a daily basis, uncontrollable episodes of aggressive or disinhibited behaviour that would be unreasonable in any workplace."

Pretty clear it wouldn't be acceptable to start cutting and self harming in a workplace, they might consider that "disinhibited" (whatever the hell that is) maybe? And also, as for aggressive, I suppose turning up with a bladed article and drawing blood might be considered potentially aggressive. I don't know their policies, on such things.

After 3 weeks of waiting, was placed into the support group. I didnt get the decision until 4 days later - on the Friday I got a letter from the Child Maintenance saying "your deductions are stopping" first, which is a surefire way of making sure you think your benefits have been cut off . What else can "we are stopping your deductions due to a change" mean? I read it only one way - that my ESA had been stopped. Imbeciles, that I got the actual decision letter on the monday.

hang in there, passenger. I ithink what you have to do is request a mandatory reconsideration first (timescale 4-6 weeks) and claim JSA in the meantime ; if the mandatory reconsideration is not favourable, then it goes upwards to appeal, and finally tribunal as the third stage. Other people seem more knowledgable about this, I just read the leaflet from rethink.
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Sorry to read all that flustercuck but glad you got the support group decision in the end :)

I self-harmed during my last assessment to the point of drawing blood - the nurse doing the assessment shouted at me several times to tell me to stop, yet there was no mention of it in the medical report. Apparently I "coped well at interview" including not trembling or rocking, able to sit still, able to concentrate and didn't require prompting - all of which are complete lies. :mad:

Really wish I'd managed to appeal in time.
don't worry about that.

I'm only sorry they put you through that. Hope you get the help you need. x

What I'm more worried about is having to go to the GP this evening ; he's been my GP for twelve years, and didn't lock his PC. So I was able to see the "MUST BE CHAPERONED AT ALL VISITS - MAY HAVE A BLADE!" written on his screen. Which was very worrying, really. As it happens, I was seen alone. I explained to him what had happened in that assessment, seemed ok. I put in a reapeat last week and it came back witha "to be seen" message. Guess it was a result of their safeguarding policy.

The support group decision? Feels like a weight has been lifted. When I was in there they terminated the interview early, and...I requested a copy of the medical report. They're sending it out to me, but I've not had it yet.

Thank you iona. Its been a difficult few months.
...on the Friday I got a letter from the Child Maintenance saying "your deductions are stopping" first, which is a surefire way of making sure you think your benefits have been cut off . What else can "we are stopping your deductions due to a change" mean? I read it only one way - that my ESA had been stopped.

It could be unrelated to your ESA claim. The CSA are moving all cases to the Child Maintenance Service (CMS) so if you have a case with CSA your deductions will stop if it is moving to CMS. The case will need to be reopened with CMS by your ex but your liability will not change, you will still pay the flat rate.
It could be unrelated to your ESA claim. The CSA are moving all cases to the Child Maintenance Service (CMS) so if you have a case with CSA your deductions will stop if it is moving to CMS. The case will need to be reopened with CMS by your ex but your liability will not change, you will still pay the flat rate.

The CSA - CEMA change over took place for me about 12 months ago, so for me, that wasn't the case. As for flat rate - she's gone for "collect and pay", so i pay another 20% on top of the flat rate. It was from CEMA and related to a change of benefits status - there is no other reason why they would do that.
Well managed to get into town to sign up for jobseekers, get some money next week
was told by advisor to do my best if it gets to much go sick then back onto ESA all a bit odd
in fact i will get better money, as i have a disability he also said i only need to go in once every two weeks and saved me a lot of hassle, in all i left feeling rather happy.
I had to go sign on today and when they told me I would need to come back every week, I flipped a little, but this at least made them change their minds and I've now got two weeks but I've got to come back with evidence I've been looking for work. I hope they're happy with me saying I've been looking at emails and stuff but I think I've got to upload a CV onto Universal Jobmatch.
Really don't have time to do that right now, but they've made a liar out of me by making me sign on to JSA.
My advisor wasn't very empathetic, telling me that when their dad was ill in hospital they didn't get time off. When I told them their employer was mean then and that their experience should make them more sympathetic not less, they didn't like it, but I suppose they did sign the form that gave me two weeks grace.
My advisor wasn't very empathetic, telling me that when their dad was ill in hospital they didn't get time off. When I told them their employer was mean then and that their experience should make them more sympathetic not less, they didn't like it, but I suppose they did sign the form that gave me two weeks grace.

Quite frankly, that is not for the advisor to say. It is irrelevant, and not comparing like with like. An employer contracts you at a wage to provide a service - a branch of the civil service and a government agency does not contract you to a minimum working week in return for benefits.

Pretty sure there must be something in the civil service code about this. Mind you, I tend to try to make their lives as difficult as possible. (the advisors, that is. Fuck 'em)
Sorry to read all that flustercuck but glad you got the support group decision in the end :)

I self-harmed during my last assessment to the point of drawing blood - the nurse doing the assessment shouted at me several times to tell me to stop, yet there was no mention of it in the medical report. Apparently I "coped well at interview" including not trembling or rocking, able to sit still, able to concentrate and didn't require prompting - all of which are complete lies. :mad:

Really wish I'd managed to appeal in time.
Sorry to hear that, sounds just like my interview i panicked and tried to walk out the room
twice told the person doing the assessment i felt very paranoid and my anxiety was really getting to me etc... but none of this was mentioned if there is a next time I am going with someone and recording it otherwise you have no chance its truly out of order.
Sorry to hear that, sounds just like my interview i panicked and tried to walk out the room
twice told the person doing the assessment i felt very paranoid and my anxiety was really getting to me etc... but none of this was mentioned if there is a next time I am going with someone and recording it otherwise you have no chance its truly out of order.

If you walk out of an interview, it is counted as failure to participate / failure to complete and is an automatic fail. if they terminate the interview early, you cannot be penalised for their decision.

I self harmed in the interview. Wouldn't wish one of those interviews on anyone.
My mate just got full enhanced PIPs for both elements, thanks in some parts to my assistance with their claim. We still haven't heard back re or request for a mandatory reassessment following the decision to keep them in the WRAG following their last work capability assessment.

Does anyone know if having full enhanced PIPs awarded is likely to have any impact on the results of any reassessment or appeal? Surely there's a chance it could top things in our favour? This is their first application for PIPs, and they've never been on DLA.
Legally it should have no bearing but the DWP is generally run by a bunch of cunts so who knows?
Cool. I was wondering if it counted as evidence of a certain level of incapacity, especially as it already counts as such for things like blue badge parking.
My mate just got full enhanced PIPs for both elements, thanks in some parts to my assistance with their claim. We still haven't heard back re or request for a mandatory reassessment following the decision to keep them in the WRAG following their last work capability assessment.

Does anyone know if having full enhanced PIPs awarded is likely to have any impact on the results of any reassessment or appeal? Surely there's a chance it could top things in our favour? This is their first application for PIPs, and they've never been on DLA.
Don't know about PIP but when I last got enhanced mobility and middle rate care for DLA they didn't bother re-assessing me for ESA they just put me straight in the support group. But that was then. I my PIP case they don't want my ESA work capability assessment to be used as medical evidence so who knows.

Still not heard about my PIP tribunal yet. I'ts nearly a year now since I received the PIP form to fill in. :eek:
Hi, just popping in to ask a question for a friend. Not ATOS, still bastards.

He has been claiming ESA/incapacity for quite a while but recently got a job which unfortunately he was let go from today. I think this job lasted less than a month, it was supposed to be permanent. Does anyone know anything about reclaiming ESA simply and easily. I don't think he's in a UC area. I don't know which group he was in. Any information would be gratefully received. Especially if "rapid reclaim" still exists and how to access it.
Rapid reclaim still exists, but probs just for JSA. The DWP will probably take the view that if they had been able to work, then they would have to go on JSA rather than ESA
Much as I hate to piss on their work bonfire, I think they'd probably have kept the job for longer than 3 weeks if they were fully able to work.
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