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Armstrong tests positive?

Also have they determined who has won the confiscated Tours yet? Bassons should really get the 1999 one, if only as a protest against what went on.
It is, but I suppose sniping of this kind is all they can do without actually trying to challenge any of this evidence in a courtroom environment (be it the US courts, or CAS).

The sad thing is that evrytime someone comes out and defends him someone else implicates themselves!
For those not clicking the link above:

In Geneva, McQuaid said the UCI recognised the Usada ruling and that Lance Armstrong now "had no place in cycling". But in a document published later the same day on the UCI's website, and personally signed by McQuaid, he delivered a different message. The UCI's "Decision" document accepts Usada's sanction against Armstrong, but calls its evidence and methods into question, and raises grounds for a possible appeal – either by Armstrong himself, or by the World Anti-Doping Agency – against the report's conclusions.
National reps would need to call an extraordinary meeting and table a motion of no confidence - and start a re-election process ie a full frontal attack on him. Or wait for re-election and just not vote for him. Of the two scenarios the latter is by far the more likely, just like FIFA these are political animals, they wont risk breaking cover, going for the king and missing.

Of course there is always the third way - they will re-elect him. Thats crazy to us but possible if there is an absence of a challenger. As the comments from both McQuaid and a lot of the riders on the LA issue prove these guys are just on a different planet, what might seem morally indefensible to us seems normal to them. McQuaids comments and moves are the actions of man who just can't see the problem the rest of us see.
Oh yeah - the fourth way would be McQuaid can't take the accumulating heat and quits...he has withstood a heck of a lot and not budged, personally I think we are stuck with the stupid old cunt for a while yet.
There should be some external authority to put them into the moral equivalent of receivership or something.

The IOC (that most august and morally superior unit) can kill the UCI stone dead = by removing cycling from the next olympics.

A decent boycott by the fans could kill McQuaid dead - but that would need cycling fans to have the good sense to remove themselves from consumption - they(we) are not prepared to do this it seems; indeed the fans as I keep saying like a stuck record and both the problem and solution here.
Obiviously got a thing for cheating cunts,she even married one :facepalm:

To be fair to Ms Amiel, you can understand why she has a deep seated issue with people facing punishment for cheating.

Actually, fuck that. Fuck sarcasm, or humour, or mocking. She doesn't deserve such a gentle response. She sees nothing wrong with ambitious parents doping their children so they get better grades. What sort of misappropriation of carbon could seriously make such a statement?
"If people really want to clean the sport of cycling up all you have to do is put your money where your mouth is. Don't buy a USA Cycling license. Give up racing for a year, just long enough to put the UCI and USA cycling out of business. We can then start from scratch and let the real lovers in cycling direct where and how the sport of cycling will go,"
Has any Spanish rider, past or present, come out and criticised Armstrong? That country needs WADA to take control of the national body and take a long hard look at cycling, football and tennis.

Meanwhile, Greg has a new follower on Facebook.

I think he's got more than one, i think he's pulled atleast 3 new followers from this thread in the last hour!
I think he's got more than one, i think he's pulled atleast 3 new followers from this thread in the last hour!

Yep, a mate of mine just joined as well and I've a handful of other cycling buddies on there who will too.

Also, someone has been sharp on wiki:D:D:cool:

in 1986 LeMond became the first non-European cyclist and remains the only American to win the Tour de France.

Has any Spanish rider, past or present, come out and criticised Armstrong? That country needs WADA to take control of the national body and take a long hard look at cycling, football and tennis.


Unless I'm losing something as a result of google translate and having awful Spanish, that guy is more on the money than just about anyone else from the peloton past or present.

Agree with the general thrust of your post though.
Is it possible he could go balls to the wall and use the money to set up a rival to the UCI? What's to stop all the national federations refusing to recognise the UCI and joining a breakaway outfit? The other day the AIGCP said there should be a new independent anti-doping committee, effectively taking dope control responsibilities away from the UCI. A breakaway international fed would have plenty of time to sort out IOC membership before the next Olympics.
The BC rep to the UCI is Brian Cookson. On another forum he was questioned on what pressure he could bear to bring about Change; his response was to link to a load of UCI web pages that detailed (painfully) why they took no action for years, how they are doing all they can, blah blah blah. Brian Cookson aint getting off the gravy train for you or me, small fry like you and I need to realise this. I pay £35 a year for a BC memberhsip and race licence...not next year.

UCI rival is all very well but ASO blanched at the idea and ASO are probably the only group with the clout and finance to form a breakaway. The ensuing bunfight with the UCI wouldn't be sorted out before Rio - if olympics is what matters. I think a lot of the ordinary joes and joelles at the UCI are probably decent folk, its just the board that need to be taken out...aint gonna happen though.
What's to stop all the national federations refusing to recognise the UCI and joining a breakaway outfit?

The short answer: ASO. It's kind of analogous to GT racing and Le Mans, I guess. The Tour is the one race that anyone who doesn't know anything about cycling still knows about. If you want to form a breakaway, then you need the tour. As Sig says, they didn't bite last time it was raised. They do seem the mercenary types though, so if it was in their financial interests to break with the UCI then they will. It's just that they don't see it that way, and I would probably agree with them. I'm sure there is the making of a decent governing body somewhere within the UCI - just a matter of trying to get it sorted.

Fuck knows how that last bit gets done, but tactics like Sig's cancelling of his/her BC membership has to be a part of it.
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