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Armstrong tests positive?

I was trying to envisage scenarios how this could come about last night and i could only imagine some sort of christian bollocks type thing (maybe someone already suggested that on here, can't recall right now).

"I was forced into it by sponsors. I didn't come clean because they threatened reprisals against me and the charities I was responsible for. Even now they threaten to withdraw funding from Livestrong and other institutions I'm involved with if I name names"
"I was forced into it by sponsors. I didn't come clean because they threatened reprisals against me and the charities I was responsible for. Even now they threaten to withdraw funding from Livestrong and other institutions I'm involved with if I name names"
He would be very stupid if he tried that line - and he's not stupid. He's very very clever. Can't see him being daft enough to try that one.
Got to be honest, I don't see it as less likely than a christian play.

The likelihood is that he'll just continue to deny everything. Even now I know plenty of cyclists who think he's been victimised/persecuted/framed. I think he'll just stick to blaming a conspiracy that are out to get him.
In your suggestion he would have to produce evidence that he was threatened - that the sponsors had talked to him and pressured him.
His apparently strongly held and relatively widely known atheist views somewhat stack the deck against an "I have sinned but I beg the Lord to forgive me" response, even in the absence of the legal problems a confession would open up. Unless he went so far as to present it as an actual conversion to Christianity.
I was trying to envisage scenarios how this could come about last night and i could only imagine some sort of christian bollocks type thing (maybe someone already suggested that on here, can't recall right now).

The only scenario I have thought of has been missed. Basically, sometime after retiring he could have come clean. Spun it as his coming back to cycling being a result of wanting to set up the cancer charity, and thinking that winning the Tour was the only way to get the attention of 'the people'. And the only way to do that as being on drugs - everyone was doing it remember? Paint himself as one of the victim's basically.

No chance he can do that now. The USADA report clearly states how much of a bastard he was, and outs him as the driving force behind the program.

Perhaps the conversion to Christianity and a career in the Tea Party?
"I was forced into it by sponsors. I didn't come clean because they threatened reprisals against me and the charities I was responsible for. Even now they threaten to withdraw funding from Livestrong and other institutions I'm involved with if I name names"

No way he could do that. Sponsors wouldn't think twice about suing if he tried that. And every time he goes near a courtroom, more shit will come out about him.
I suppose we may as well assume from Yates' attitude that he was juiced when he wore the yellow jersey in '94? Another memory down the toilet.
I like Brailsford, and I think he's honest, but this pledge business is utterly pointless. And it's been done before. And it didn't work then.
Brailsford is a con man management wank. This latest play is so stupid that I can only conclude either he is truly thick, or he is at it.
The particularly ridiculous thing about the claims of shock coming from Sky riders/management and this latest wheeze, is that the whole Sky shtick was a clean team. Why make that such a central tenet of the team's identity if they didn't know what had gone before? As much as I don't trust Vaughters as much as some, his approach/philosophy is far more honest. I mean, asking 'Big' Mick Rogers to sign a piece of paper saying he has never doped? And Yates has a positive test, ffs.
I'd forgotten about this - Greg saying his VO2 max is 95 and Armstrong's 82. So if nobody had doped in Lance's Tours, could he have won them? Do we know enough of his rivals' numbers? If he couldn't have won a clean Tour, that would be a handy comeback to the fuckwits who say it was a level playing field.

Here's the quote:
According to Mrs LeMond, Armstrong said: "There's no way you could have won your Tour de Frances without EPO." And Greg got very angry and said, "Listen, I won my - I was third in 1984, I was second in 1985, I won in 1986. This type of drug did not exist. The difference between you and me is that I have a 95 VO2 max and you have an 82, and you're - you don't - basically you don't know what you're talking about."

Walsh has posted the HV texts that never were:

In the text Hein wrote:"The only thing I can say is there are many many stories and suspicions but there is no trace of EVIDENCE." His caps

That text concluded: "LA was never found positive, neither by USADA and anyone aware of testing procedures knows you can't make a deal."
IANAL, but if the many allegations against Lance can be proven in a US court he's risking convictions for perjury, witness intimidation, fraud, bribery, coercing people to take dangerous drugs, probably some money laundering, a bit of tax evasion and no doubt a couple of others. That's lots of jail time. With all the financial irregularities around team salaries, huge quantities of PEDs being paid for, Ferrari's bills, donations to the UCI and Hein and so on, I reckon it's inevitable that one of the many other guilty parties, e.g. Ochowicz, Weisel, Stapleton, Bruyneel (to name just a few) will cop a plea and provide documentary evidence, financial transactions, emails and so on. This will trigger more plea bargain attempts from others. And Lance will have no option but a plea bargain or jail. I reckon he's discussing that with Herman right now. If there' are going to be several people wanting to cop a plea, only the first one can get a good deal. I think Lance will go for it, soon. That's my prediction. :D :hmm: ;)
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