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Are you enjoying the World cup and why

I'm enjoying the apparent emergence of new football powers, notably Uruguay ("new" as in post-1950), Mexico and Ghana.
Lots of reasons this is a good one:

-not in a first world country, giving it a more World feel
-in the same time zone as us, so no watching games at 5am
-south african hosts creating an atmosphere that seems to have put off the usual hooligan idiots - no boarded up shops as england fans run rampage (wait and see what happens on Sunday!)
-great upsets on scores, means everything is up for grabs
-internet streaming means you can watch games at work!
-the football will get better and better
-oh, and tottenham are all over it, down to Harry on the sofa (incidentally Harry will be the next england captain i raekwon)

...lets just hope the fix isnt in in the final stages (we can but hope)

:eek: I really hope not.

IMO it's below average tournament, can't quite put my finger on exactly why.

There's been a couple of good games, but overall I'd say the quality of football has been poor, and far too negative from the majority of teams. Not many stunning goals or outstanding players either. It really hasn't helped that the hosts went out early. Also the coverage and analysis from both ITV and BBC has been dire compared to previous years.

I'm really hoping the knock-outs will bring the best out of teams, but tbh I can only see games becoming cagier and tighter.

Edit: Reading this post back, I seem more miserable and negative than a Mark Lawrenson summary :facepalm: sorry :(
Curdles my misanthropic blood.

Soccer is a great sport but people are still shit once the game is over.
Yeah I know it's fucking rotten that football - sorry, soccer - is played by people, watched by people and people all over the world love it. They're all scum. But hey, what can you do?
Yeah I know it's fucking rotten that football - sorry, soccer - is played by people, watched by people and people all over the world love it. They're all scum. But hey, what can you do?

No, soccer is fine.

People are shit - each and every one. I was adding to the discussion above my post, the guy in NY.
I read something on the day of the England -USA game from a bar owner in New York who was showing the game and he said something like 'I'm not the greatest soccer fan but I really like the idea that everyone in the World is excited about the same thing'.


But what happens when it gets really popular in the US? They'll think it's their game and start forcing cheerleaders on the rest of the world :hmm:

They've already started relegating English games to the back rooms/basements if there's a clash :D
But what happens when it gets really popular in the US? They'll think it's their game and start forcing cheerleaders on the rest of the world :hmm:

They've already started relegating English games to the back rooms/basements if there's a clash :D

It won't get popular in the US.

Our whole youth culture is domestic ball centered. But that's how it should be. Even our colleges and universities can be identified as either a football school or basketball school.
can anyone remember what football comp had camera tracks down the bylines - you got this amazing tracking shots as players legged it down the wings? i presume its not with us anymore as it was a distraction
It won't get popular in the US.

Our whole youth culture is domestic ball centered. But that's how it should be. Even our colleges and universities can be identified as either a football school or basketball school.

How do you know that? It might take a while, but it's getting more and more popular as the WC goes on.

Fair enough, it'll never overtake that American game that looks more like rugby but is called football, but the fact that the matches are being shown at all on US tv is a step-up from years ago no?
How do you know that? It might take a while, but it's getting more and more popular as the WC goes on.

Fair enough, it'll never overtake that American game that looks more like rugby but is called football, but the fact that the matches are being shown at all on US tv is a step-up from years ago no?

It's just too ingrained into our culture. There's nothing wrong with that btw. The big three American sports have a history that go back to the 1800s - before the US was a big arrogant superpower.

I was raised as a basketball fan, in a basketball State. As a tiny kid I understood basketball at a deep level. When I went to uni I went to a football school. Now here I am sweating my school changing its offensive scheme to a type we've never done before. It will take 3 years or so to rid ourselves of players that aren't physically attributed to this new offense and replace them with the right kind of players. That's how deep the sport goes - all the way into middle school.

And that's not talking money an television.

People like me who played soccer can understand it and appreciate it but that's about it.
People like me who played soccer can understand it and appreciate it but that's about it.

Here's what some of your countryfolk are saying about it

"If you understand even a few of the rules, it's pretty darn interesting. If you compare each run downfield to a trip down the basketball floor, there's actually a lot more strategy in soccer."
"If the world kept soccer? What was the question? Oh, World Cup soccer. I don't really care. I don't know anything about soccer."
"World Cup soccer? I think it's .... uhh, I think it's a cool sport. All the tricky, flicky moves they make.""I never watched soccer before. But I watched one game and I was surprised at the intensity and how much I got into it."
"I don't watch it. My other shows take over."
"I think I watched one game just because I was home. The problem is they keep playing in the morning, when I'm usually at work. I do enjoy the fact that they (the U.S. soccer men) are moving up."
"How's the U.S. doing? I don't follow it. I don't pay any attention to it. I have no interest in it."
"I don't know anything about soccer. But it's always good when the U.S. wins."
"Soccer is stinkin' cool. There's so much agility and athletic skill needed at that level, it's just incredible. It's boring at times, but it's kind of like baseball in that you can go do something else for a few minutes and not miss much. It's a good sport to have on when you're cleaning the house."
"I turn the channel when it's on. I don't get it, especially why people have riots and go nuts in the streets about it. I just don't get soccer."
"Go, U.S.A.! They're still playing and the French went home in shame. You have to love that."
"I love soccer. Heck, I love the little clock on ESPN.com that shows how much time before the next game. I always find a way to be near the TV when that time arrives."
"I don't watch it. I just don't care. Soccer is pointless." Ahh, but Morgan fans aren't afraid to make their points about almost anything. Keep an eye on "Let it Fly!" in upcoming editions of The Times.

It's lol 'cuz it's true (occasionally). For example, did you see Brazil vs. Portugal this morning (your yesterday)? I could have ducked out for some shopping, had a half hour mini-crack binge in some alley, then rushed home to find I missed...fuck all.

Now, of course that is an exception. My point being though, is if that match was the first time some hillbilly in Arkansas actually watched the beautiful game, he'd go back to collecting road kill as sport from sheer fucking disinterest. Esp. given that Brazil/Portugal are supposed to be some of the best in world...

Just sayin'.

Just for the record, it's totally different here in Canada, truly multicultural and a nation of immigrants. We don't even have a dog in this fight but, statistically, somewhere in a small town on the Canadian prairie (let's say, pop. 500), at least sixty fifth-generation Italian-Canadian men went to bed crying last night...and at least sixty recently arrived Slovacs were down the only bar in town laughing at them:D

Of course. Wavin' flag...:D
Now, of course that is an exception. My point being though, is if that match was the first time some hillbilly in Arkansas actually watched the beautiful game, he'd go back to collecting road kill as sport from sheer fucking disinterest. Esp. given that Brazil/Portugal are supposed to be some of the best in world...

Just sayin'.

Just for the record, it's totally different here in Canada, truly multicultural and a nation of immigrants. We don't even have a dog in this fight but, statistically, somewhere in a small town on the Canadian prairie (let's say, pop. 500), at least sixty fifth-generation Italian-Canadian men went to bed crying last night...and at least sixty recently arrived Slovacs were down the only bar in town laughing at them:D

Of course. Wavin' flag...:D

Well true, but that's the case for Americans and soccer in general because American whole sports-psyche is geared for speed, athleticism and technical sophistication that soccer doesn't have. Soccer will always seem boring in comparison.

And I think Americans are put off by all the blatant nationalism that comes from the World Cup.
Well true, but that's the case for Americans and soccer in general because American whole sports-psyche is geared for speed, athleticism and technical sophistication that soccer doesn't have. Soccer will always seem boring in comparison.

And I think Americans are put off by all the blatant nationalism that comes from the World Cup.

Yet another game with thousands of empty seats.

How can anyone claim that this World Cup has been a success ? :confused:
The locals are well racist, they're only interested if an African team is playing.


Did you see the honky woman in the crowd, decked in flags and singing the North Korean national anthem yesterday ?

Wtf was that all about ? :confused:
Yet another game with thousands of empty seats.

How can anyone claim that this World Cup has been a success ? :confused:

It's disgusting and why are all those corporate seats empty.:mad:

I think they should get all the kids from the local schools to fill the seats and give them what could be a once-in-a-lifetime experience
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