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Are You "Anyone But England"?

bitter about what?
I dunno what you're bitter about. Probably some deep seated cognitive dissonance issues that are triggered when your own self-righteous nationalistic beliefs give you the need to pull-up the english when they show any sign of national pride (i.e: hypocrisy).
I sincerely hope you manage to get over it some day. Life's too short ;)
I dunno what you're bitter about. Probably some deep seated cognitive dissonance issues that are triggered when your own self-righteous nationalistic beliefs give you the need to pull-up the english when they show any of national pride (i.e: hypocrisy).
I sincerely hope you manage to get over it some day. Life's too short ;)
so no examples of bitterness or nationalistic beliefs
what are you proud about?
Everywhere. You're the epitome of a bitter xenophobe.

I just did, now fuck off and eat some tofu, you sad little man.
awww, temper getting the better of you? need and afternoon nap?
can you provide any examples of bitterness or xenophobia or drop it as you're talking shit and projecting
what's wrong with eating tofu, pretty sad using that as an insult don't you think
It's been quite instructive to read civilised, sensible posts from people who are clearly ABE, but seem to be able to retain a sense of proportion. Given that every day is a schoolday, I am pleased about this - despite my boasts of being surrounded by reasonable Welsh people, there's always a certain undercurrent of ABE around, and following this thread has given me a much better insight into how that works, and will I am sure make me even less likely to be, ahahaha, "triggered" by any ABEism I encounter in future. That's to say any ABEism that comes unencumbered by stary-eyed, monitor-bespittling xenophobic hysterical ranting, naturally. I shall continue to look down my nose at that :)
Interestingly this thread has given me cause to reflect on my ABEness and the reasons for it. Those reflections go back as far as '86, when a 13-year-old me and a gaggle of other pubescent ABEs got into a row with the England supporting contingent at a mate's birthday party after the Hand of God game. For quite a while I cloaked my ABEness in angry nationalism and a sense of persecution. I've kind of moved on from that position with age and hopefully wisdom but strangely still carry the ABEness with me, more out of habit than any sense of being wronged by modern England.

Good point made above about who I'd support against England given Croatia's lovely fascist playing staff and in all honesty up until the moment that the English fans started belting out GSTQ I was, for the first time in about forty years, entirely on the fence. Unfortunately my reaction to the dirge is usually very visceral and extreme and I then leaned accordingly.

But yeah, this England team, its fans and its manager have very little about them to dislike. Sure, the media are jingoistic cunts and the overload of Englishness at or arojnd this time is a bit grating for us Celts but ultimately all national media is cunty, one-eyed and jingoistic, the Welsh sporting press included. People have a right to shout and get excited about a w/c semi, IMO.

None of this should be seen as a precursor to my conversion away from ABEness but I do think it has heralded a more benign, slightly amused and empathetic ABEness that probably sits better with me as a person nowadays;)
I got banned off a thread lately for not living in Brixton and daring to have an opinion about traffic in Brixton.
Then you get this thread, where this xenophobic prick is allowed to post provocatory shit with impunity, because the person in charge is also ABE.
If xenodddddraig was English and posted this shit on a Wails thread, he'd be banned from the thread within seconds.

Please note that if you have problems with moderation decisions they should be outlined in a new thread in the feedback forum, where people normally get good results in having such inconsistencies addressed calmly and rationally.

If you continue to disrupt this thread I may have no option but to report your posts (again).
Please note that if you have problems with moderation decisions they should be outlined in a new thread in the feedback forum, where people normally get good results in having such inconsistencies addressed calmly and rationally.

If you continue to disrupt this thread I may have no option but to report your posts (again).
Wanker :D
Like it has been for Nigeria? :D
I dunno, their senior team's getting stronger and stronger. It won't be long before they push for a title imo.

Obvs the African teams suffer the reverse of the english - getting precious little opportunity to play together in the same teams (in club football that is).
I've read every post here.
And the only bitter weird attitude that comes across really strong is that of ddraig
In fact I would say to you ddraig to just search this thread for your own posts and have a read of them one after the other.
They are oozing a disgust for England fans...and anticipating aggression and violence with a sort of "I told you so" glee.
Only thing is the violence didn't happen. The fans were good supportive ones and were well behaved in defeat.

The one post that bugged me most was when you decided it was so shit for England fans to dare to have flags and wear England colours and then you decided that they would all be dumping these in the gutter after the team lost. You were positively taking pleasure in that image.
Every supporter of every team sport does the whole flag carrying thing. They wave them...when they're happy watching the game. It's better than waving a willy or a stick.

Just read your own posts for a while...just yours. And ask yourself "am I acting like a cunt?"
And be honest with the answer.
I've read every post here.
And the only bitter weird attitude that comes across really strong is that of ddraig
In fact I would say to you ddraig to just search this thread for your own posts and have a read of them one after the other.
They are oozing a disgust for England fans...and anticipating aggression and violence with a sort of "I told you so" glee.
Only thing is the violence didn't happen. The fans were good supportive ones and were well behaved in defeat.

The one post that bugged me most was when you decided it was so shit for England fans to dare to have flags and wear England colours and then you decided that they would all be dumping these in the gutter after the team lost. You were positively taking pleasure in that image.
Every supporter of every team sport does the whole flag carrying thing. They wave them...when they're happy watching the game. It's better than waving a willy or a stick.

Just read your own posts for a while...just yours. And ask yourself "am I a cunt?"
And be honest with the answer.
He's going to be 100% predictable here again. He'll say he has read all of his posts and again, play the victim card, because he's a cunt.
I've read every post here.
And the only bitter weird attitude that comes across really strong is that of ddraig
In fact I would say to you ddraig to just search this thread for your own posts and have a read of them one after the other.
They are oozing a disgust for England fans...and anticipating aggression and violence with a sort of "I told you so" glee.
Only thing is the violence didn't happen. The fans were good supportive ones and were well behaved in defeat.

The one post that bugged me most was when you decided it was so shit for England fans to dare to have flags and wear England colours and then you decided that they would all be dumping these in the gutter after the team lost. You were positively taking pleasure in that image.
Every supporter of every team sport does the whole flag carrying thing. They wave them...when they're happy watching the game. It's better than waving a willy or a stick.

Just read your own posts for a while...just yours. And ask yourself "am I acting like a cunt?"
And be honest with the answer.
What am I meant to be bitter about? can you back this up? or any of the other accusations you've made by linking to any posts?
Do you think anyone else in this thread has acted like a cunt? do you think posting personal abuse and explicit pictures are ok?
I've read every post here.
And the only bitter weird attitude that comes across really strong is that of ddraig
In fact I would say to you ddraig to just search this thread for your own posts and have a read of them one after the other.
They are oozing a disgust for England fans...and anticipating aggression and violence with a sort of "I told you so" glee.
Only thing is the violence didn't happen. The fans were good supportive ones and were well behaved in defeat.

The one post that bugged me most was when you decided it was so shit for England fans to dare to have flags and wear England colours and then you decided that they would all be dumping these in the gutter after the team lost. You were positively taking pleasure in that image.
Every supporter of every team sport does the whole flag carrying thing. They wave them...when they're happy watching the game. It's better than waving a willy or a stick.

Just read your own posts for a while...just yours. And ask yourself "am I acting like a cunt?"
And be honest with the answer.
Good post. But - and I say this as a matter of fact, rather than to be provocative - I really am not sure that ddraig is capable of doing what you recommend in the last paragraph. If he were, the penny would surely have dropped by now.

It's strange - he is friends with people I like and respect, and I am sure he cannot be as angry and bitter as he presents himself on here, but the picture is depressingly consistent. I hope I one day get to find out that he is different in RL.

ETA: I've just read the post he made while I was writing this. :(
awww, still smarting :(
a cunt for not supporting englund and being ABE, why does it hurt you so?
I don't have a problem with either of those stances. It's the fact that you openly rub it in people's faces. That's what makes you a cunt. (well, it's one of the things)
What am I meant to be bitter about? can you back this up? or any of the other accusations you've made by linking to any posts?
Do you think anyone else in this thread has acted like a cunt? do you think posting personal abuse and explicit pictures are ok?

I don't know why you might be bitter. But if you search this thread for only your posts and read them and be honest about the tone of all of them, maybe you'll see how you are coming across.
Good post. But - and I say this as a matter of fact, rather than to be provocative - I really am not sure that ddraig is capable of doing what you recommend in the last paragraph. If he were, the penny would surely have dropped by now.

It's strange - he is friends with people I like and respect, and I am sure he cannot be as angry and bitter as he presents himself on here, but the picture is depressingly consistent. I hope I one day get to find out that he is different in RL.

ETA: I've just read the post he made while I was writing this. :(
And as if by magic :D
He can't help himself, can he :D
And he has friends (IRL)? :hmm:
I don't have a problem with either of those stances. It's the fact that you openly rub it in people's faces. That's what makes you a cunt. (well, it's one of the things)
so you can only support other teams and be ABE if you keep quiet about it? don't upset englund fans or face the wrath and ridicule? so easily upset aren't you
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