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Are You "Anyone But England"?

No, the 'normal english football fans' might think this but only because by definition they have low levels of self awareness. This lack of self awareness is what Spymaster set out to expose when he started the thread. He opened the way for even someone like ddraig to come out looking better than that lot. Like I say I haven't read the thread but a cursory glance is all that's needed to work out what's going on. We can also observe existentialist 's targeted comments leveraging his position as one of the colonial English occupying parts of Wales (which as we know is not really separate from England anyway). I expect there have been various PMs going around in the background; it's clearly a carefully calibrated operation. Probably, technically, several people should be banned for breaking FAQ or other arbitrary rules.
I am happy to state for the record that I have been party to no PM's designed to "calibrate" this "operation".

Any offence I have caused has been entirely on my own account :thumbs:
No, the 'normal english football fans' might think this but only because by definition they have low levels of self awareness. This lack of self awareness is what Spymaster set out to expose when he started the thread. He opened the way for even someone like ddraig to come out looking better than that lot. Like I say I haven't read the thread but a cursory glance is all that's needed to work out what's going on. We can also observe existentialist 's targeted comments leveraging his position as one of the colonial English occupying parts of Wales (which as we know is not really separate from England anyway). I expect there have been various PMs going around in the background; it's clearly a carefully calibrated operation. Probably, technically, several people should be banned for breaking FAQ or other arbitrary rules.

You pompous twat. :D
I am happy to state for the record that I have been party to no PM's designed to "calibrate" this "operation".

Any offence I have caused has been entirely on my own account :thumbs:
And, actually...

Spymaster started the thread, and then, before the first page was done, a Certain Welsh Party had roared in full of (self-)righteous indignation, displaying exactly the behaviours Spymaster was referring to in his OP. No calibration or co-ordination was necessary: if Spymaster was indeed trolling, then a) it was a masterly troll that went like clockwork, and b) was beautifully assisted by the ever-cooperative dragon.
No, the 'normal english football fans' might think this but only because by definition they have low levels of self awareness. This lack of self awareness is what Spymaster set out to expose when he started the thread. He opened the way for even someone like ddraig to come out looking better than that lot. Like I say I haven't read the thread but a cursory glance is all that's needed to work out what's going on. We can also observe existentialist 's targeted comments leveraging his position as one of the colonial English occupying parts of Wales (which as we know is not really separate from England anyway). I expect there have been various PMs going around in the background; it's clearly a carefully calibrated operation. Probably, technically, several people should be banned for breaking FAQ or other arbitrary rules.
Good effort. :thumbs:
bitter about what?
I'm going to keep this here because I don't want to shit up the match threads any more. Maybe you might want to think about how many people you've pissed off on football threads in recent days. What the fuck for? Why the fuck couldn't you just have stayed away? Exactly how many people need to tell you to shut the fuck up before you start to look at yourself and how you're behaving and maybe, just maybe, have a rethink about how you're doing things?
I'm going to keep this here because I don't want to shit up the match threads any more. Maybe you might want to think about how many people you've pissed off on football threads in recent days. What the fuck for? Why the fuck couldn't you just have stayed away? Exactly how many people need to tell you to shut the fuck up before you start to look at yourself and how you're behaving and maybe, just maybe, have a rethink about how you're doing things?
awwww, boooohooo :(
so no one is allowed to post on englund threads unless supporting them? no one is sposed to reply to abusive posts
I explained very early on why ABE, people say i should be banned from threads, i've been called a dick by several posters and had explicit pictures posted at me
There's been a load of assumptions and projecting too
Tons of cross thread beef and personal insults (don't think i've got personal)
I've been called racist which is really out of order
People on ignore and those who've been warned have kept on referring to and trying to ridicule me and others picked up the baton
why should i shut the fuck up? why should i stay away? because people don't like what i've posted? boohoo
can i request certain posters stay away from certain threads? how do you think that would go down and would you accept it?
and you and the gang still can't control where and what i post
get the fuck over yourself and fuck right off with telling me how i should behave

Are englund fans that fragile they need safe spaces on their threads and can't take what they dish out?
I've constantly been called bitter but no one will say about what
awwww, boooohooo :(
so no one is allowed to post on englund threads unless supporting them? no one is sposed to reply to abusive posts
I explained very early on why ABE, people say i should be banned from threads, i've been called a dick by several posters and had explicit pictures posted at me
There's been a load of assumptions and projecting too
Tons of cross thread beef and personal insults (don't think i've got personal)
I've been called racist which is really out of order
People on ignore and those who've been warned have kept on referring to and trying to ridicule me and others picked up the baton
why should i shut the fuck up? why should i stay away? because people don't like what i've posted? boohoo
can i request certain posters stay away from certain threads? how do you think that would go down and would you accept it?
and you and the gang still can't control where and what i post
get the fuck over yourself and fuck right off with telling me how i should behave

Are englund fans that fragile they need safe spaces on their threads and can't take what they dish out?
I've constantly been called bitter but no one will say about what
Someone's rattled :D
Careful, now :D

Anyway, I think teuchter has entered very much into the spirit of the thread, with some beautifully subtle inflammatory observations right there. It is, in a way, his own interpretation of the zeitgeist of this thread, and excellently done, if I may say so.

Oh, yeah, I get what's he's doing, it's just the pompous presentation that greatly amuses me. :D
init! poor LBJ for starters, head must be a bit sore this morning :D
I'm not rattled. Your behaviour on football threads has pissed me off, though, and it's pissed off other people as well. Even fellow ABEers have been telling you to stop. This isn't about me. It's about you making it all about you on the match threads. You're self-centred and self-absorbed and have a massive sense of entitlement - 'I'm going to post what I like where I like and nobody's going to stop me. So neeer.'
awwww, boooohooo :(
so no one is allowed to post on englund threads unless supporting them? no one is sposed to reply to abusive posts
I explained very early on why ABE, people say i should be banned from threads, i've been called a dick by several posters and had explicit pictures posted at me
There's been a load of assumptions and projecting too
Tons of cross thread beef and personal insults (don't think i've got personal)
I've been called racist which is really out of order
People on ignore and those who've been warned have kept on referring to and trying to ridicule me and others picked up the baton
why should i shut the fuck up? why should i stay away? because people don't like what i've posted? boohoo
can i request certain posters stay away from certain threads? how do you think that would go down and would you accept it?
and you and the gang still can't control where and what i post
get the fuck over yourself and fuck right off with telling me how i should behave

Are englund fans that fragile they need safe spaces on their threads and can't take what they dish out?
I've constantly been called bitter but no one will say about what
Nice bit of mischaracterisation there.

First of all, being critical of the ABE stance does not in any way imply that ABE posters shouldn't post.

Secondly, the problem with your particular posting style is that, while it undoubtedly pretty seriously ABE, you are quite incredibly hostile to anyone who dares dissent from your point of view - to a remarkable level of consistency. Not only that, but you seem to feel entitled to dish out hostility that, when you get but a tenth of the same back, reduces you to incoherent fits of the vapours.

Thirdly, there is no "gang". What there is, is a large (and increasing) number of people who all feel similarly about the way you behave. (See points 1 and 2 above). It's very easy to simply assume a victim posture - as you regularly do - and blather about how you're being targeted, but what's actually happening is that YOU are making YOURSELF into the target, for whatever reason.

Fourthly, that victim thing. Which is probably the bit I hold you in the deepest disdain for. There are victims. There are perpetrators. People who don't deserve to be mistreated have terrible things done to them, and they deserve support and sympathy for that. You are not one of those people - everything you find yourself on the receiving end is stuff you have positively invited on yourself, by virtue of 1, 2, and 3 above (and a whole lot else). You seek to clothe yourself in victimhood to enable you to continue to behave in a way which - so you appear to believe - excuses you from any responsibility for your behaviour.

And, in doing that, you spit in the face of every genuine victim of persecution. While you are making all this noise and blowing all this smoke about how everyone's got it in for you, you're blurring the distinctions for genuine victims, and making it easier for people to persecute them. And for that, for your attempt to cheapen the things people genuinely have to go through, you earn my disdain.

You (probably) won't see this - you're very fond of pointing out that you have me on ignore :D. But that's OK, because it's not meant for you. Think of it as a "gang" briefing :D. And yeah, I know that, despite your much-trumpeted ignoring, this will become prima facie evidence in your eyes of the existence of a "gang" (there is no "gang"). Fill your boots.

And, since you're reading this - if you want the situation to change, try growing a little self-awareness, some emotional maturity, and for heaven's sake lose the victim posturing. It's cheap, inauthentic, and makes you look pathetic - in the dictionary sense of that word.
I'm not rattled. Your behaviour on football threads has pissed me off, though, and it's pissed off other people as well. Even fellow ABEers have been telling you to stop. This isn't about me. It's about you making it all about you on the match threads. You're self-centred and self-absorbed and have a massive sense of entitlement - 'I'm going to post what I like where I like and nobody's going to stop me. So neeer.'
oh dear
why does it piss you off/trigger you when someone supports someone else?
It isn't about me, it's about englund sporting hype, expectation and bullshit and the crying when it doesn't bear fruit.
As I said last night i'm responding to posts, if so many posters weren't aiming their anger at me for not supporting engerlund then I wouldn't have to post so much
do you think Saul is right to call me bitter and xenophobic?
one fellow ABE was being diplomatic as they always are, so enough with you wishful extrapolation
what entitlement do you think i have? :confused:
And, actually...

Spymaster started the thread, and then, before the first page was done, a Certain Welsh Party had roared in full of (self-)righteous indignation, displaying exactly the behaviours Spymaster was referring to in his OP. No calibration or co-ordination was necessary: if Spymaster was indeed trolling, then a) it was a masterly troll that went like clockwork, and b) was beautifully assisted by the ever-cooperative dragon.
This thread's done exactly what it was intended to do. In spades.

Nobody expects everyone to support England. I've had loads of texts and calls from friends of other nationalities over the last couple of weeks, taking the piss or on a gentle wind-up. That goes both ways. There are only a handful of really nasty ABE types on these boards and they do the same on other sports threads where England are involved. There are plenty of ABE's that have posted on the match threads, and this one, without attracting any heat at all because of the lack of genuine bitterness and bile in their posts. To those posters, I salute you.

If I've wound up a few others; good. :)
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This thread's done exactly what it was intended to do. In spades.

Nobody expects everyone to support England. I've had loads of texts and calls from friends of other nationalities over the last couple of weeks, taking the piss or on a gentle wind-up. That goes both ways. There are only a handful of really nasty ABE types on these boards and they do the same on other sports threads where England are involved. There are plenty of ABE's that have posted on the match threads, and this one, without attracting any heat at all because of the lack of genuine bitterness and bile in their posts. To those posters, I salute you.

If I've wound up a few others, good. :)
It's been quite instructive to read civilised, sensible posts from people who are clearly ABE, but seem to be able to retain a sense of proportion. Given that every day is a schoolday, I am pleased about this - despite my boasts of being surrounded by reasonable Welsh people, there's always a certain undercurrent of ABE around, and following this thread has given me a much better insight into how that works, and will I am sure make me even less likely to be, ahahaha, "triggered" by any ABEism I encounter in future. That's to say any ABEism that comes unencumbered by stary-eyed, monitor-bespittling xenophobic hysterical ranting, naturally. I shall continue to look down my nose at that :)
This thread's done exactly what it was intended to do. In spades.

Nobody expects everyone to support England. I've had loads of texts and calls from friends of other nationalities over the last couple of weeks, taking the piss or on a gentle wind-up. That goes both ways. There are only a handful of really nasty ABE types on these boards and they do the same on other sports threads where England are involved. There are plenty of ABE's that have posted on the match threads, and this one, without attracting any heat at all because of the lack of genuine bitterness and bile in their posts. To those posters, I salute you.

If I've wound up a few others, good. :)
I got banned off a thread lately for not living in Brixton and daring to have an opinion about traffic in Brixton.
Then you get this thread, where this xenophobic prick is allowed to post provocatory shit with impunity, because the person in charge is also ABE.
If xenodddddraig was English and posted this shit on a Wails thread, he'd be banned from the thread within seconds.
I got banned off a thread lately for not living in Brixton and daring to have an opinion about traffic in Brixton.
Then you get this thread, where this xenophobic prick is allowed to post provocatory shit with impunity, because the person in charge is also ABE.
If xenodddddraig was English and posted this shit on a Wails thread, he'd be banned from the thread within seconds.
tbf this is the thread for the idiotic xenophobic shit. Let him get it all out on here, and let the rest of us tell him what a twat he is for it. That's the thread's function. ;) But fucking keep it away from everywhere else, ddraig. Enough people have said it now - this isn't just me.
I got banned off a thread lately for not living in Brixton and daring to have an opinion about traffic in Brixton.
Then you get this thread, where this xenophobic prick is allowed to post provocatory shit with impunity, because the person in charge is also ABE.
If xenodddddraig was English and posted this shit on a Wails thread, he'd be banned from the thread within seconds.
sounding quite bitter there!
where have i been xenophobic? back it up or retract please
for the final time englund football, media and fans, not english people as you clearly don't get it
editor was praising englund and willing them on yesterday so you're quite wrong with that
tbf this is the thread for the idiotic xenophobic shit. Let him get it all out on here, and let the rest of us tell him what a twat he is for it. That's the thread's function. ;) But fucking keep it away from everywhere else, ddraig. Enough people have said it now - this isn't just me.
"the rest of us"
so fucking pompous and high and mighty still, think you'll ever get over yourself?
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