two sheds
Least noticed poster 2007
I have suggested this to two sheds to at least two times now - including linking to an actual copy of the book. Yet here we are again.
And I’ve read the entry on ‘liberal’ at least two times (three since Dotty quoted it). You keep pointing to the nuanced discussions in there, but people on urban certainly use it to mean “not a revolutionary socialist” and, whether they’re right or not, to someone who doesn’t know the background makes them look like cult members or petulant schoolkids.
Each time we go through this I’ve understood more closely which people you hate and despise, but it’s the hating and despising of the views of such a huge section of society that I think is so unhealthy. Not just believing they’re wrong but full-on hatred and contempt. I don’t care how clever and nuanced your political analysis is, that isn’t going to end well.
So here we are again.
Incidentally it’s a bit rich complaining as you have done of liberals “lack of rigour and of weak and sentimental beliefs” when revolutionary socialists are proposing a revolution where we don’t know who’s going to take over or what they’re going to do when they get there.
I've seen noone join the dots from how we get from the relatively few revolutionary socialists we have now to converting the working classes to stage the full-on up-on-the-barriers-lads revolution that will lead to the destruction of international capitalism and nice fluffy unicorns for everyone.
And why power’s not going to be co-opted along the line by some authoritarian fucker who’s pretending to be right-on socialist.