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Apple is betting the farm on a VR headset

Why would you even risk wearing a $3.5k thing on your head in public. Not only will you look like a total dick, but someone will eventually follow you to a convenient mugging point.
Like Crispy says, the prospect of CAD done properly with one of these is amazing. For me it would be having a venue/arena/stadium fully modelled, being able to place the stage, trusses, lighting etc and experience how it all looked (and with immersive audio, sounds) from anywhere the audience could be would be a game changer.
Same here. Even if the applications just worked as they do now, and it let me have multiple "monitors", it would completely change how and where I could work. My work setup is three monitors, and a quite heavy 3d navigating device, plus keyboard and mouse and everything. So it's not portable at all and if I want to work anywhere other than at my desk, I either have to compromise in what I can do, or lug a load of stuff around. The idea that I could get rid of all that physical stuff, and work in the park or on the train or in a cafe or whatever, is very attractive.

Really don't fancy wearing something heavy on my head for hours each day though. As others have said, that's the bit that needs to change.

Also, I worry a bit that if fully immersive 3d modelling becomes the norm, will those of us susceptible to motion sickness suddenly be at a disadvantage?
If it proves useful (big if) it will be as common as phone ownership.

The rich wouldnt be seen dead on public transport with the poors.
I don't want to live in a world full of people enclosed in VR headsets in public spaces. It'll never be as common as mobile phones. either.
I don't want to live in a world full of people enclosed in VR headsets in public spaces. It'll never be as common as mobile phones. either.

Who knows? Not it's current form that's for sure, but never is a long time. Mobiles show people want constant access to data, AR will just be the next stage. Who would have predicted current phone use in the 80s.
Why would you even risk wearing a $3.5k thing on your head in public. Not only will you look like a total dick, but someone will eventually follow you to a convenient mugging point.
People used to say people using mobile phones in public looked like total dicks too though. Heard similar rumblings about smart watches. I think they will become common though not ubiquitous.
No other consumer tech category has had as steep an adoption curve to ubiquity as smartphones. The games console and even the PC markets are pitiful by comparison, and they are a much better proxy for AR kit potential.
Who knows? Not it's current form that's for sure, but never is a long time. Mobiles show people want constant access to data, AR will just be the next stage. Who would have predicted current phone use in the 80s.
I really don't think comparing the utility and growth of smartphones with Apple's eyewateringly expensive VR headsets is valid. The tech world is littered with failures and sure fire hits turning out to be niche products.
Buyer's remorse is setting in for some already:

Bit weird that so many of the complaints described relate to comfort; I thought these things were individually tailored to fit each customer? Also seems like the design geniuses at Apple forget about balancing the load of the headset.
Buyer's remorse is setting in for some already:

Bit weird that so many of the complaints described relate to comfort; I thought these things were individually tailored to fit each customer? Also seems like the design geniuses at Apple forget about balancing the load of the headset.

I hadn’t heard about them being individually tailored. But then having a tailored facial piece won’t help the balance issue, and certainly not motion sickness.
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