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What did antifa do during the recent Euro elections?

I dunno, but i'm thinking that they, unlike your pals, didn't create the conditions and anger that allowed the BNP to get 1m votes and two MEP's. So any criticisms of antifa that you dribble out would be as nothing to the criticisms of your co-thinkers.
I dunno, but i'm thinking that they, unlike your pals, didn't create the conditions and anger that allowed the BNP to get 1m votes and two MEP's. So any criticisms of antifa that you dribble out would be as nothing to the criticisms of your co-thinkers.

He knows full what ANTIFA are and stand for, just needs to look at there web page..
Pretty crucial video this. Griffin says to KKK x leader Duke and to a meeting of white supremacists " our ideas, which are your ideas too"?
Nick Griffin says "There is a difference between selling out your ideas, and selling your ideas. And the British National party is not about selling out our ideas, which are your ideas too, but we are determined to sell them. That means using the saleable words, freedom, security, identity, democracy,,, [.......] Where we control the media, perhaps then the British people will say " every last one must go". [....] Instead of talking about racial purity, you talk about identity."
He clearly explains how he intends to decieve the electorate.

Last meeting griffin and duke? Not sure, but heres 2006, Photo of BNP leader with extremist - News - Manchester Evening News
Bnp allow NDP to vist RWB

RevLeft - View Single Post - Berlin Anti-fascists Mobilise Against The NPD.

Of course the NPD aren't Fascist? No they are Nazi. They even had the cheek and ignorance to nominate Rudolf Hess for a peace prize. It speaks volumes that the BNP allowed these people to RWB where they can sell their Nazi paraphernalia like Rudolf Hess posters.

After Nominating Rudolf Hess for Nobel Peace Prize: NPD Leader Charged with Inciting Race Hate - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International
in a 1997 booklet entitled Who are the Mind Benders? Griffin outlined a Jewish conspiracy to brainwash the British people in their own "homeland". In 1998, Griffin was found guilty of distributing material likely to incite racial hatred, for which he received a two-year suspended sentence.
get a copy of Who are the Mind Benders? here

this 4 minutes from of all people, Little John, give some hitorical roots on the booklet back to the british union of fascism.
not directly about fascist, but good info to undercut their key arguement.

an immigrants experience of free nothing;

> I'm so tired of people saying that we immigrants have more rights than
> British citizens. People really need to get their facts straight. Do
> we get income support? Nope. Social housing? Nope. The right to vote?
> Nope. Job seeker's benefits? Nope. Pensions? Nope. Free prescriptions?
> Nope. Disability assistance? Nope. Right of movement within the EU?
> Nope. And our British family members and spouses are afraid to take
> advantage of these services and rights, for fear that it might
> jeopardize our visa applications.
> Do we pay the same income and property taxes as everyone else? Yep.
> Indirectly support unemployed British people? Yep. Pay repeated
> astronomical fees to renew our visas? Yep.
> Assylum seekers may be supported by the state, but that's because it
> is illegal for them to support themselves. They could move on to
> self-sufficiency or go back home a lot easier if the Home Office
> wasn't so apallingly slow in deciding their cases, or if the
> government granted them the right to seek employment.
> /From *archaeomanda* on Tue Jun 09 06:38PM/

> Hello there, I know what you say about asylum seekers is true, and I
> have no reason to disbelieve what you're saying about immigrants. I
> would just like some background information, if you have it.
> Are you a specific type of immigrant, or is what you say true for all
> immigrants?
> At what point do immigrants gain full citizens' rights?
> Do you have any evidence to back up what you're saying, on such as
> government websites?


Just have a look at the visa requirements on the UK Borders Agency website for the various visa categories and rules. As far as I know, I'm the most common kind of immigrant. I'm sure there are less common categories of immigrants for whom different rules might apply, but I don't really know about them.

I'm American, and I originally came here as a student (requiring a visa). This entitled me to NHS services (but no other benefits) and no more than 20 hours per week employment. I then married a UK citizen, and in order to stay here I had to get another visa (Further Leave to Remain), good for two years, but I can work full time and use the NHS.
When this visa runs out, I will have to apply for either another Further Leave to Remain or an Indefinite Leave to Remain visa. In order to be eligible for the latter, I have to pass the Life in the UK test. With ILR, I will be a permanent resident, but I'm still not entitled to any benefits other than the NHS. In order to get citizen's rights, I have to then apply for citizenship separately. At that point I will be eligible for the same benefits as anyone else.

Hope this helps.

UKBA: http://ukba.homeoffice.gov.uk/ukresidency/eligibility/
The NAZI Roots of the BNP.
British National Party Now led by Griffin
whose body guard was;

up to 2006 was Mick Holmes.

Former leader John Tyndall

bnp was a split from National Front at one point led by Arthur K. Chesterton [see below].

nf was a split Greater Britain Movement

GBR split from National Socialist Movement

GBR was a split from British National Party (1960)

BNP was formed from a merger of the National Labour Party and the White Defence League, which two political splinter groups from the League of Empire Loyalists led by Arthur K. Chesterton, a former leading figure in the British Union of Fascists, who had served under Oswald Mosley.
Oh come on! Of what use is this? Other than to be ale to shout Nazi by some convoluted family tree?

This is arse backwards, you've decided to shout Nazi, that it's effective and then try and find ways to justify doing so. The orignal assumption is never questioned, nor more effective means examined.
Oh come on! Of what use is this? Other than to be ale to shout Nazi by some convoluted family tree?

This is arse backwards, you've decided to shout Nazi, that it's effective and then try and find ways to justify doing so. The orignal assumption is never questioned, nor more effective means examined.

contribute in a better way then.
To what? To bolster the same failed agenda as outlined in the OP? Why would i do that? The whoel approach of the thread is poltically fucked, it's asking people to contribute to helping the same failed approach. Bin the thread, bin this approach.
Does anyone know if the 'ex-marxists for Griffin' group still exists?There was that ex IMG fella from Lancashire and some ex CPers if I remember rightly.
To what? To bolster the same failed agenda as outlined in the OP? Why would i do that? The whoel approach of the thread is poltically fucked, it's asking people to contribute to helping the same failed approach. Bin the thread, bin this approach.

well just ignore the thread you attention seeking self centered little twot.
Peter Molloy, the BNP candidate for Belle Vale in Liverpool, posted a video on You Tube to respond to claims about the Liverpool BNP being involved with violent criminals like Joseph Owens. Pete Molloy admits BNP members know Joe Owens, but denies knowing him personally, saying "Joseph Owens is not a member of the BNP" and "he hasn't been involved with Liverpool BNP or the BNP for quite some time". If you MUST watch it, you can see I'm not lying by checking out Pete's video here...


The TRUTH is that Joe Owens was BNP leader Nick Griffin's bodyguard and personal assistant, that Owens has his own You Tube channel which shows his work for Liverpool BNP, which shows videos of the BNP Red White and Blue rally (aka RWB), and which features a video of the same Pete Molloy who claims not to know Joe Owens...


More importantly, Joe Owens wrote a book about his life in the NF and the BNP (mainly, it seems, because he was in a huff about being too insignificant to have merited a mention in Dave Hann and Steve Tilzey's anti-fascist book "No Retreat"). His "Action: Race War To Door Wars" book (aka "The Nazi Assassin") is long, offensive and very boring, but gives an insight into the mind of a hard-core BNP activist. Because few people want to read it, it had to be "published" as a free download, which means I can pass on some info without earning this wanker any royalties!

In his book Joe Owens complains people think Nazis are "mindless thugs" (page 1) but is too stupid to see the hypocrisy in the NF supporting "Law and Order" (p42) AFTER admitting he helped the NF launch unprovoked attacks on Vietnamese people and their CHILDREN (p21 + newspaper clipping) and on "Pakistanis", during which normal white people intervened to defend the Asians (p22). Owens makes no bones about his beliefs being conditioned by his dad's admiration for "Adolf Hitler and Oswald Mosley" (p9), and about how joining the NF and BNP led to him pasting stickers with slogans like "N****rs Eat S**t" (p26) and "Gas Jews" (p27) around Liverpool.

Like the lies in the BNP "Racism Cuts Both Ways" leaflet, Joe Owens admits the NF circulated a fake leaflet in Liverpool "purporting to be from the local council (which) claimed that each resident had to house one of the Vietnamese boat people" (p28). Owens also describes petrol bomb attacks on an Indian family, Sikh temple, Hindu centre, and death threats and harassment, including racist graffiti with slogans like "NF Skinheads Kill" (all p30).

Joe Owens says "there are plenty of people into whose horrible faces I pushed knives" etc (p2) but claims self-defence (sic) - except for when the BNP launched what Owens admits were unprovoked attacks, eg - on a Jewish bagel shop (p77), on squatters (p96-98), and when Owens was jailed for posting razor blades to Jewish people who even he admits "had done no harm to anyone" (p52).

Owens confirms the BNP are "very violent" (p85) and even says BNP attacks on one WOMAN didn't go far ENOUGH, saying "they should have... slashed the little witch across the face" (p100). His suggestion resembles an attack on Liverpool Trades Unionist Alec McFadden, who was named on the Redwatch website for campaigning against the BNP and who was slashed across the face in front of his kids...


As to whether the BNP believe in free speech, Joe Owens says he "would have been prepared to shoot every last one" of the BNP's opponents "had a nationalist government come to power", but now says he'd "settle for giving them a packed lunch and a parachute, then kicking them out of an aeroplane over Rwanda (so) they could have all the diversity they wanted" (p1) - without understanding how the martial arts he loves were introduced to the West as a result of diversity and multiculturalism!

After a career as a bouncer, Joe Owens returned to the BNP, as a (failed) Liverpool BNP candidate in 2003, then as cameraman and bodyguard for BNP chairman Nick Griffin, who chose to employ Owens in full knowledge of his criminal record and of his arrests for contract killings (p255). Pete Molloy claims the Anti-Fascist leaflet "smells of desperation" because it goes back "over a decade, sometimes two" - in fact Joe Owens was last convicted for attacking an opponent of the BNP in 2005...


Joe Owens remained a paid-up BNP member until 2006 (p281), but, as shown by his You Tube channel, Owens is still heavily involved with Liverpool BNP. His book is stupid and boring, but it tells the REAL story of BNP violence in one of their long-term and senior activist's OWN words...

Griffin is not just a fascist, he is a political prostitute of the worst kind. For example;
Everyone knows Griffin was grossly anti Semitic. Writing a book The Mind Benders, giving detail to how he believed a Jewish conspiracy was running Britain. He was convicted for inciting racial hatred. But hand in hand with his anti Semitism, came an admiration for Muslims.
After his faction took control of the NF, they met with representatives of Colonel Gaddafi’s regime through the Libyan People’s Bureau in London, and expressed support for Iran’s Ayatollah Khomeini. Rank and File members of the NF were not too pleased when Griffin, in 1985, praised the black separatist Louis Farrakhan: "White nationalists everywhere wish (Farrakhan) well, for we share a common struggle for the same ends: Racial Separation and Racial Freedom".
During this period, Griffin and other NF leaders took an all-expenses paid trip to Libya, as guests of the Gaddafi regime to obtain funding. National Front News wrote at the time: "Common interest must be turned into practical cooperation. Those involved must work to nail the media lies which are used by our enemies to try and divide us and make us afraid to be seen standing side by side with Third Way nations such as Libya and Iran".
This man who is worse than Tony Blair. This man is prepared to sell out any convictions. It doesn't matter who the scapegoat is, as long as he's got one to get himself to power, so he can carry out his true agenda and his true politics. What are they? His words in The Rune showed his real colours. "The electors of Millwall did not back a post-modernist Rightist Party, but what they perceived to be a strong, disciplined organisation with the ability to back up its slogan "Defend Rights for Whites’ with well-directed boots and fists. When the crunch comes, power is the product of force and will, not of rational debate". This is a fascist who will use of force to segregate Britain.
And when he has achieved this, and Britain is still in a mess who will he scapegoat? You and me.

Part 1 of a radio documentary about the EDL, BNP, KKK, so-called British Peoples Party (sic) and other right-wing extremists. These groups are currently pursuing a 3-pronged strategy in the UK. The 1st element in their strategy is the electoral politics of the BNP, facilitated by BNP attempts to improve their image by pretending that the BNP is no longer racist or Nazi. In the Euro 2009 election 2 BNP candidates were elected, but 94% of British voters still actively opposed the BNP, and recent BNP by-election results have been disastrous.

The 2nd element in the strategy consists of EDL and SIOE hooligans provoking street fights which the BNP then misrepresent as ethnic violence. EDL and SIOE protests are staged on the pretext of opposing terrorism, by people who did nothing to "defend" Britain after 7/7, who never protest against Nazi terrorists, who have close links with the BNP, and whose supporters show appreciation to a regime that butchered Britons during WW2 by giving Hitler salutes.

The 3rd element in the strategy is the outright terrorism pursued by Mosque arsonists, racist street attackers, and by failed Nazi nail-bombers like BNP candidate Robert Cottage, BNP supporter Nathan Worrell, BNP officials Lambertus Nieuwhof and Tony Lecomber, BNP steward and murderer David Copeland, and by other Nazi nail-bombers like British Peoples Party members Neil Lewington and convicted BPP paedophile Martyn Gilleard.

Since EDL supporters were photographed giving Nazi salutes, the EDL shot a video of EDL supporters in illegal political uniforms (black shirts and paramilitary style balaclavas) burning a Swastika flag to "prove" the EDL aren't Nazis, but the EDL have never had the courage to burn a BNP flag! It also seems the EDL have at least 3 Uncle Toms... err... black supporters and 1 mixed-race supporter, out of an alleged membership of several thousand. General Franco's Fascist army had thousands of black foot-soldiers during the Spanish Civil War, and even Hitler's Luftwaffe used a few black pilots when the Nazis were desperate!
The 3rd element in the strategy is the outright terrorism pursued by Mosque arsonists, racist street attackers, and by failed Nazi nail-bombers like BNP candidate Robert Cottage, BNP supporter Nathan Worrell, BNP officials Lambertus Nieuwhof and Tony Lecomber, BNP steward and murderer David Copeland, and by other Nazi nail-bombers like British Peoples Party members Neil Lewington and convicted BPP paedophile Martyn Gilleard.
most people would not consider david copeland a failed nazi nailbomber.

even so, the number of 'nazi' nailbombers pales into insignificance when compared with the number of british islamists convicted of terrorist offences and / or trained in jihadi training camps in afghanistan and pakistan. but they're strangely absent from resistancemp3's posts.
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