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Angel pub on Coldharbour Lane becomes arty community space run by Brick Box

But it doesn't state what bit of the event they funded; the funding might not cover the costs of security and bar staff. Funding bids are very, very specific, you cannot spend a penny on what isn't stipulated in the funding agreement. So for example, if you make a funding bid to buy sports equipment for a summer camp, you then cannot spend some of it on sports equipment and some of it on squash and fruit for drinks and snacks. All the money must only be spent on sports equipment.

They may have funded the cost of flying these people out to Brixton, and the cost of accommodation for them, but may not have covered the costs of running the event in the venue itself, for example.

Exactly, but Editor is continuing as per the rest of the thread with inaccurate assertions and not bothering to check his facts. I recommend he takes a course in basic journalism skills before posting up any of this nonsense.
Exactly, but Editor is continuing as per the rest of the thread with inaccurate assertions and not bothering to check his facts. I recommend he takes a course in basic journalism skills before posting up any of this nonsense.

I don't think he was doing that at all tbh, not in this case. If you're not used to making funding bids, why would you think anything other than you make an application and get a big chunk of money? Ed might not know that funding bids are specific in their stipulations; I wouldn't expect him, or anyone to google that boring nugget of information tbh.
But there's graffiti which isn't an eyesore and graffiti that is. This falls on the 'is an eyesore' category.

Given that Brixton has a fine history in community murals, why couldn't the outside have been painted as a mural? It would have been a good way to get the community involved, like when boohoo did the windmill mural project, and made the building more or an icon than an eyesore?

It's temporary, and it's fundamentally different from a mural in that it's not a piece with an overall plan and made by a co-ordinated effort. I don't think this thing is especially good really but the idea of it was to let passersby make their own individual comments. As far as I can see it looks like it has actually been contributed to by a cross section of people knocking around...there are some mentioning the local school and the local estate and some some comments against redevelopment etc. It's not like it's been edited to make it suitable for Prince Charles.
I don't think he was doing that at all tbh, not in this case. If you're not used to making funding bids, why would you think anything other than you make an application and get a big chunk of money? Ed might not know that funding bids are specific in their stipulations; I wouldn't expect him, or anyone to google that boring nugget of information tbh.

To start with, if he'd read the event page properly he'd have seen that the Rio people weren't the only act. That alone makes his statement obviously unsubstantiated.
I don't think he was doing that at all tbh, not in this case.
Indeed. I just stated that the event must have been expensive to put on, what with it needing door charges and funding from an oil giant, on top of the income from the bar.

The artists were already in the UK, by the way.

Edit to add: Rio Occupation were "Co-funded by British Council and Arts Council England project in London and Rio de Janeiro."
Indeed. It's a mess and just looks like crap tagging.
I've seen some great stuff in my time, that is not it. Yes, they got people to do it for them, but there are ways of doing graffiti art AND getting lots of people to contribute so that it's doesn't look crap.
I've seen some great stuff in my time, that is not it. Yes, they got people to do it for them, but there are ways of doing graffiti art AND getting lots of people to contribute so that it's doesn't look crap.
The only time people were invited to scrawl over the walls was when the Brick Box people were standing outside holding the paint brushes - which wasn't very often at all.

Of course, I imagine local taggers and graffiti artists will rightly see this building as fair game now seeing as they've done such a good job of making it look like a derelict squat.
As far as I can see it looks like it has actually been contributed to by a cross section of people knocking around...there are some mentioning the local school and the local estate and some some comments against redevelopment etc.
And McDonalds.
The only time people were invited to scrawl over the walls was when the Brick Box people were standing outside holding the paint brushes - which wasn't very often at all.

Of course, I imagine local taggers and graffiti artists will rightly see this building as fair game now seeing as they've done such a good job of making it look like a derelict squat.
And McDonalds.

I was just about say it makes the building look abandoned.
What 'inaccurate assertion' did I post up?
It may be a small building but these events must be incredibly expensive to put on.

Their website says that "Entry fees are necessary to cover the costs of hiring security and bar staff," yet it also states that Friday's event was "mainly" funded by Brazilian multinational oil giant Petrobas, the largest company in the Southern Hemisphere by market capitalization and the largest in Latin America measured by 2011 revenues.
I drunkenly emailed them last night to ask about posters...

"Thanks very much for your email re: the poster in the window. Apologies for the delay in putting in up - we are waiting for Mr Dane and his collaborators to finish painting the outside of the building so we can see where is the best place to put it. This should be finished by the end of Wednesday so the poster will go up asap after that.

Thanks for keeping us in the loop and giving us a firm shake! "
maybe most of them are too into their operational/overseeing roles and they have not yet found a physical promotion intern?? :confused:
i was considering going along to the occupation rio thingy. glad i didn't now, if it was a sham sponsored by one of the world's big satans using the language of the left to co-opt etc.
I'm just seeing a big mess of random tags, scrawls and a big blob of black paint that makes TOX look like John Constable.

Looks like one of things where all the marks line up from a certain point of view to form a picture.
If you look at the doors from the other side, you'll see two big faces in black paint.
I cycled by earlier and considered taking a photo but didn't fancy standing in the road.
Maybe on my way back later :)
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