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Angel pub on Coldharbour Lane becomes arty community space run by Brick Box

Here's the art project.




I'm sure it'll give the redeveloper owners a warm glow inside.
I think Jerry Knight might be tolerating this in the hope of the jackpot - i.e. we all get so pissed off we burn it down in a riot! Then he could have The Viaduct 2 on the shopping terrace and The Viaduct 3 on the Carwash site. Ughhh!
Regarding black-outs: being Gay I am a bit naive you understand, but all the pubs I have been to with blacked out windows give you condoms as part of the admission price.
Do you think this might be Suzy Kruger's new hideway?
SHE caused enough trouble at Substation South, then that club in Camberwell Green which sued Southwark Council because they granted planning permission for flats nearby (shock horror!), thus effectively closing down their all-night shenanigans.
If Suzy is involved <editor: potentially dodgy content removed>
David @BrixtonianDave
@cllrstevereed When are you going to intervene re the Angel Pub-Coldharbour Lane? They have now covered it themselves with vile graffiti. They should be told to redo it nicely - or pay to have the Graffiti Squad do it. OR lose their license!
David @BrixtonianDave
@cllrstevereed I bet no-one with anything to do with the Angel "Art Centre" lives within 5 miles. AND they don't invite locals.I have had reports of local black guys being turned away from their £5 economy weekend raves. Yet the Saltoun Supper Club charge £40 to dress like Downton Abbey types to mock us poor people - right in there!
C'est moi - a nom de plume if you like
(Remember in the old days - La plume de ma tant etc etc)
Well, either you are accusing them of restricting entry on the basis of skin colour or you aren't - which is it?
I thought the decision on entry to clubs was the prerogative of the bouncers - who were not black (as I described a couple of weeks ago or was it one week ago)
Maybe bouncers need to be accountable - or even given equalities training in this case.
Maybe they got their equalities from Lord Muck - or whoever presides at Downton Abbey. Never watch that rubbish. I only watch BBC1 BBC2 BBC4 or the news (and my favourite Max Keiser on Russia Today of course)
Why are you posting your tweets here? surely twitter's got a big enough fan-base for you?
I'm still working on Twitter. I nearly have a following of 100 Nigerians, Ghanaians, Malawians, Zimbabweans and South Africans on Facebook though. It takes a bit of diplomacy to keep order amongst the atheists, Marxists, Catholics, Anglicans and various Christian Fundamentalists though. I find the easiest to please are Nigerian Moslems - very easy going normally.
The most troublesome are American atheists who will keep butting in - especially when you mention USAF Lakenheath or USAF Mildenhall - the US Nuclear bases in Suffolk. Then all hell breaks out sometimes. Not surprised at the Denver situation. Most Americans seem to be being trained to operate DRONES. So watch it mate!
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