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Angel pub on Coldharbour Lane becomes arty community space run by Brick Box

I take it you 2 are in favour of racist entry policies as applied to rave venues in Coldharbour Lane then?
There was something going on there last night, but with no posters on the Coldharbour Lane frontage and a bunch of three burly bouncers guarding the dark side entrance it didn't exactly look welcoming. It felt like it was a private party, tbh. Perhaps it was.

CH1: can you please keep on topic because your obscure rants are proving annoyingly disruptive.
There was something going on there last night, but with no posters on the Coldharbour Lane frontage and a bunch of three burly bouncers guarding the dark side entrance it didn't exactly look welcoming. It felt like it was a private party, tbh. Perhaps it was.

CH1: can you please keep on topic because your obscure rants are proving annoyingly disruptive.

I think they rent it out to private parties, a la the weird cunty supper club thing. seems fair enough if they also put on free stuff (which there's little evidence of yet)
I hate the graffiti most of all. I''m sure the locals would get on better in the Domino Club (as would I) in fact I went in there yesterday to tell them about the torch coming on Thursday. I had the letter from the councillors and Dame Tessa - but no-one had informed them!
There was something going on there last night, but with no posters on the Coldharbour Lane frontage and a bunch of three burly bouncers guarding the dark side entrance it didn't exactly look welcoming. It felt like it was a private party, tbh. Perhaps it was.
I suggest you check out if a queue forms - and if so join it and make an assessment of the customers. You could always say you've lost your wallet if you are unexpectedly asked for cash to get in!
I came back from Brixton about 9 pm last night - so all quiet on the western front.
I tweeted Ben from SLP with the thread address (at the beginning) and he will have seen my complaints to Reed re the graffiti. So he might be up for a story. Never know.
Hope that is OK. Obviously apart from myself and Mr Jasper (if he commented at all) no-one is identifiable.
But perhaps the SLP might find THAT weird?
Certainly politicians and Police Commanders will have taken note of what happens to them!
There was something going on there last night, but with no posters on the Coldharbour Lane frontage and a bunch of three burly bouncers guarding the dark side entrance it didn't exactly look welcoming. It felt like it was a private party, tbh. Perhaps it was.

It wasn't a private party, it's been in their event listings on their website and facebook for the last couple of weeks. £3 in.

It wasn't a private party, it's been in their event listings on their website and facebook for the last couple of weeks. £3 in.
Like most of Brixton, I don't follow them on Facebook.

Quite why they couldn't just put up a poster where people can see it remains one of life's mysteries.
It may be a small building but these events must be incredibly expensive to put on.

Their website says that "Entry fees are necessary to cover the costs of hiring security and bar staff," yet it also states that Friday's event was "mainly" funded by Brazilian multinational oil giant Petrobas, the largest company in the Southern Hemisphere by market capitalization and the largest in Latin America measured by 2011 revenues.
Urban75 in 2012: people complaining about graffiti being an eyesore. Middle England comes to Brixton.
But there's graffiti which isn't an eyesore and graffiti that is. This falls on the 'is an eyesore' category.

Given that Brixton has a fine history in community murals, why couldn't the outside have been painted as a mural? It would have been a good way to get the community involved, like when boohoo did the windmill mural project, and made the building more or an icon than an eyesore?
It may be a small building but these events must be incredibly expensive to put on.

Their website says that "Entry fees are necessary to cover the costs of hiring security and bar staff," yet it also states that Friday's event was "mainly" funded by Brazilian multinational oil giant Petrobas, the largest company in the Southern Hemisphere by market capitalization and the largest in Latin America measured by 2011 revenues.

But it doesn't state what bit of the event they funded; the funding might not cover the costs of security and bar staff. Funding bids are very, very specific, you cannot spend a penny on what isn't stipulated in the funding agreement. So for example, if you make a funding bid to buy sports equipment for a summer camp, you then cannot spend some of it on sports equipment and some of it on squash and fruit for drinks and snacks. All the money must only be spent on sports equipment.

They may have funded the cost of flying these people out to Brixton, and the cost of accommodation for them, but may not have covered the costs of running the event in the venue itself, for example.
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