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Angel pub on Coldharbour Lane becomes arty community space run by Brick Box

I can sorta understand their reluctance to put that poster up. Not that it's bad. It just doesn't really fit into the look they've currently got going there.
No, it's a practice that you need to apply to yourself if you want to escape your own cuntitude, nothing to do with anyone else.

Go on then, tell me what and how. It would be nice if you could sometimes post something that had some kind of content that there would be any point in responding to.
Go on then, tell me what and how.

It's simple. You look inward in a detached manner and assess whether what you're saying is reasoned, or whether it's informed by your prejudices, petty dislikes and biases.

Strip away your pettiness, bickering and self-righteousness and what's left, teuchter?

It would be nice if you could sometimes post something that had some kind of content that there would be any point in responding to.

You see, that comment is a hostage to fortune. If you indulged in reflexivity you'd have thought twice about making it, given the lack of any real content in many of your on posts. :)

Hope that helps.
teuchter: You've stated that you're only interested in a fair fight, that you want "just the facts m'lud" and for nobody or thing to go misrepresented.
But you seem go about it in a deliberately prickly way. I think that you know exactly what sort of reaction your comments will get, and make them that way on purpose. It makes you feel good when your opponents act in the way you predicted them to, and find this more rewarding than satisfying your original purported goals. Am I anywhere near the mark?
teuchter: You've stated that you're only interested in a fair fight, that you want "just the facts m'lud" and for nobody or thing to go misrepresented.
But you seem go about it in a deliberately prickly way. I think that you know exactly what sort of reaction your comments will get, and make them that way on purpose. It makes you feel good when your opponents act in the way you predicted them to, and find this more rewarding than satisfying your original purported goals. Am I anywhere near the mark?

One takes one's pleasures where one can, dear boy.
teuchter: You've stated that you're only interested in a fair fight, that you want "just the facts m'lud" and for nobody or thing to go misrepresented.
But you seem go about it in a deliberately prickly way. I think that you know exactly what sort of reaction your comments will get, and make them that way on purpose. It makes you feel good when your opponents act in the way you predicted them to, and find this more rewarding than satisfying your original purported goals. Am I anywhere near the mark?

If you were near the mark, then I would probably not explicitly confirm it to be so.

I am certainly a fan of accuracy and diligence but I'm not sure I've quite stated that I'm "only interested in a fair fight". There are other entertainments to be had along the way, of course. This is urban75 after all. If my comments are prickly then I think it is fair to say that generally they are aimed at those posters with their own brands of prickliness.

I look down upon posts which consist simply of insults but I cannot complain about these because they are an inevitable result of sometimes engaging in what you describe as a prickly manner.

I also look down upon posters unable to detect when comments might be made a little tongue in cheek, and I look down upon them in a particularly self-righteous way.

On the whole though, I don't think I am in the habit of just making assertions and then refusing to even try to back them up, or respond to criticisms by saying "you are wrong and an idiot because I am saying you are wrong and an idiot, so there". I think it is reasonable to object to this kind of behaviour, and that's largely what I've been objecting to in this thread.
Fair enough. I just ignore it and move on. I come here for fun, and if I'm not having fun, I don't take part. Don't feel the need to get myself wound up by other peoples inconsistencies.
It's simple. You look inward in a detached manner and assess whether what you're saying is reasoned, or whether it's informed by your prejudices, petty dislikes and biases.

Strip away your pettiness, bickering and self-righteousness and what's left, teuchter?

What's left is:
(1) editor writes something untrue
(2) I point this out
(3) editor calls me a clueless idiot or suchlike, with the adjectives used escalating in intensity over time to, for example, "poisonous"

examining (2), as it is the step in the process which I am involved in carrying out, I find it to be reasoned, as (1) is easily demonstrated. I consider that what I choose to point out to be untrue is inevitably informed by my biases and prejudices, but that this does not change the fact that it is untrue, and i consider that I have provided reasons as to why I feel it should be pointed out, and I am prepared to discuss these with people without reverting to the "you're an idiot/wrong because I say you're an idiot/wrong" line.
Fair enough. I just ignore it and move on. I come here for fun, and if I'm not having fun, I don't take part. Don't feel the need to get myself wound up by other peoples inconsistencies.

That seems entirely reasonable to me and I have no objection to such an approach.
The Brixton Blog thing says they are asking for a 2am license - were they originally asking for more than that?
The Brixton Blog thing says they are asking for a 2am license - were they originally asking for more than that?
Yes. They wanted the place to have a drinks and music licence that let them stay open from 8am right through to 5am, every day and night of the week, including Sundays.
They've now covered up the entire artwork and associated scrawls, with a blue sheet masking the entire frontage.
I presume this is because of the Olympic Torch.

I hear from other sources that this poster was also taken down for the torch relay, allegedly by Lambeth council:


I don't see any reason why either should have been covered up/removed.
Fair enough. I just ignore it and move on. I come here for fun, and if I'm not having fun, I don't take part. Don't feel the need to get myself wound up by other peoples inconsistencies.

Crispy, not sure what this constitutes then?

teuchter: You've stated that you're only interested in a fair fight, that you want "just the facts m'lud" and for nobody or thing to go misrepresented.

But you seem go about it in a deliberately prickly way. I think that you know exactly what sort of reaction your comments will get, and make them that way on purpose. It makes you feel good when your opponents act in the way you predicted them to, and find this more rewarding than satisfying your original purported goals. Am I anywhere near the mark?

Seems a direct contradiction, unlike you...
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