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Angel pub on Coldharbour Lane becomes arty community space run by Brick Box

Absolutely, I will do, thanks very much.

Also, I'd like to stress again that when we do charge entry to the venue, it is a maximum of 5 pounds in order to cover our security, staff and utility/cleaning costs.
Brickboxer - for clarity -

- You are recieving no grant funding for the ex-Angel at the moment (apart from the Business in the Community thing)
- On each of the £40 nights it's been possible to get in for £5 max if you don't want to eat

is that right?
Brickboxer - for clarity -

- You are recieving no grant funding for the ex-Angel at the moment (apart from the Business in the Community thing)
- On each of the £40 nights it's been possible to get in for £5 max if you don't want to eat

is that right?

Hi there teuchter,

- Yes, that's correct. And the Business in the Community thing isn't even funding, it was a free team away day.
- Yes, correct again. We have never charged more than 5 pounds for entry.

Thanks for asking.
Hi there teuchter,
- Yes, that's correct. And the Business in the Community thing isn't even funding, it was a free team away day.
- Yes, correct again. We have never charged more than 5 pounds for entry.
Thanks for asking.
Brickboxer sounds OK - but I still think those supper club events send out all the wrong signals locally.
Why not make it more workerist? Batle Ship Potomkin suppers for example? Why this upstairs down stairs fixation? Dowton Abbey etc? Some of us came to Brixton to get away from all that crap. Having people bussed in from Hoxton and Chelsea to rub my nose in it is not my idea of comradely behaviour.
Peter Hain would not have put up with that in the Apartheid cricket days.
Even bondage policewomen is unacceptable in Brixton.
In Chicago the Mayor's city officials crack down on violations of community values.
BrickBox wouldn't last 5 minutes in Chicago carrying on like they currently are!!!!
Hi there teuchter,

- Yes, that's correct. And the Business in the Community thing isn't even funding, it was a free team away day.
- Yes, correct again. We have never charged more than 5 pounds for entry.

Thanks for asking.

Ok. Well I think your posts answer a lot of the criticism that's been presented on this thread.

If you've read the whole thread you'll have seen that there are quite a few people with a tendency towards knee-jerk reactions and assuming the worst wherever there is a bit of an information vacuum. It's a shame you didn't respond a bit earlier - were you unaware of the discussion going on here?

I think it's in your best interests to keep an eye on what people are saying on urban75, because if you don't, there's a danger that certain untruths will become accepted fact, and also because there are some things you might do with good intentions but which may be interpreted a certain way by some people, and it will be useful for you to be aware of that. The text on the website about the bins/street drinkers etc being a case in point.

Urban75 comes up pretty high in search results about Brixton so it may well be that people looking up info about your project will initially come here rather than to your own website.
Quite often very affected voices too. They try to sound uninterested in stuff that isn't in their narrow field of interest and affect an air of ennui. In my experience they don't much care for middle-aged women doing their shopping and speak about them in disparaging terms as if they can't be heard. :mad:

So, they're like superannuated middle-class teenagers, then? :D
It's a shame you didn't respond a bit earlier - were you unaware of the discussion going on here?
I'd be utterly amazed if they didn't, especially seeing as they follow us on Twitter and this discussion has been going on for months. And, as you say, it appears at the top for search engine results.

And although you clearly have your blunt axe to grind here, this site has actually generally been very supportive of new businesses, and many of criticisms about Brick Box remain very valid indeed.
Do you want to list them then, that would help Bboxer address them for you:

a) awareness of what's going on inside BB to the local community
b) the type of events that go on and the cost involved
c) how the venue can be used by other people outside of the BB network
d) the funding arrangements - it seems like that's been answered, but perhaps a clarification would help?

I'm sure there's more you can add to...
Your bitterness about not getting to meet Prince Charles is really starting to show.
I couldn't give a flying regal fuck about ol' Charlie, but a surprising amount of old folks can't get enough of the jug eared toff. It would have made their day to meet him.
Ok. Well I think your posts answer a lot of the criticism that's been presented on this thread.

If you've read the whole thread you'll have seen that there are quite a few people with a tendency towards knee-jerk reactions and assuming the worst wherever there is a bit of an information vacuum. It's a shame you didn't respond a bit earlier - were you unaware of the discussion going on here?

I think it's in your best interests to keep an eye on what people are saying on urban75, because if you don't, there's a danger that certain untruths will become accepted fact, and also because there are some things you might do with good intentions but which may be interpreted a certain way by some people, and it will be useful for you to be aware of that. The text on the website about the bins/street drinkers etc being a case in point.

Urban75 comes up pretty high in search results about Brixton so it may well be that people looking up info about your project will initially come here rather than to your own website.

most pompous post of the month. trying to get on the guest list for the next nekkid ladies dinner?
just cos you're a sarky twat that likes a dig too

e2a - welcome Brickboxer, good to have some clarifications and answers
If I was taller and my shopping hadn't been so heavy I would have swung a bag at the back of his head. I just went home fuming.

Last person who pissed me off like that only avoided a twatting with my walking stick because a) he was about the same age as my parents, and b) I was with my parents, and didn't want to spoil their illusions about my essentially kind and gentle nature.

What had he done? Made a remark to his (rather obsese) companion that "if that bloke weren't so fat, he wouldn't need walking sticks". He got back "if this bloke didn't need walking sticks, he wouldn't be fat, you inbred Norfolk fuckwit!". Limped after my parents and Greebo, and my mum asked "were you arguing with that old man?". No, mum, just talking. :D
What are these "digs", then, and why don't they qualify as acceptable "comment"?

Go back through the thread, look at every instance of you replying snarkily. There's your digs.

Oh, and I didn't say they weren't acceptable or didn't qualify as "acceptable" comment, but if you feel that way about them...
Your bitterness about not getting to meet Prince Charles is really starting to show.

I'm VERY bitter about not seeing Prince Charles. I've lived in Coldharbour Lane for 26 years. And when HRH comes to call he gets to see 30 artistic types, 80% of whom are from the area. What area - London? South London. Definitely not Coldharbour Lane. They didn't even invite George Walters in when he tapped on the window. And there is no-one in Brixton more Royalist than George!
It's all a bloooming shame. I felt I wanted to write (a letter - he answers letter) to show him he was batting for the wrong side. Might still do unless a more full-some apology comes from BB.
i think the prince charles invite thing is a bit of an odd thing to get critical about. he's visiting a project which has been helped by one of his charities or whatever - he's going to see people involved in that project. Not a representative selection of people who happen to live nearby.:confused:
Go back through the thread, look at every instance of you replying snarkily. There's your digs.

Oh, and I didn't say they weren't acceptable or didn't qualify as "acceptable" comment, but if you feel that way about them...

You did effectively say they were not reasonable.
i think the prince charles invite thing is a bit of an odd thing to get critical about. he's visiting a project which has been helped by one of his charities or whatever - he's going to see people involved in that project. Not a representative selection of people who happen to live nearby.:confused:

Well I'm odd then (as I'm sure you already noticed!). I think I've been indoctrinated by my peasant upbringing in SUFFOLK. We had to raise out caps to the masters when they drove by in their Daimlers. And touch our forelocks to the squire.
That is why I feel betrayed by Prince Charles paying all this attention to corrupt Upstairs rif-raff when he should be nurturing peasants like me.
What's the use of a King is he just hobnobs with his rich cronies and their punk aspirants?
Another reason for me to hurry up and move to Kumasi. Look at the CV of the Asantehene:

Educated at Institute of Professional Studies(IPS) after his O-Level at Osei Kyeretwie College in Ghana and later at the Polytechnic of North London, now London Metropolitan University, from where he recently also received an honorary degree of Doctor of Philosophy, conferred at a ceremony at The Barbican Centre, London on 11 January 2006. He resides at the Manhyia Palace in Kumasi.

Look who he honoured:
Asantehene honours 100 hard working teachers in deprived communities May 7, 2012
The Asantehene, Otumfuo Osei Tutu II, has underlined the need for greater recognition of the contribution of teachers in the nation’s development effort. He said it should not be lost on anybody that the progress of the country depends on quality human resource and skills and this could not be achieved without the teacher.
It is on account of this that they need to be encouraged and motivated to put in their best.
Otumfuo Osei Tutu was speaking at a ceremony to honour 100 basic school teachers selected from deprived communities across the country at the Manhyia palace in Kumasi on Monday.
The award winners, 10 from every region, were selected based on their performance and commitment to the promotion of quality education. They received television sets, certificate of honour and assorted items donated under the auspices of the Otumfuo Osei Tutu Charity Foundation.
The 10 Regional Education Directors were also honoured at the ceremony.
The awards, an annual ritual by the Foundation is to celebrate the contribution of teachers in deprived schools and encourage others to readily accept postings there to help improve performance.
Otumfuo Osei Tutu said even though the prizes are modest, the spirit behind it is to inspire them to show more dedication and enthusiasm in the job they are doing to enhance the quality of education.
They should see their contributions as the sacrifice they are making towards the nation’s socio-economic development.
Mrs Ernestina Afosah-Anim, Greater Accra Regional Director of Education, on behalf of the prize winners thanked the Asantehene for the gesture. She said the honour would not only serve as imprint in their teaching career but also a demonstration of commitment by the Asantehene towards the provision of quality education and the welfare of teachers. GNA

Teachers, not wankers as one might say.
That is a proper king - not easily deceived Greek riff-raff consorting with alleged artists who have delusions of grandeur!
i think the prince charles invite thing is a bit of an odd thing to get critical about. he's visiting a project which has been helped by one of his charities or whatever - he's going to see people involved in that project. Not a representative selection of people who happen to live nearby.:confused:

Maybe you didnt see the BBC report on his visit. The report implied that he and the Lottery Commission were giving £5m to a place that was charging £40 a head for rich young folk to eat 'where the bins are kept, where the street drinkers drink'. A place that until recently was a Jamaican pub frequented by the sort of people who would scare the fuck out of the types going to this supper club. That's why I asked what she needed this money for.
Ok. Well I think your posts answer a lot of the criticism that's been presented on this thread.

If you've read the whole thread you'll have seen that there are quite a few people with a tendency towards knee-jerk reactions and assuming the worst wherever there is a bit of an information vacuum. It's a shame you didn't respond a bit earlier - were you unaware of the discussion going on here?

I think it's in your best interests to keep an eye on what people are saying on urban75, because if you don't, there's a danger that certain untruths will become accepted fact, and also because there are some things you might do with good intentions but which may be interpreted a certain way by some people, and it will be useful for you to be aware of that. The text on the website about the bins/street drinkers etc being a case in point.

Urban75 comes up pretty high in search results about Brixton so it may well be that people looking up info about your project will initially come here rather than to your own website.

Hi Teuchter, I was aware of some of the comments and have replied before on a previous thread. However, we are incredibly stretched as a team working 70 hour+ weeks so I'm not on the forum as much as I'd like to be. But it is good to be able to clarify a few things. Thank you.
Do you want to list them then, that would help Bboxer address them for you:

a) awareness of what's going on inside BB to the local community
b) the type of events that go on and the cost involved
c) how the venue can be used by other people outside of the BB network
d) the funding arrangements - it seems like that's been answered, but perhaps a clarification would help?

I'm sure there's more you can add to...

Hi there snowy_again, are these questions you'd like me to answer?

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