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Angel pub on Coldharbour Lane becomes arty community space run by Brick Box

If there's currently an exhibition on (wasn't that the gist of blackboxers earlier comments) which meant that there was art on the walls? If so that would have to be taken down daily, stored and then rehung for exhibition times.
Seemed to all come down quickly enough for Prince Charles! And what use is an art gallery if it's never open?!

Besides, surely they can't have that much art on the walls that it covers every single window? There sure seemed lots of space on the walls in the photos I've seen.
does it? how?

I don't think the stated aim means that every exhibition they have on has to appeal to the widest range of people they possibly can. quite the opposite.
Basically it's a bit outre for humble local real community estate residents. They would prefer exhibitions of pastoral country scene paintings or maybe karaoke nights. Their imaginations and interest can't stretch much further than that, bless 'em.
Basically it's a bit outre for humble local real community estate residents. They would prefer exhibitions of pastoral country scene paintings or maybe karaoke nights. Their imaginations and interest can't stretch much further than that, bless 'em.
Obviously you - being the local expert in these matters - know far better, but I've still got a sneaking suspicion that a 'night of cuntery' featuring someone wearing a giant sized vagina head doesn't figure highly on what the local residents are looking for in their community arts.

In fact, I'd suggest that many would find a night entitled, 'CuntCraft' rather offensive - what with many families and religious types living right outside - but fuck 'em, eh? This is COMMUNITY ART!
Whatever would Ann Widdecombe have to say about such a thing.
I don't think she heads down this way although I sometimes see her at Newton Abbott Station. Anyway, never mind her, what would Pastor Mimi think?
I don't think I'd go either, it seems a bit piss-off-your-parents-shock-value.
Every young generation thinks they're the first to have discovered sex. I just think it's the ironic-post-modern equivalent of this....

...and anyway, I think Judy Chicago did it so much better.
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I don't consider genitalia offensive but the shouty cunty capitals were just a bit LOOK AT US! FANNIES!

It's very art school... but I think that's kind of what Shunt & Brick Box do. When I was at art college these kind of people annoyed me (there was a condom tree which the lady and her partner kept updated with fresh used condoms....yuck!)
What sort of stuff are Brick Box doing with the local youth groups? I would have thought they could run some workshops and then exhibit the art to the local community or something.
You're getting desperate now.

Having launched into criticism of a specific event (I'm guessing with no real attempt to find out what it's actually about), you then refuse to discuss or acknowledge its aims or background.

Worse, you try and dismiss the whole thing with an implication that I'm just desperately trying to have a go at you.

I wonder if anyone has noticed that most of your responses to me are personal digs - "you're just clueless" etc - whereas my responses to you are to what you have written - generally criticisms initiated by you.

Anyway - no references to female genitalia on Coldharbour Lane please - it might offend religious people.
Hello everyone,

Here are some answers to your questions, snowy_again.

a. What’s going on at The Brick Box? There’s information on up coming events on our website, and we’re planning to have more information up outside our unit in Granville Arcade. People who are interested in The Brick Box tend to get in touch through email, the comments form on the website, enquiring at our market unit, coming and chatting to us, and so on.

b. Type of events and cost. Events are listed on our website with cost. The cost is never more than 5 pounds (although if there is food, you can pay more for that option), and we put on free events when we have funds to foot the bill. For Brixton Splash, for example, we’re running a sort of fringe event, opening during the day for free, running workshops and showing work responding to the pantheon Yuroba gods, curated by a local artist.

c. How can the venue be used? Anyone can submit a proposal to us – there’s a bit on our website called ‘Get involved’ which explains some different ways of joining in, but also in the ‘Contact us’ section people are invited to get in touch with whatever thoughts or questions. We don’t have a network that we prioritise, what goes on is purely about what we as a management team can support realistically when you factor in timings, costs for opening, etc.

d. Funding arrangements. In the past, The Brick Box has received funding from bodies such as the Outer London Fund, The Big Draw, and some others. Information on these funds is publicly available to all and, knowing the immense amount of hard work involved, I wish all the best to any one who applies.

To add, we don’t try to pick and choose what we think ‘art’ is because it’s different for different people. So there is a wide variety of things at our events, catering for different tastes.

Finally, it's worth mentioning that we haven’t been in the space for long and there is a huge amount of work that goes in to producing and facilitating the events and activities. As I've said previously, we're always keen to hear from new people and new ideas so if you'd like to get involved or see something different, drop us a line on hello@thebrickbox.co.uk.

Have a nice evening,
Obviously you - being the local expert in these matters - know far better.!

I'm sorry I've been in the effra for a while, but isn't exactly what you are doing too? You give off an impression that everyone 'new' should approach you for approval, and you won't budge an itch to make anyone welcome. Is that how you were treated when you arrived?

U75 is not a true representation of Brixton either. It's a combination of the social media savvy, & lots of lurkers who don't engage because of the immaturity of discussion on here.
U75 is not a true representation of Brixton either.
Of course it's not, but as nearby resident, I have every right to comment on what is going in my neighbourhood, especially when the 'community' word is being freely bandied about.

If you think that a public money-supported arts venture putting on unadvertised £40 'decadent' shindigs for their pals behind blacked out windows is a positive thing to happen to the local community, you are free to loudly lend them your support. No one is stopping you.

And if you think art shows called 'CuntCraft with The ClitorARTy' and 'Rude Food' are also the kind of things worth supporting, then, again, you are free to express that opinion.

Intimidating is the word you're looking for
Yet so many other businesses and ventures have managed to strike up a positive relationship with these boards with no problem at all.
That would imply it's intimidating though, which I don't find it is; just playground bullying. There's that argument that Internet space has different social mores to meat space and that you should treat it like a pub conversation. The level of nimbyism on here sometimes is amusing.

Incidentally there was a question before about which other art groups work withh BB, and i seem to have read that 198 Gallery does. given Hustlebucks us in my opinion one of the best things in the Arcade that can't be a bad thing can it?
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