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Angel pub on Coldharbour Lane becomes arty community space run by Brick Box

Why is this place receiving lottery funding if they're charging £40 for a ticket to things like this? Surely that's self-funding...?
Well quite, whereas getting funding for Arts projects on the estate a spit away is like trying to pick up mercury with a fork.
The lottery money went to BITC not Brick Box. BITC will work to support organisations, like Brick Box. I've already posted the link to the BITC programme and to the specific Lambeth BITC representative. If you can think of deserving organisations perhaps you can direct them to him instead?
I can't keep up with all these grants and handouts dished out to any well connected enterprise saying "community" enough times, but didn't the Brick Box trouser a wad of dosh from the Outer London fund?
Brickbox helps regenerate Tooting Brickbox is a London-based community arts company that grew from a volunteer base. It aids regeneration through the arts by holding events from fashion shows, live music, performance art through to theatre productions and gallery exhibitions. It started operating in Tooting Market in April, having won a £115,000 grant from the Mayor’s Outer London Fund for a seven-month programme of events to transform the community space.
And is this another, separate grant?
The Brick Box has received £10,000 from the Team London Small Grants Fund to run The Hatch project.
Yup, both are different grant programmes, coming from Boris (well not Boris himself by the Mayor of London's office). Although I'm sure Boris would like all that 'sexy food' bollocks.
And for those grant programmes it's not nepotism that gets you the money; it's a competitive process through an application and assessment process. Officers make recommendations, elected/appointed officials make funding decisions.
"The Hatch is recruiting a group of young business-minded volunteers to run a profitable internet café within Tooting Market in return for advice and ongoing guidance from successful local business professionals so they can develop their own entrepreneurial ideas.
The young Londoners taking part will also be able to bid for small pots of cash (up to £500) judged and awarded by The Hatch business gurus to help get their projects off the ground. In addition, the Hatch recruits will use the internet café as a place to work with a local asylum group and other Tooting residents who are not currently comfortable using the internet."
And other than the slightly sub SirLordAlanSugar approach of this press release, what bits do you object to?
Well quite, whereas getting funding for Arts projects on the estate a spit away is like trying to pick up mercury with a fork.

I'm sure I remember from years back there were lovely consultants who would help people make successful applications for lottery money. Fuck knows how they decide what to give or not give money to*.

As brick box seem to be successful why not go in there and ask them for tips?

*this reminds me of not knowing wtf an english teacher wanted of me in a particular assignment which I'd failed once. I asked my brother as he had been a particular favourite of hers followed his instructions and was top of the class! woo.
yeah there are people, including arty "community engagement" types that are very adept and used to milking funding who make even more lolly by offering others their form filling services

not that the odds are stacked against those more deserving, oh no!
I'm sure I remember from years back there were lovely consultants who would help people make successful applications for lottery money. Fuck knows how they decide what to give or not give money to*.
We have spread the net widely, we spend ages poring over the funders criteria and guidance notes, we tailor and tweak the project (which is based on what the tenants want) to fit the funding and it's knockback after knockback. We've had excellent guidance from a professional who helped us pro bono. It's not as if we're novices either. I have until recently identified loads of funders, put in applications and got the dosh. I'm also part of a completely different non-Brixton organisation which is punching above its weight, bringing in money, staying solvent and putting on big events for schoolchildren.

Maybe I should apply in person, dressed like Cora 'Belle Elmore' Crippen, with my décolletage liberally smeared with foie gras.....
Fuck knows how they decide what to give or not give money to*.

I did that for a decade. They run specific targeted funding themes, and then general 'open' programmes, where you identify a problem, and then propose a solution.

I have managed heaps of lottery grants in Brixton, none of which were advertised very well - it was nigh on impossible to get a local paper to run a good news story like that. So there's probably a lottery funded charity close to you all.

None went to Brick Box types but then I didn't specifically work on arts funding.

Awards for All and BLF Reaching Communities will still accept applications to deliver community development work that use the arts to deliver it (e.g skills development, generally making your area a better place to live). Success rates are about 50% at the moment as lottery ticket sales have gone through the roof since the recession hit.

The main downside is that all funding assessment is now centralised to Newcastle / Birmingham as the Govt are always pushing down the operating costs of lottery distributors.

There are now only a handful of London staff to cover every borough. I used to look after a team of 8 staff just to assess and manage applications in South London.

LVAC and other support organisations will help people develop and deliver applications and projects and there are regular 'meet the funder' events where you can explain your plans and have someone help you develop them.
Shunt was and is a registered charity and a non profit company limited by guarantee.

According to Companies House Shunt Events Ltd (registration number 03731826) is a private company limited by guarantee which is still active. Which is the organisation the link said the two who set up BB were in.

I would guess that there may be charity and private company running alongside each other. With the Events section doing commercial work like the nightclub?

Maybe preferable to setting up CIC which is different kettle of fish to registered charity. Keeps commercial part separate from charitable community bit.

another 40 quid dinner tonight, aimed at those people with money who also find the expression "slippery nipple" humourous.

I gave a lot of thought last night/this morning (sitting in bed, in too much pain to sleep) to who would be attracted to "rude food", and concluded it's most probably ex-public schoolboys, and the occasional wingnut who thinks using a person as a platter is "decadent".
Events at shunt were usually about £15-20 if I remember correctly. That didn't include dinner or drinks though.

If you went to shunt, had a few drinks there and bought a kebab on the way home, it wouldn't be very difficult to spend £40.

everytime i went to Shunt, it was £5. I went normally on a Thursday night and aside from a late DJ, you saw the same stuff.
also, Shunt went on to take over a building on Bermondsey Street and ran a theatre production called Money for quite a while after it left the Vaults.

That was - and Shunt was as far as i could work out and i went regularly - a straight up performance based night out where you paid an admission price and/or spent money at the bar. I can't recall any community type waffle whatsoever - plenty of wanky abstact artiste bollocks - but nothing about the other stuff Brick Box are on about, so i'm not sure its a valid comparison really.

I miss Shunt at the Vaults as it goes. was always a random night out.
According to Companies House Shunt Events Ltd (registration number 03731826) is a private company limited by guarantee which is still active. Which is the organisation the link said the two who set up BB were in.

I would guess that there may be charity and private company running alongside each other. With the Events section doing commercial work like the nightclub?

Maybe preferable to setting up CIC which is different kettle of fish to registered charity. Keeps commercial part separate from charitable community bit.

Well that makes 3 companies in total (the limited by guarantee non profit, the charity and a for profit registered company). Which is why CICs were seen as the way forward - profits can be generated as long as a set % was nominated in advance as going back to further their social aims. And you don't have to process x3 sets of accounts / directors forms / bank accounts. I'm not saying I agree with the logic* but that was the argument.

*I'm a director of a newish CiC - although nothing to do with Brixton - it hasn't solved any of the internal admin problems.
That was - and Shunt was as far as i could work out and i went regularly - a straight up performance based night out where you paid an admission price and/or spent money at the bar. I can't recall any community type waffle whatsoever - plenty of wanky abstact artiste bollocks - but nothing about the other stuff Brick Box are on about, so i'm not sure its a valid comparison really.
Indeed, and I certainly don't recall them going on about wanting to be where the 'street drinkers are and where the bins are kept' while charging £40 for hoity toity private supper club jollies.
also, Shunt went on to take over a building on Bermondsey Street and ran a theatre production called Money for quite a while after it left the Vaults.

That was - and Shunt was as far as i could work out and i went regularly - a straight up performance based night out where you paid an admission price and/or spent money at the bar. I can't recall any community type waffle whatsoever - plenty of wanky abstact artiste bollocks - but nothing about the other stuff Brick Box are on about, so i'm not sure its a valid comparison really.

I miss Shunt at the Vaults as it goes. was always a random night out.

I'm afraid your use of the phrase "random night out" means that the rest of your post is invalidated.
I gave a lot of thought last night/this morning (sitting in bed, in too much pain to sleep) to who would be attracted to "rude food", and concluded it's most probably ex-public schoolboys, and the occasional wingnut who thinks using a person as a platter is "decadent".

And the type of people who post on the naked threads here.

Anyway, perhaps editor can sit at his window tonight and take photos of everyone going in to the Angel and then post them here and then everyone can sit in judgement of them from the comfort of their computer chairs.
And the type of people who post on the naked threads here.

Anyway, perhaps editor can sit at his window tonight and take photos of everyone going in to the Angel and then post them here and then everyone can sit in judgement of them from the comfort of their computer chairs.
very catty! again you are missing the point

and i see you haven't denied being an ARTISTE/CABARET ACT/CURATOR type
And the type of people who post on the naked threads here.

That's rather a leap, I'd say, given that on the naked thread, people post a private picture in a limited environment (you do recall that the "nobbing and sobbing" forum isn't publicly-viewable, don't you?) and that we're talking about, with the event at the Angel, customers who won't be naked, but will be dining from the body of someone who is.

Anyway, perhaps editor can sit at his window tonight and take photos of everyone going in to the Angel and then post them here and then everyone can sit in judgement of them from the comfort of their computer chairs.

Why on earth would he want to indulge your sordid masturbatory fantasies? :confused:
no just what appears to be these types getting funding over others and then charging shitloads for non inclusive events.
teuchter said:
Anyway, perhaps editor can sit at his window tonight and take photos of everyone going in to the Angel and then post them here and then everyone can sit in judgement of them from the comfort of their computer chairs.
You are weird.
*this reminds me of not knowing wtf an english teacher wanted of me in a particular assignment which I'd failed once. I asked my brother as he had been a particular favourite of hers followed his instructions and was top of the class! woo.

So what happened?

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