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Angel pub on Coldharbour Lane becomes arty community space run by Brick Box

It was on a much grander scale, but its aesthetic was very similar. Dancing girls, dressing up, sorta cabaret/circussy,
little bit exclusive as the events weren't publicised hugely. I bet both places had people in the crowd rocking the Victorian strongmen look
I had a great night there. Not sure what it's got to do with Brick Box's £40 whizzo dinner jaunts behind blacked out windows in Brixton though.
Did they claim to be a community group that likes to hang out where the 'street drinkers are and when the bins are kept'?
Did they take over a traditional West Indian pub and start putting on exclusive £40 toff dinners?
Did their premises face social housing?

No? Oh, I'll have to look elsewhere for your 'point', then.


Do the people in social housing not spend this kind of money?
The pub had closed. You are saying that people in social housing only like a certain type of thing? The meal wasn't for toffs. it was for those who choose to spend £40 on a meal. i'm sure there are men and women who live in social housing who spend that kind of money down the pub or in a bar at the weekend. Do we have to exclude certain things from the area because we (that is the outspoken of urban75) think it's not appropriate? What if it was a West Indian Supper club at £40 - would it be equally as wrong?
Is there a point here?
Just find there's little difference aesthetically in the kind of events you like and put on to the events that seem to go on at Brickbox, regardless of the community-focussed worthiness of Brickbox's enterprise.
Do the people in social housing not spend this kind of money?
Perhaps some do, but no one I know in the block can afford that kind of money for such a night. I certainly can't.

And that's assuming that locals even get to hear about these nights, which seems very unlikely, seeing as Brick Box have never shown any interest in advertising locally. I have never seen even one poster in the window for these £40 fancies.

And, of course, when their supper club events are on, they take place behind blacked out windows, so locals are unlikely to learn anything then.

If they were genuinely interested in inviting the local community, how hard would it be to post up some posters in the windows or leaflets in local shops? Or put up a poster up in the foyers of the massive block opposite?
Just find there's little difference aesthetically in the kind of events you like and put on to the events that seem to go on at Brickbox, regardless of the community-focussed worthiness of Brickbox's enterprise.
Except mine are always open to all, are advertised locally, have reasonably priced drinks, don't cost £40 a head, are free to get in and don't take place behind blacked out windows.

Apart from that, yes, they're identical.
Perhaps some do, but no one I know in the block can afford that kind of money for such a night. I certainly can't.

And that's assuming that locals even get to hear about these night, which seems very unlikely, seeing as Brick Box have never shown any interest in advertising locally. I have never seen even one poster in the window for these £40 fancies.

Their promotions are limited. However it might be down to the people who are running the shows - are they picking up a ready made audience from the event organizers hence a small amount of promotion? Or are they unorganised? Or naive - only using internet?
how hard can it be to put something in the window/door saying ?
next event -
coming up this week/month -
want to put on (sorry curate) your event here, come in and speak to us between 10am-12noon on a blue monday or contact tabitha@eventcreative.brickbox.net
If you're so keen and think its such a great idea, why don't you get in touch and put on your own events?

I don't want to put on any events and anyway I suspect I'm not part of the actual real local real actual community. I can't see the Angel from my front door and I don't live in social housing.
why are you defending these people and hypocrisy hunting? :confused:
do you have a pal involved? are you angling to curate? :hmm:
no one I know in the block can afford that kind of money for such a night.
Peter Shapcott can - he still hasn't paid back £1,500 of the £2,000 his "charity" The Eddy Surman Trust borrowed from me in the 1990s - pending being "cash-flowed" by an Elton John Foundation grant he said. Miriam Margolies "patron" to boot.
What a con-man. Playing on people's sympathies for AIDS sufferers. Saw him in the market last week. Looked healthier than me, which is surprising, considering all those expensive recreational drugs he used to take.
He should fuck off back to Portsmouth and do some sailors (they better wear condoms of course).
teuchter said:
You've never drunk 10 pints in the course of a night out then?

No I haven't. I don't drink ten pints in any night, least not since I was about 21, and I can't remember the last time I spent £40 on a night out.

I don't know where you drink but don't spend £4 on a pint either.
No I haven't. I don't drink ten pints in any night, least not since I was about 21, and I can't remember the last time I spent £40 on a night out.

I don't know where you drink but don't spend £4 on a pint either.
People should stick the Beehive with the riff-raff like me. At least you know there is no where lower to go (in Brixton anyway).
I went to the Effra last night for a meeting with the BS webmaster. Nice atmosphere - but Tom was buying. The only ale available was Doom Bar - although it was really rather good!
Doom Bar is everywhere now. The Hand in Hand do a particularly fine pint.
Yes Coors bought it up and closed the brewery in Cornwall, moving it to Burton onTrent. Why did they stop doing Directors and Courage Best then? (sold the right to the trade name to Wells & Young)
Over the next six months we aim to
  • Provide a welcoming, inspiring and safe space for people
  • Build an artistic community
  • Offer local people opportunities to curate and host events
  • Experiment with a varied and exciting programme
We are very keen to hear your ideas and thoughts. Get in touch via hello@thebrickbox.co.uk

They aim to offer it. You're talking (your post #761) as if it's on offer/has been offered.
"Aim to" often covers a multitude of sins.
They aim to offer it. You're talking (your post #761) as if it's on offer/has been offered.
"Aim to" often covers a multitude of sins.

Guilty until proven innocent eh?

Has ANYONE moaning on this thread actually been in touch with them? Sent them an email to that email address and had their idea turned down or ignored?
Guilty until proven innocent eh?

Where have I found them "guilty"?
I haven't.

I've merely explained a device by which some providers get out of jail free after failing to, you know, provide.

Has ANYONE moaning on this thread actually been in touch with them? Sent them an email to that email address and had their idea turned down or ignored?

I e-mailed them asking about issue I mentioned earlier (where they were taking ideas from local people and having artists interpret them). I was polite, enquiring, and am still waiting for a reply a month later.
Still, that's probably just an oversight. Move along, nothing to see...
I e-mailed them asking about issue I mentioned earlier (where they were taking ideas from local people and having artists interpret them). I was polite, enquiring, and am still waiting for a reply a month later.
So there goes teucher's big 'point'. :facepalm:
So I haven't really followed everything in this thread.. but back at the start I posted that a group called Create had taken a short lease on an old abandoned bank right by Tulse Hill station - also to run an arty-community-space. When I walked past today they had opened it up to have a homework/study club for school students which is for free and staffed by qualified teachers. They also have free yoga classes and pot luck dinners. Great community initiative I think. It seems they're having problems getting people in/involved sadly. I hope that changes.
I e-mailed them asking about issue I mentioned earlier (where they were taking ideas from local people and having artists interpret them). I was polite, enquiring, and am still waiting for a reply a month later.
Still, that's probably just an oversight. Move along, nothing to see...

Was that aimed at the Open Doors SW9 project or Brick Box?

I've emailed and was meant to meet them but impossible to get into the building and phone number was wrong or didn't work for me so missed that date. And I've been lazy about getting back to them to re-organise.
So there goes teucher's big 'point'. :facepalm:

It was a question, which VP answered, and the information contained in that answer will be assimilated into my level-headed assessment of Brick Box and their activities, which I try to base on actual evidence rather than speculation as much as I can.

I do realise this is not an approach you can really relate to though.
It was a question, which VP answered, and the information contained in that answer will be assimilated into my level-headed assessment of Brick Box and their activities, which I try to base on actual evidence rather than speculation as much as I can.
My opinion is based on evidence too.
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