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Angel pub on Coldharbour Lane becomes arty community space run by Brick Box

As a regular street drinker I'm actually quite proud that I'm somehow inspiring and giving something back to the community :cool:

Maybe you and I can hang in front of the Angel drinking Tennant's and eating a Morley's 99p burger and make it a night. Welcome the 40 pounder club
Is the old electricals shop there?

Old furniture/old appliances? Near Happy Shopper? Yup.

Nell's Deli is gone, that whole frontage is pound shops, Angela's cafe, a barbers and a somali cafe. There's a wierd shop that I'm sure is a hashheads front, the Happy shopper, Sultan and Hand. Gentrified? I think not :)
Old furniture/old appliances? Near Happy Shopper? Yup.

Nell's Deli is gone, that whole frontage is pound shops, Angela's cafe, a barbers and a somali cafe. There's a wierd shop that I'm sure is a hashheads front, the Happy shopper, Sultan and Hand. Gentrified? I think not :)

oh, that weird shop is erm... weird :D

Can't think of another word to describe it.

It looks like the type of shop that should be in Brixton Village if anyone was sure exactly what type of shop it is
Old furniture/old appliances? Near Happy Shopper? Yup.

Back when I lived on Clapham Park estate I ended up taking quite a few bits and pieces of hi-fi up there for him to repair. Excellent fella, good prices and good service.

Nell's Deli is gone, that whole frontage is pound shops, Angela's cafe, a barbers and a somali cafe. There's a wierd shop that I'm sure is a hashheads front, the Happy shopper, Sultan and Hand. Gentrified? I think not :)

TBF, I can't actually imagine NPR "gentrified. A couple of the side roads, maybe, but NPR itself? It's too "local"!
Back when I lived on Clapham Park estate I ended up taking quite a few bits and pieces of hi-fi up there for him to repair. Excellent fella, good prices and good service.

Looks a bit like Albert Einstein?

Some of the locals have moaned about the Somali 'gentrification'... that's about it...
Looks a bit like Albert Einstein?

Yes, slightly better hair control, though!

Some of the locals have moaned about the Somali 'gentrification'... that's about it...

Probably the descendents of the people in the '70s moaning about the shops being taken over by "West Indians and Pakistanis", and how "those people" lived 20 to a house. :facepalm:
Twas merely an illustration of "opportunity grabbing", dear boy. :)
No offence taken. I was only politely smiling at the image which you put in my mind of you commanding me to stand still whilst you had a few attempts at grabbing the opportunity :). Bless ...
No offence taken. I was only politely smiling at the image which you put in my mind of you commanding me to stand still whilst you had a few attempts at grabbing the opportunity :). Bless ...

One of the benefits of using a pair of walking sticks, is how easily you can trip people with them. ;)
So just grabbing opportunities is what we celebrate is it? How far d'you go with that?

I'd say it is clear enough within the context of the thread and immediate conversation with G that I am saying that they have recognised and taken the opportunity posed by a specific temporarily unused building and done something constructive with it. To my knowledge, their taking the opportunity did not even exclude anyone else from taking it as there were no other proposals other than vacancy. I appreciate that you may not like who you think they are, what you believe they stand for, precisely who you have deduced they hope to serve, some of the specific details of what they have chosen to do with the building, some of their copy-writing or even what they had for breakfast. And that's fine.

However, the inference that this somehow equates to a more global proposition that it is necessary to celebrate the grabbing of any opportunity whatsoever in any context and without any parameters, whilst easier to rally against, seems a bit random.
i think the justified frustration with the nature of the event (the fiver is a red herring, IMO - like i say, that's cheap for a school play, ime), is that in the earlier publicity the use of the word 'community' was understandably taken to mean inclusive of the whole local population - especially given the part of brixton and the history of the site. So, somewhere accessible and not elitist... whereas what they've chosen to put on for their opening night is, well, for want of a less overused word... hipster.

so yes, young, childfree professionals are part of the community of brixton, and that's the part of the community brick box would appear to be interested in. but really there's no shortage of arts spaces doing this sort of thing in london. this section of the community is already catered for. they have every right to do it, but it seems unfair, when other parts of the community have so little.

It strikes me that a much better version of this would have been something like Theatre Peckham, which for 25+ years has been offering cheap (subsidised) theatre arts classes (dance, singing, acting) to kids from toddler to 18 from a building on an estate in peckham. they put on the kids' shows and pro shows (which they do charge for), get the local schools in and go out to them... provide some employment for locals... brilliant. And that's what this could have been. not necessarily for kids - but something like that.

Just a thought but anyone looking for a venue for doing something like Theatre Peckham could try contacting St Matthews Tenants Hall. It's close to central Brixton and has a large underutilised hall with a stage (with a foyer and bar, which is in fairly regular use). I'm not sure what their initial reaction would be to dealing with 'outsiders' as they have historically had a tendency to be a little exclusive. Their Jubilee Party pamphlet says "Come and meet new friends" but then "Residents only. PROOF REQUIRED". And until recently they had a sign on the door saying "No Yuppies". But worth a try if it will also provide a service for kids on the estate.
Yes, slightly better hair control, though!

Probably the descendents of the people in the '70s moaning about the shops being taken over by "West Indians and Pakistanis", and how "those people" lived 20 to a house. :facepalm:

But all perfectly happy to use their shops late at night ;)
Probably the descendents of the people in the '70s moaning about the shops being taken over by "West Indians and Pakistanis", and how "those people" lived 20 to a house. :facepalm:

I've sometimes found that the people moaning about people coming over here taking our jobs are descendants of the West Indians and Pakistanis. :D
I'd say it is clear enough within the context of the thread and immediate conversation with G that I am saying that they have recognised and taken the opportunity posed by a specific temporarily unused building and done something constructive with it. To my knowledge, their taking the opportunity did not even exclude anyone else from taking it as there were no other proposals other than vacancy. I appreciate that you may not like who you think they are, what you believe they stand for, precisely who you have deduced they hope to serve, some of the specific details of what they have chosen to do with the building, some of their copy-writing or even what they had for breakfast. And that's fine.

However, the inference that this somehow equates to a more global proposition that it is necessary to celebrate the grabbing of any opportunity whatsoever in any context and without any parameters, whilst easier to rally against, seems a bit random.

I don't have a problem with any of the specific things you mention. I have a problem with what they legitimate.

I'm not taking it to a global level, just one up the chain - what about the landlord or brewery or whoever it was that made a buck by selling it off to a developer for housing?

Do you celebrate them grabbing that opportunity?
I don't have a problem with any of the specific things you mention. I have a problem with what they legitimate.

I'm not taking it to a global level, just one up the chain - what about the landlord or brewery or whoever it was that made a buck by selling it off to a developer for housing?

Do you celebrate them grabbing that opportunity?
Celebrate and grab are your words and a little loaded for me. But to answer your question specifically:

I have no issue with the previous owner of the building selling it. It was sold as a pub at a public auction without any planning permission for residential.
I have no issue with the principle of converting the rear garages and existing upper and proposed third floors into self-contained residential although I think that the current proposal may be rejected as too intensive without enough amenity space.
I am pleased to see it is proposed that the A3 unit (the pub itself) be retained as an A3 unit.
I am pleased to see that the original Victorian frontage will be retained.
(Hopefully it will not remain orange but, whatever..).

None of this has any bearing on what Brick Box are doing with it whilst it awaits a planning decision and refurbishment. It is a vacant unused building where they can ply their arty shizzle for a short while on a tight budget.
I am pleased to see it is proposed that the A3 unit (the pub itself) be retained as an A3 unit.

I wish Lambeth would force developers to ensure these ground floor A3 spaces were leased to businesses. The two in LJ have languished empty for years (one is finally now a council funded centre) as the developers massively overpriced them. In my cynical opinion they wanted to leave them empty until the council relented and let them put more flats in to the space. Disgraceful
I am pleased to see it is proposed that the A3 unit (the pub itself) be retained as an A3 unit.

I wish Lambeth would force developers to ensure these ground floor A3 spaces were leased to businesses. The two in LJ have languished empty for years (one is finally now a council funded centre) as the developers massively overpriced them. In my cynical opinion they wanted to leave them empty until the council relented and let them put more flats in to the space. Disgraceful

Exactly what happened here

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