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Angel pub on Coldharbour Lane becomes arty community space run by Brick Box

Lots of chatter here condemning a initiative that hasn't even opened yet! I was down helping to paint at the Angel last weekend and if you'd dropped by you would have found a fairly accurate cross section of Brixton - with their paint rollers and bin-liners, the volunteers came in all shapes and sizes, all colours and hues, all social backgrounds and a good sprinkling of accents and varying degrees of seniority. A good reflection of the community BrickBox has built up around it.
That community began with the traders of Brixton village market before any fair lights went up or saturday pocket money came flooding into the market space.
No project will ever cater for every group - but Brick Box couldn't be more of an open community-led initiative - those who have been to their events in Brixton or Tooting will have been served by local school kids learning basic trade skills behind the cafe counter, told folk tales by people from the local refugee community, seen art work by struggling local painters and photographers, watched docs screened by squatters' rights group Squash, heard local bands play nervously for the first time...etc etc. Go to them with an idea and they will find a way to make it happen.
It costs a huge amount to open up an old pub and yes, if BrickBox wasn't doing it, I think there would be other 'not-so-cuddly' developers keen to get their hands on it who couldn't give a monkeys about the history of the Angel.
I would imagine that the £40 cover for a meal and night of local performance will be much needed injection of cash to get it up and running and offset their long list of community events which so far seems to include free workshops, kids space for Brixton Splash, meeting rooms and an open-ended list of arts events suggested by Brixton locals - not cheap to get an old pub set up for lots of kids running around.
It's a new project by a well-meaning, well respected local group - why not be a little less quick to judge and perhaps a little more realistic?

Hi Liberty Owl. I checked your previous posts and they were just adverts for Brick Box. Asking for volunteers or advertising events.

I assumed this user name is actually Brick Box and not an individual? Im going on the previous (2) posts here. This third post is written as though its from an individual. You say " I would imagine that the £40...will be much needed injection of cash" for example. If this is a Brick Box user name you would know if this is the case. Can you explain this?
Hi Liberty Owl. I checked your previous posts and they were just adverts for Brick Box. Asking for volunteers or advertising events.

I assumed this user name is actually Brick Box and not an individual? Im going on the previous (2) posts here. This third post is written as though its from an individual. You say " I would imagine that the £40...will be much needed injection of cash" for example. If this is a Brick Box user name u would know if this is the case. Can u explain this?
Point of order, Gramsci - since when has this been a fucking website where it was acceptable to type 'u' for 'you'?
Cos it's Urban 75...


All the best, hope it works out.

Not quite sure why this thing is being bagged by the urban massive yet a pub a few mins walk away charging £8 a pint is being lauded.. but there ya go. It's Urban. :facepalm:
Because you're the only one who's got charged £8 for a pint there :D
LOL. That's like going in a restaurant, ordering the most expensive meal on the menu and then complaining about the price!

I've never accidentally bought an £8 pint. I just bought the cheaper ones.
Well... tbf ed.. cheapest lager there? Brooklyn lager at £5. when i was there.. 'sorry, its off, we're sold out'.
im sure its a lovely pub, but its owned by an affluent trustafarian and im not sure how this differs much from whats happening at the angel?
well, it's cheeky of me to point it out, but the sentiment is genuine. how fucking inconsiderate and lazy do you need to be to begrudge people two letters of a three letter word?
Probably about as 'fucking inconsiderate and as lazy' as not bothering to use capital letters, if being tediously pedantic is your thing.
mebbs. i don't see capitals as creating the same cognitive hiccup for the reader. *shrug*

anyway, like i say, was just being cheeky.
my real ale chugging mate loves it there so i accept it's not for me. i hate real ale. but surely they could accomodate people with tastebuds too.
LOL. That's like going in a restaurant, ordering the most expensive meal on the menu and then complaining about the price!

I've never accidentally bought an £8 pint. I just bought the cheaper ones.

I looked at the prices they've got helpfully chalked up on a blackboard, tried a range of ales I hadn't heard of for around £4 - £4.50, all excellent.
I looked at the prices they've got helpfully chalked up on a blackboard, tried a range of ales I hadn't heard of for around £4 - £4.50, all excellent.
Mine was a fairly reasonable £3.30 a pint. A shade more than than I'd usually pay, but it was very well kept and a very good beer.
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