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Anarchist/Left Libertarian Articles on the Cost of Living Crisis


Thought there should be a thread for this and to get the ball rolling here's a couple of related articles from a new anarchist network in the UK - the AnarCom Network :

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Well now I have several questions. Will the ACN be able to get stalls at bookfairs?
Anyway, loads and loads of threads this could potentially go on, but might as well go here:

There was also this long article from London AFed earlier in the year:
Thought there should be a thread for this and to get the ball rolling here's a couple of related articles from a new anarchist network in the UK - the AnarCom Network :

why don't you just post these on the Cost of Living Crisis thread and add to the debate ?
I didn't think they would necessarily be welcome on those threads.

Why would they not be welcome? And agree, much better to add to the debate already happening than start a new thread for anarchist specific articles.

Still be interested to hear what the background to this new organisation is. You said it wasn't a split from the ACG, but I heard a load of people have left he ACG and then this starts? Or is that just a total coincidence?
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Why would they not be welcome? And agree, much better to add to the debate already happening than start a new thread for anarchist specific articles.

Still be interested to hear what the background to this new organisation is. You said it wasn't a split from the ACG, but I heard a load of people have left he ACG and then this starts? Or is that just a total coincidence?
I’m also a member of the new network. Some of us had left the ACG, but we didn’t leave to form the new organisation. It was formed after we left.

I still have friends in the ACG, and consider the organisation to be comrades. But there are political and personal reasons that I left.

I’m also not a member of Angry Workers, but consider them to be comrades. There are political differences between the AWW and the ACG, but they can cooperate on producing the excellent book on the health service.

Splits are so last decade.
Thanks, yeah I realised after I asked earlier using the term 'split' made it seem like it was probably acrimonious, I didn't mean it like that.
We’d prefer it to remain non-acrimonious, so our launch isn’t going to be about announcing anything that might be interpreted by others as acrimony.
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