Sorry so me saying CNN (CNN for fucks sake!) is not necessarily reliable equates to:
This is why I'm not going to the effort to source stuff for you, it doesn't look like you'll accept anything except 'Workers Power'
Am it’s me not debating properly!
I actually brought this up as something of a cheap shot which neatly illustrates how little the lenin fan club actually know about their hero. It's always funny to watch the confusion that emerges and the spontaneous excuses offered.
Firstly where did I say he was my hero and secondly I don’t know what pants he wore either. This “cheap shot” is hardly the most important thing on the scale of the Russian revolution.
No I wouldn’t be chanting discipline in 1956, it was disgusting what happened. However having decent transport for delegates or leaders in a revolution, especially given what communication was like then is probably pretty crucial. That doesn’t mean I’d accept anything (yet another cheap shot), and Idris has said that Lenin complained that nine were bought. It may have been a bad decision, but the slant of them being the most reliable in the world in winter, and Lenin having one for his own luxury is very different.
Any chance on coming back to anything I’ve asked or the scenarios? Or, as said, is it all one way?
Sigh, there is something addictive about banging one's head off this wall and I've got sucked in again.
The whole point that Ray is making and you seem to be doing your best to ignore, is that you never know in advance that the torture will save 1000's of lives, or that the banning of factions, or the terror against the peasants, or the imposition of one man rule, or the re-creation of a top-down army, or any of these things is necessary to save the revolution. What you do invariably have is the people who will gain power as a result of any of these 'reforms' saying it is so. And what happens in practice, which is obvious to the 99.9% of non-leninist humanity, is that these things become routine, the logic becomes self-reinforcing and the revolution turns itself into a dictatorship. If you want to create a social order which does not depend on these things you have to adopt a principled opposition to them and refuse to adopt them ever.
Obviously there not things you aspire to, but in the situations I outlined what is your answer, yes or no? Would you rather let 1000s die that carry out torture, and would you let fascist leaders go who had carried out atrocities and would do so again rather than shoot them?
What I’m saying is situations aren’t black and white. A revolution, sadly, will very probably be brutal and bloody because of the ruling classes, it won’t be “pure”……
And you just avoided the question regarding the food shortages. What would anarchists do if there was starvation and the peasants refused to hand over the grain? Would you let them keep it or forcibly take it?
Considering the working class was only 3-4% of the country, if the Bolsheviks got 25% (have you got a source out of curiosity, if you have I will add it to my reading list if I haven’t already read it) that means are large layer of peasants must have supported them…..