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Ambient Raves?


We will all go together
Such thing as ambient raves? quite like the idea. Would prob need lots and lots of seating areas. people just sitting and moving around to the sound.

Sometimes ambient feels so gorgous and moving that it would be nice to be in a shared space listenign wtih others. the venue and set up woudl be key. i'm thinking lots of small rooms, sofas. people sitting on the floor, or even lying down.

do you can get ambient djs, raves?

thats a thing in China in particular

Ambient raves would be a bit shit though as people would end up talking

Interesting is how the chill out room doesnt seem to exist anymore
going to the trance all day thin at fabric sat which i am strangely looking forward to. do like fabric, many great memories.
There are plenty of ambient type nights in Bristol. Especially at the more dark/noise end. Usually they run like gigs though.

When Freqs of Nature was running in Germany they had a stage for ambient/experimental music and lots of my favourite techno DJ's also did Ambient sets at the festival which was great. Fell asleep there a few times.
There’s a problem with the question: is it a rave if the music isn't "wholly or predominantly characterised by the emission of a succession of repetitive beats"? Is it ambient if it is?

Ambient rooms used to be a big thing at trancey raves in the 90s. I once lost most of a night sat on a cushion tripping and smoking spliffs to a Global Communications ambient set while all the mayhem happened in the other two rooms.

Two big things killed off ambient chill out rooms - the Public Entertainments Licences (Drug Misuse) Act 1997, which clamped down on drug use in venues, meaning you often had to look out for security while skinning up, totally harshing the vibe; and the 2007 smoking ban, which meant all the chilling out happened outside in the smoking area, which usually had strict sound limits on music to not disturb the neighbours.

Gimme a time machine, I wanna go back to 1993.
There’s a problem with the question: is it a rave if the music isn't "wholly or predominantly characterised by the emission of a succession of repetitive beats"? Is it ambient if it is?

Ambient rooms used to be a big thing at trancey raves in the 90s. I once lost most of a night sat on a cushion tripping and smoking spliffs to a Global Communications ambient set while all the mayhem happened in the other two rooms.

Two big things killed off ambient chill out rooms - the Public Entertainments Licences (Drug Misuse) Act 1997, which clamped down on drug use in venues, meaning you often had to look out for security while skinning up, totally harshing the vibe; and the 2007 smoking ban, which meant all the chilling out happened outside in the smoking area, which usually had strict sound limits on music to not disturb the neighbours.

Gimme a time machine, I wanna go back to 1993.
that's interesting tbh.

on my rare forars back to raves, they DO seem a lot cleaner, orderly than the lates 90s early 00s when i was in my prime. thought it was just that folk had changed but those laws seems influential no doubt.
that's interesting tbh.

on my rare forars back to raves, they DO seem a lot cleaner, orderly than the lates 90s early 00s when i was in my prime. thought it was just that folk had changed but those laws seems influential no doubt.
It's easy to think that changes to the rave scene are all down to the latest trends, and there is that to it, but there's all kinds of external factors that have an impact from the doings of the Russian Mafia (availability and quality of drugs, which in turn affects what music people want to listen to) to licencing regulations (what clubs are like, when they're open) to planning rules (industrial units used for durty squat raves being converted into flats) to changes in technology (affecting how music is made and sounds).

Who knows, maybe one day the drugs, music technology, available venues and latest trends will align to make ambient raves the Next Big Thing?
In Leeds there's a night called Club Cosmos, which is close to what you're describing. Psychedelic music, with a 'dancefloor' full of bean bags, in an old mill. Here's their blurb:

Exploring psychedelic chill out & beyond. Music covered on the night will be Acid, Ambient, Ambient Techno. Cosmic, Experimental, Downtempo, Krautrock, Proto Goa, Psychedelic Dub and Space Rock

The next one is on Sunday

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