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Amazon Prime streaming video recommendations thread

Finished Goliath. Not as good as the previous series’ but still excellent. Excellent last 2 episodes (the courtroom part).
First episode is definitely the weakest due to Too Much Kevin. But I get that, you're supposed to loathe him. It gets better.
I'm looking forward to it. I like the idea, but yeah, I can't say I enjoyed the first episode.
I'd quite like it to switch more genres, but that would probably be overkill.
I didn't like the boss party when it left sitcom mode, It didn't seem very realistic.

I do like the juxtaposition highlighting how shockingly out of step these kinds of sitcoms are with reality. You would never really think it. Seemingly harmless comments like 'A threesome?' in sitcom mode do not sit well at all.
Come on, it's not great (Informer 3838 is probably slightly better)

Have to disagree with this, Dave. Started S3 last night and I think it's a fascinating insight into the Aussie criminal scene through the 70s, 80s, and 90s. Researching around the characters has been quite absorbing too. My word there were some very naughty boys about, and the scale of police involvement in the Melbourne drugs scene was astonishing. My only criticism is that there's far too much shagging in it, and that bores me to tears.

I'm genuinely surprised that this isn't much better known.
Fairly enjoying Dispatches from Elsewhere. It’s original and weird enough to merit watching, and 3/4 through the series I’m finding the plot more than compelling enough.

It also has Richard E Grant in it as an added bonus :)

I liked it, but it does seem rather pleased with its own cleverness which grates on a certain level.
I went off it in the end.
Looked like it was going to be great . . . then it became ok, then the main plot crumbled somewhat and it became quite disappointing . . . . then it went full Evangelion episode 25-26 for the finale.
Overall disappointment. Not on my recommendations list. Watch Undone with Bob Odenkirk instead.
Looked like it was going to be great . . . then it became ok, then the main plot crumbled somewhat and it became quite disappointing . . . . then it went full Evangelion episode 25-26 for the finale.
Overall disappointment. Not on my recommendations list. Watch Undone with Bob Odenkirk instead.
Yes, having now finished it I largely agree with tour summary. It could have been much better if they had ended the story on episode 8.
I've had poor results trying to get people to watch Undone, it's too easy to reject it as a cartoon.

I rate it highly and recommend.
Watched 'The Boat'. Creepy but pretty compelling thriller.

A good half hour of the screenplay was dedicated him locked in the boat bog and it was still pretty gripping.
Watched a Twisted Sister Doc last night. The Prime music docs are hilarious. They tend to have amazing band access and quite often great footage, but just can't string it together to make a half decent viewing experience. The twisted sister doc opened with a black screen and no sound and quite often relied on a black screen instead of cutaways. It's about a half hour (45 minutes tops) worth of content stretched over two and a half hours with absolutely no flair, or even basic storytelling skills whatsoever.

I've seen worse though. The postcard documentary on Prime is just interview clips, no cutaways, no cuts, no music even!!!

It makes me super mad because cutting music documentaries is my current job, and with just a small amount of effort you can make something really quite interesting. . . . whatever the band.
Watched a Twisted Sister Doc last night. The Prime music docs are hilarious. They tend to have amazing band access and quite often great footage, but just can't string it together to make a half decent viewing experience. The twisted sister doc opened with a black screen and no sound and quite often relied on a black screen instead of cutaways. It's about a half hour (45 minutes tops) worth of content stretched over two and a half hours with absolutely no flair, or even basic storytelling skills whatsoever.

I've seen worse though. The postcard documentary on Prime is just interview clips, no cutaways, no cuts, no music even!!!

It makes me super mad because cutting music documentaries is my current job, and with just a small amount of effort you can make something really quite interesting. . . . whatever the band.
This one? I caught it on Netflix and, despite not knowing anything about or having any prior interest in the band, really enjoyed it. I don't recall any problems with it.

This one? I caught it on Netflix and, despite not knowing anything about or having any prior interest in the band, really enjoyed it. I don't recall any problems with it.

The one I watched was just 'We are Twisted Sister'. It says the length is slightly different but I assume it is the same film.

I noticed some quite substantial problems with it, but that doesn't mean I didn't enjoy it. I also have no prior knowledge or interest in Twisted Sister, so it was all new to me.

Like all the things I complain about, the main thing that strikes me is that there is easily a much much better doc in there with not a heck of a lot more effort. It could have been really great instead of a good story told badly.
It also looked unnecessarily extremely unprofessional. . . . like using comic sans on a CV.

I could definitely do a much better job, and I am not saying that as a boast. It's not like I watch TV with a critical eye in that way just because I make tv, but this doc was so obviously shoddy. An acceptable you tubers edit but I'm simply astonished it was an actual film, or allowed on Netflix (there is all sorts of crap on prime).
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