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Amazon Prime streaming video recommendations thread

For those who are so genre-obsessed that they will even watch the kind of cheesy, teenagey superhero mush that The Boys satirises — ie people like me — S2 of Stargirl has started. It’s okay. I’d only recommend it in secret to fellow nerds.
Sorry, I’ve tried 2 episodes and I just don’t get it. I think I just have an aversion to most American TV these days and most comedy.

The boys is a no for me.
Boss Level. Sci-fi action film. Whilst the script might feel like a shameless Groundhog Day meets John Wick rip-off, it is still entertaining and well enough produced. Worth it if you like the aforementioned basic premise.
Undoubtedly. But why do you say that about this film? Have you actually watched and strongly disagree with my impression of it, or have dismissed it out of hand?
it’s just that it comes up instantly on Amazon and you just need to dig a bit deeper to find quality materials, rather than relying on what the algorithms tell you to watch. this is why you keep recommending dreck.
it’s just that it comes up instantly on Amazon and you just need to dig a bit deeper to find quality materials, rather than relying on what the algorithms tell you to watch. this is why you keep recommending dreck.
Well I do almost always go out of my way to suggest whether something might be likely to be enjoyable based on other films of the genre. I wasn’t presenting the film as a cinematic masterpiece was I?

I know for a fact plenty of people here like silly plot hole-ridden sci-fi action shite when they’re in the mood for it. I find a great deal of recommendations in this in other threads a dreadful prospect but don’t go patronising others about their lamentable judgement in TV and film.

I thought threads like this are meant to be for discussing items that members have enjoyed and might be of interest to some other Urbanites. Some people like watching silly fodder sometimes without meaning they believe they’ve discovered the next Citizen Kane ffs.

Hell, most people here would likely rather give themselves a wasabi enema than voluntarily engage in that project of yours a while ago to watch the entire Nicholas Cage catalogue just because and no matter how shit the film might be (and there’s plenty), but I’m pretty sure nobody questioned you or condescendingly suggested you should buy some DVDs instead.

I wish I would be shown the U75 film forum’s list of approved shit films with no artistic merit that are somehow great to watch ironically, and those that will derided and cause the poster to be mocked for their terrible taste and poor understanding of the cinematic arts.
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Well I do almost always go out of my way to suggest whether something might be likely to be enjoyable based on other films of the genre. I wasn’t presenting the film as a cinematic masterpiece was I?

I know for a fact plenty of people here like silly plot hole-ridden sci-fi action shite when they’re in the mood for it. I find a great deal of recommendations in this in other threads a dreadful prospect but don’t go patronising others about their lamentable judgement in TV and film.

I thought threads like this are meant to be for discussing items that members have enjoyed and might be of interest to some other Urbanites. Some people like watching silly fodder sometimes without meaning they believe they’ve discovered the next Citizen Kane ffs.

Hell, most people here would likely rather give themselves a wasabi enema than voluntarily engage in that project of yours a while ago to watch the entire Nicholas Cage catalogue just because and no matter how shit the film might be (and there’s plenty), but I’m pretty sure nobody questioned you or condescendingly suggested you should buy some DVDs instead.

I wish I would be shown the U75 film forum’s list of approved shit films with no artistic merit that are somehow great to watch ironically, and those that will derided and cause the poster to be mocked for their terrible taste and poor understanding of the cinematic arts.

Never apologize, never regret.

High brow, low brow, "artistic merit" or not, blockbuster, arthouse, subtitles, superheroes, thrillers, slashers, gore, romcom, zombies, sci-fi, historical, war, love, peace, death etc.

Nobody's taste is "better" than anyone else's. Nobody should be mocked for what films they enjoy.

Well I do almost always go out of my way to suggest whether something might be likely to be enjoyable based on other films of the genre. I wasn’t presenting the film as a cinematic masterpiece was I?

I know for a fact plenty of people here like silly plot hole-ridden sci-fi action shite when they’re in the mood for it. I find a great deal of recommendations in this in other threads a dreadful prospect but don’t go patronising others about their lamentable judgement in TV and film.

I thought threads like this are meant to be for discussing items that members have enjoyed and might be of interest to some other Urbanites. Some people like watching silly fodder sometimes without meaning they believe they’ve discovered the next Citizen Kane ffs.

Hell, most people here would likely rather give themselves a wasabi enema than voluntarily engage in that project of yours a while ago to watch the entire Nicholas Cage catalogue just because and no matter how shit the film might be (and there’s plenty), but I’m pretty sure nobody questioned you or condescendingly suggested you should buy some DVDs instead.

I wish I would be shown the U75 film forum’s list of approved shit films with no artistic merit that are somehow great to watch ironically, and those that will derided and cause the poster to be mocked for their terrible taste and poor understanding of the cinematic arts.
whoah there. none of this matters
I think I prefer films to series, less commitment and that, but trying to uncover the classic films which I haven’t seen, as opposed to B movies I would never consider to watch is the challenge. Pesky algorithm.
Has anybody tried Cruel Summer? From the trailer, I can’t decide if it looks American Brat irritating or Twisty Turny interesting.
I think I prefer films to series, less commitment and that, but trying to uncover the classic films which I haven’t seen, as opposed to B movies I would never consider to watch is the challenge. Pesky algorithm.
B-movies refers low budget movies and many films which were shot as B-movies are considered classic films now. ;)

On the whole the two biggest streaming services (Netflix & Prime) aren't that great for classic films and better for tv series.
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eh? I don’t watch cartoons
Animated stuff = cartoons.

The point being that people like very different stuff. Suggesting that someone keeps recommending “drek” on a thread like this is extremely mean spirited. Half the stuff that gets posted on here I wouldn’t give the time of day and I don’t expect things that I post to be universally enjoyed. In fact, after you’ve been here for a while you know that recommendations from certain posters aren’t going to float your boat so you can quietly avoid those shows too. The thread’s useful that way as well as for finding good stuff.
Animated stuff = cartoons.

The point being that people like very different stuff. Suggesting that someone keeps recommending “drek” on a thread like this is extremely mean spirited. Half the stuff that gets posted on here I wouldn’t give the time of day and I don’t expect things that I post to be universally enjoyed. In fact, after you’ve been here for a while you know that recommendations from certain posters aren’t going to float your boat so you can quietly avoid those shows too. The thread’s useful that way as well as for finding good stuff.
ah, thought you were talking about Bugs Bunny and that sort of thing. I don’t think animated films are the same. cartoons are normally what you’d find in a comic or on kids’ tv on Saturday mornings
The definition of cartoon most definitely encompasses all forms of film created from animated drawings. Clearly, there are many genres represented within “cartoons”, though, from the most infantile to the most deeply philosophical.
ah, thought you were talking about Bugs Bunny and that sort of thing. I don’t think animated films are the same. cartoons are normally what you’d find in a comic or on kids’ tv on Saturday mornings

Comics are often more than kids stuff. The Road to Perdition and A History of Violence were originally comics.
"Cartoon" originally referred to newspaper strips, then to animated shorts produced by the studios to be shown as a support to feature films, then to animated tv series. If you refer to all types of animation and animated feature films as a "cartoon" then it usually means you look down on the medium and/or you don't know much about it.

Comics are often more than kids stuff. The Road to Perdition and A History of Violence were originally comics.

Usually that is referred to as "graphic novel" to distinguish it from weekly serialised comic strips.
Animated stuff = cartoons.

The point being that people like very different stuff. Suggesting that someone keeps recommending “drek” on a thread like this is extremely mean spirited. Half the stuff that gets posted on here I wouldn’t give the time of day and I don’t expect things that I post to be universally enjoyed. In fact, after you’ve been here for a while you know that recommendations from certain posters aren’t going to float your boat so you can quietly avoid those shows too. The thread’s useful that way as well as for finding good stuff.
Was a bit pissed last night so went in hard but you’re a pot calling a kettle black here
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