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Amazon Prime streaming video recommendations thread

I just watched an unexpectedly good film I’d never heard of on Prime, called Live, Die, Repeat: Edge of Tomorrow. I watched it with low expectations as a weekend dumb Tom Cruise action movie but it turned out to be a beautifully conceived, written and executed (not to mention acted) little gem. Looked it up afterwards and it has 91% on Rotten Tomatoes, so I wasn’t the only one who liked it. As I discovered, it had the scriptwriter of Usual Suspects and the director of Bourne Identity so maybe unsurprising that it turned out so well.

I won’t spoiler it because if you don’t know what its premise is, so much the better. Give it a go though if you in any way like a cleverer-than-average science fiction film.
Yeah I really quite enjoyed it, though it bored me towards the end (which also has an annoying plot hole type thing). Always meant to check out 'all you need is kill' the novel and manga it was based on. Edge of tomorrow was a shit name for the film. I think on initial release 'live die repeat' was only the tag line, and Cruise and the crew were all pissed off about it. There has been talk for years of a sequel, but it's looking less and less likely as time goes on.
I just watched an unexpectedly good film I’d never heard of on Prime, called Live, Die, Repeat: Edge of Tomorrow. I watched it with low expectations as a weekend dumb Tom Cruise action movie but it turned out to be a beautifully conceived, written and executed (not to mention acted) little gem. Looked it up afterwards and it has 91% on Rotten Tomatoes, so I wasn’t the only one who liked it. As I discovered, it had the scriptwriter of Usual Suspects and the director of Bourne Identity so maybe unsurprising that it turned out so well.

I won’t spoiler it because if you don’t know what its premise is, so much the better. Give it a go though if you in any way like a cleverer-than-average science fiction film.

and does it start Tom Cruise? If so, I'm out.

Edit: yes it does star Tom Cruise; I'm out.
Yeah I really quite enjoyed it, though it bored me towards the end (which also has an annoying plot hole type thing). Always meant to check out 'all you need is kill' the novel and manga it was based on. Edge of tomorrow was a shit name for the film. I think on initial release 'live die repeat' was only the tag line, and Cruise and the crew were all pissed off about it. There has been talk for years of a sequel, but it's looking less and less likely as time goes on.

the UDF oh ffs, Stewart Lee has done absolutely no research.
and does it start Tom Cruise? If so, I'm out.

Edit: yes it does star Tom Cruise; I'm out.
For once, I think you can say that only really Tom Cruise could pull it off. He needs to start out in very Jerry Maguire mode — all bluster and bullshit and sweaty faux-earnestness — and change gradually into something more like one of his action heroes, It’s tough to think of another actor that would suit the role one iota as well.
Tom Cruise is good in Edge of Tomorrow, he gets to play a fairly unsympathetic character who grows as the film goes along and he's always good in action scenes. But it's really Emily Blunt's movie, who makes one hell of an action heroine.
Yeah I really quite enjoyed it, though it bored me towards the end (which also has an annoying plot hole type thing).
I would agree that I was bored by the last 15 minutes. I think that is just generally a problem with action films. Once the plan is established. the character arcs are complete and the last act is underway, there’s not really any more story to tell and you’re just watching the remaining action unfold in a very predictable ballet of fighting.

The last scene is nonsense but I wouldn’t really have wanted it any other way,
Tom Cruise is good in Edge of Tomorrow, he gets to play a fairly unsympathetic character who grows as the film goes along and he's always good in action scenes. But it's really Emily Blunt's movie, who makes one hell of an action heroine.
He tends to be quite good when he is being an arse. In EOT I was bored with him when he became a 'goodie' hero type, but probably also for the reasons kabbes mentioned. I seem to remember thinking cruise is always better when he is a bit of a selfish, mean, or self centered shit, but I can't think of many cases off the top of my head. . . Collateral? Risky business?
Cruise is good in action roles, he is an excellent physical actor and does as many of his own stunts as possible. I'm never that convinced when he takes on a serious dramatic role, there isn't much going on behind the eyes. Still, I'd never skip a good film because of an actor and the Mission: Impossible films have become the best action franchise going.

I agree that the last act of Edge if Tomorrow is where it looses me, I never find these climactic battles in action films very interesting. Despite the film not doing financially as well as hoped, there has been talk of a sequel recently. It's one if those films which have been discovered an audience over time.
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He tends to be quite good when he is being an arse. In EOT I was bored with him when he became a 'goodie' hero type, but probably also for the reasons kabbes mentioned. I seem to remember thinking cruise is always better when he is a bit of a selfish, mean, or self centered shit, but I can't think of many cases off the top of my head. . . Collateral? Risky business?

Tropic Thunder
He tends to be quite good when he is being an arse. In EOT I was bored with him when he became a 'goodie' hero type, but probably also for the reasons kabbes mentioned. I seem to remember thinking cruise is always better when he is a bit of a selfish, mean, or self centered shit, but I can't think of many cases off the top of my head. . . Collateral? Risky business?

He tends to be quite good when he is being an arse. In EOT I was bored with him when he became a 'goodie' hero type, but probably also for the reasons kabbes mentioned. I seem to remember thinking cruise is always better when he is a bit of a selfish, mean, or self centered shit, but I can't think of many cases off the top of my head. . . Collateral? Risky business?

The Color of Money. Great movie but he's a cocky little shit in it.
Since when did Edge Of Tomorrow become Live, Die, Repeat: Edge Of Tomorrow?
When the film hit DVD, where it was more successful than in theatres, they wrote the tagline far larger than the title on the cover. So many think that’s the title. Was probably done on purpose, because they thought it’s a better title
Sami Blood: A young Sami girl attempts to become Swedish and throw off her Sami identity in the midst of 1930s race science and "cultural conversion".

The first 10 minutes alone are quite brutally depressing as we see her attending her Sami sisters funeral in old age and she's not happy being there. The rest of the film follows her younger self in flashback as she makes her first foray into Uppsala and away from Lapland.
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Sami Blood: A young Sami girl attempts to become Swedish and throw off her Sami identity in the midst of 1930s race science and "cultural conversion".

The first 10 minutes alone are quite brutally depressing as we see her attending her Sami sisters funeral in old age and she's not happy being there. The rest of the film follows her as she makes her first foray into Uppsala and away from Lapland.
You really sold that one ! :D
Sami Blood: A young Sami girl attempts to become Swedish and throw off her Sami identity in the midst of 1930s race science and "cultural conversion".

The first 10 minutes alone are quite brutally depressing as we see her attending her Sami sisters funeral in old age and she's not happy being there. The rest of the film follows her younger self in flashback as she makes her first foray into Uppsala and away from Lapland.

Sounds good not that familiar with the 1930's stuff so will look that up.
Live, Die, Repeat: Edge Of Tomorrow , quite enjoyed that too
Yeh we watched that too, after loads of recommendations on here. Not my type of thing usually, all that 'action', but enjoyed it.

Can recommend The Personal History of David Copperfield. Armando Iannucci's adaptation of CD's story. Loved it. Very funny, brilliantly cast, loads of imaginative flourishes.
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We watched Edge of Tomorrow just now, very satisfying. Thought the flag fucking pub bores in the London pub scene was a very nice touch.

I watched David Copperfield last week and found it pretty uneven - some truly joyful moments in there, but as a whole I didn't really like it. Brit actors jobs for the boys film
Shell. Film about a young woman and her Dad living in the Highlands, running a petrol station. Tender, poignant, aching, tense. Loved it.
We just watched this on the strength of your recommendation. Jesus, what are you trying to do to me? I’m about ready to get out the razor blades now.
Just discovered & started Truth Seekers, a brand new supernatural (by the looks of it) comedy-horror mini series by Nick Frost and Simon Pegg. Which bodes well for me as I like most of their work.

Might not finish the first episode tonight but while far too early to judge yet, a third into the first episode and it seems to be setting up the mood nicely.
End of ep 1 update: liking it. While not amazing, it’s certainly entertaining as you would expect from Frost and Pegg, and is subtly funny and doesn’t try to be any more than that. Good supporting cast so far as well. So far Pegg has a very minor role and appears to be a minor character, with Frost as one of the main leads.

Basically, don’t expect Spaced or Shaun of the Dead levels of excellence, but if you like them you should like this.
On Episode 5 and enjoying it. As you would expect from those two, there are regular film references/ homage of many sci-fi and horror classics. And it’s funny without trying to be laugh-out funny. All of which works well.

To Frost and Pegg fans I would suggest a 7/10 rating. Those who aren’t fans or simply don’t think much of their work are likely to give it a just about okay rating.

Malcolm McDowell is brilliant in this by the way.
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