I think you are me flimsier .... my new level is Old Eds 4th team ...you play for a 4th team don't ya ? .. maybe we are team mates ..well I won the lottery you know .. mmmm....I hope you aint that wanker that plays up front ... I never pass to that cunt....
He couldn't lace my boots when I was his age ...and he fucking screams at me and tells me how not to get caught off fucking side the cheeky bollix.
So when I by some fluke get past the right back (me is Left wing) to the byline and hey..that line gets futher and fucking further away at my age lol Clive ..but I can mix it with these lads ..the claudehoppers and the three fucking degrees lol ...anyway, oh yeah .. and I see cunty bollix hollerin for a cross on his thick fucking stupid non head ...well I can't resist
'That was a fucking shot rory
' he always says.
'You're fuckin right it was shithead' I always say ..to be fair.
I just hope you aint him.
Or the fuckin centre half..he's a cunt n all.
My team won fuckall BTW
You have never in your life seen a more shocking 'snatching defeat from the jaws of victory' situation in your life Glen. And I was well involved.. oh yes.
But not as involved as that cunt up fucking front
)))) x