Your 'pay as you play' contract has saved this club a fuckin fortune Darren and to be fair you've been a fucking joke you thick Southern coast fucking retarded..although fuckin funny and respect where it's due...fucking traffic cone with flu ..
Hey hey..come 'ere you...
Give us a cuddle eh
You big fuckin poof
I dish it out Castor Oil me ol china
But I take it like a man
Ask Ol Yorky ha ha
Fucking cheap european savage fucking technology
You won't get any of that let's be fair here
Fuckin foreign bollocks in Ron Atkinson's house
No fucking chance..and to be fair..
Everyone that knows me knows that what Big Ron, you know..hey!!!..daft..
Ron!!!! That's me
But I mean well Clive mate
You and me come from the same mould mate!!
But don't introduce your wife to me though LMFAO !!
Cos I'll 'ave 'er you know I will.
She never turned up last week and she owes me two weeks already. I think she's humpin ol Sainty of all know the story there don'tya!!!!
Anyway I know you couldn't give a bollix and neither would I like..she's fuckin rubbish mate ...(((Col)))... if you gimme that nicker we'll be all square mate..
Hey hey..come 'ere you...
Give us a cuddle eh
You big fuckin poof
I dish it out Castor Oil me ol china
But I take it like a man
Ask Ol Yorky ha ha
Fucking cheap european savage fucking technology
You won't get any of that let's be fair here
Fuckin foreign bollocks in Ron Atkinson's house
No fucking chance..and to be fair..
Everyone that knows me knows that what Big Ron, you know..hey!!!..daft..
Ron!!!! That's me
But I mean well Clive mate
You and me come from the same mould mate!!
But don't introduce your wife to me though LMFAO !!
Cos I'll 'ave 'er you know I will.
She never turned up last week and she owes me two weeks already. I think she's humpin ol Sainty of all know the story there don'tya!!!!
Anyway I know you couldn't give a bollix and neither would I like..she's fuckin rubbish mate ...(((Col)))... if you gimme that nicker we'll be all square mate..