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Alcohol prices + combatting binge drinking

Based on the fact that a tinnie is usually around £1 and 2.2 units or something (round these parts, anyway), does this actually affect the price of anything other than:
High-test "cider"?
Supermarket promotions?
Based on the fact that a tinnie is usually around £1 and 2.2 units or something (round these parts, anyway), does this actually affect the price of anything other than:
High-test "cider"?
Supermarket promotions?

Value spirits will probably get hammered by it. The real affect will be that all booze will go up in price because of the way we percieve cost. At the moment we expect to see value vodka 4-5 pounds a bottle cheaper then a Smirnoff (or whatever) if you force the cost of value vodka up by a few quid then no one will buy it, so the shops will push the the other cost up to compensate. The value vodka will always be the anchoring figure regardless of how much it actually costs.

I can genuinly see no other outcome from this apart from the supermarkets making more money.
Value spirits will probably get hammered by it. The real affect will be that all booze will go up in price because of the way we percieve cost. At the moment we expect to see value vodka 4-5 pounds a bottle cheaper then a Smirnoff (or whatever) if you force the cost of value vodka up by a few quid then no one will buy it, so the shops will push the the other cost up to compensate. The value vodka will always be the anchoring figure regardless of how much it actually costs.

I can genuinly see no other outcome from this apart from the supermarkets making more money.

Actually, you've just mentioned another outcome - the established "big brand" spirits made by the likes of Diageo will benefit from less competitive competition, IYSWIM.
... You seem to have very little understanding of the nature of addiction.

au contraire, i understand that the nature of addiction is to believe that your life is driven by the need to experience whatever it is you're addicted to, and that any part of your life outside of that is wasted.

i agree.

i don't care what those who are addicted to whatever - drink, drugs, adrenaline etc.. do to themselves, only what they do to others, who, unlike the addict - or in the vast majority case of drink related issues - the mis-user, don't get a choice over whether they are affected by alcohol misuse or not.
au contraire, i understand that the nature of addiction is to believe that your life is driven by the need to experience whatever it is you're addicted to, and that any part of your life outside of that is wasted.

i agree.

i don't care what those who are addicted to whatever - drink, drugs, adrenaline etc.. do to themselves, only what they do to others, who, unlike the addict - or in the vast majority case of drink related issues - the mis-user, don't get a choice over whether they are affected by alcohol misuse or not.

I'm not sure you do.

Louis MacNeice
au contraire, i understand that the nature of addiction is to believe that your life is driven by the need to experience whatever it is you're addicted to, and that any part of your life outside of that is wasted.

i agree.

i don't care what those who are addicted to whatever - drink, drugs, adrenaline etc.. do to themselves, only what they do to others, who, unlike the addict - or in the vast majority case of drink related issues - the mis-user, don't get a choice over whether they are affected by alcohol misuse or not.
no, you don't understand the nature of addiction then
On a purely personal level my sympathies for drinkers (and smokers, drug users etc.) are pretty slim.

But on a political level this stinks. It is yet another attempt to divide the poor into "deserving" and "undeserving" whilst making more money at the same time.
yeh it's goodbye to the likes of vodka brands like chekov and imperial

No, I don't think so. Intially they will look expensive compared to the established brands but then the price of those will just creep up to re-establish the price gap. Shops charge on what they think they can get away with, if your consumer knows that Kirov Vodka is the cheapest by a few quid then the shops will continue this, the cost of everything will go up. Its a win - win for the pennyless good souls at Tesco.
Kills the pub trade and increase's drinking at home

Great policy

The pub trade has already been decimated. Now they're after the home drinkers.

Based on the fact that a tinnie is usually around £1 and 2.2 units or something (round these parts, anyway), does this actually affect the price of anything other than:
High-test "cider"?
Supermarket promotions?

I think a 12 pack of tesco lager goes up by about £3. Now I don't want to stereotype, but that's hardly the drink of your average 'binge drinker' (whatever the fuck that means).More the drink of someone who can't afford to go to the pub or drink any brand lager.

I predict a rise in the black market and even more dodgy counterfeit spirits. And if you're really desperate and need to make things feel a little more bearable then there's always smack.
if anything people will just have to cut their standards. making mattresses more expensive doesnt mean people stop buying mattresses. they just buy cheap mattresses now.
au contraire, i understand that the nature of addiction is to believe that your life is driven by the need to experience whatever it is you're addicted to, and that any part of your life outside of that is wasted.

With respect...no, fuck it, with no respect whatsoever, you don't know what you're talking about. You're claiming that addiction is psychological dependency. In cases of substance use, whether alcohol, tobacco or licit or illicit drugs, there's always a physical element to the addiction.
The physical addiction is what makes withdrawal so physically-challenging. To write the crap you did above, ignoring the physical element, shows no understanding of addiction whatsoever.

Oh, and as your self-"qualification" for your opinions is that you're married to an alcoholic's widow, I'll qualify my points - I'm an alcoholic, albeit one who beat both sides of their addiction and now has a sane relationship with alcohol.

i agree.

i don't care what those who are addicted to whatever - drink, drugs, adrenaline etc.. do to themselves, only what they do to others, who, unlike the addict - or in the vast majority case of drink related issues - the mis-user, don't get a choice over whether they are affected by alcohol misuse or not.

Fine, so you have no compassion for people you consider to be weak-willed. Good for you.
The pub trade has already been decimated. Now they're after the home drinkers.

I think a 12 pack of tesco lager goes up by about £3. Now I don't want to stereotype, but that's hardly the drink of your average 'binge drinker' (whatever the fuck that means).More the drink of someone who can't afford to go to the pub or drink any brand lager.

I predict a rise in the black market and even more dodgy counterfeit spirits. And if you're really desperate and need to make things feel a little more bearable then there's always smack.

steev, if you crave booze, then a dozen cans of Tesco's finest piss keeps the shakes at bay for an evening, even at 3%abv. I worked with a guy who religiously drank his way through a dozen cans of el cheapo cerveza every night for just that reason - cheap drunkeness, and allowed him to keep a roof over his family's head by spending minimal money on the booze.
It's a poor tax. It won't affect the middle classes who buy their wine by the case at all. It's nothing to do with stopping alcoholism and everything to do with bleeding any last available joy from increasingly miserable lives. Maybe if we didn't have such a shit society poor people wouldn't feel the need to escape from their lives by getting pissed up every Friday and Saturday night.
It's a poor tax. It won't affect the middle classes who buy their wine by the case at all. It's nothing to do with stopping alcoholism and everything to do with bleeding any last available joy from increasingly miserable lives. Maybe if we didn't have such a shit society poor people wouldn't feel the need to escape from their lives by getting pissed up every Friday and Saturday night.
Yep. And it's not even a tax - it's an instruction to companies not to compete with each other on price but to increase their profit margins. Shops/brewers will be privately delighted, I would think.
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