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Air travel!

Lol I'm flying home on quantas today. I grew up under the flight path for heathrow as well. Quite a way out though so you couldn't hear them, but we spent a lot of time in the garden with binoculars. I'm so jelous of Bahnhof Strasse going on Concorde! When i was a kid I saw one of its first flights (along clovelly Beach of all places ) and almost wet myself with excitement! Boom!

And my dad had done national service in the raf as a spitfire engineer biggin hill air show or just wondering around biggin hill was always happening :)

Where I live now is a tiny airport and I love that in such a short time im stepping into a major one. Right now it's 5.30am and I'm on the hotel bedroom balcony looking at a city that's awake with the story bridge all lit up in purple lights under me. And the river boats dashing up and down . Fking amazing

At home at this time I'd be down the beach in absolute silence with the dogs.

Sunrise soon :) I'm going to my 'other ' balcony to watch the view ;)

QANTAS, no U; Queensland and Northern Territory Aeriel Service.

What you get from growing up in Hounslow, truly the jewel of west London ;)
I'll tell you when I went off Qantas. It wasn't when they delayed my flight to Bangkok by 36 hours. It wasn't even when they lost my girlfriend's luggage for 36 hours before that (and only gave it back in Bangkok after we had to trust they would do that). It was when, on waiting to depart from Cairns to Sydney, they kept us on the ground for 2 hours, in sweltering heat, on the basis that "we're unable to show that we can pay for the aviation fuel right now".

True story. Weren't they bought out by BA? Perfect match.

Shit happens and tbf I would rather airlines erred on the side of caution when it came to the safety of their aircraft, it is very easy to forget that until very recently a flight crashing cos of bad weather or technical failure was a fairly common event, today it is vanishingly rare, luckily.

Lost baggage; when you think about how baggage that doesn't get lost makes it through the system, your mind gets blown. Plus I get dibs on Emirates baggage that never finds an owner :thumbs:

The fuel thing, yeah, airlines in trouble often do this, the fuel companies and the airlines should sort it out and never take it out on the passengers, you can bet their London-Sydney flight wasn't affected...

Have a look on Flight Radar at just how many flights are buzzing around, each one with hundreds of passengers who have all booked, changed their dates, times, names etc., right up to the last minute, each flight having up to four classes, each with up to 300 fare types...just imagine the systems needed to keep that shit flowing. It's pretty epic. And you get ill-educated dicks like moi having access to this. Madness.
Shit happens and tbf I would rather airlines erred on the side of caution when it came to the safety of their aircraft, it is very easy to forget that until very recently a flight crashing cos of bad weather or technical failure was a fairly common event, today it is vanishingly rare, luckily.

Lost baggage; when you think about how baggage that doesn't get lost makes it through the system, your mind gets blown. Plus I get dibs on Emirates baggage that never finds an owner :thumbs:

The fuel thing, yeah, airlines in trouble often do this, the fuel companies and the airlines should sort it out and never take it out on the passengers, you can bet their London-Sydney flight wasn't affected...

Have a look on Flight Radar at just how many flights are buzzing around, each one with hundreds of passengers who have all booked, changed their dates, times, names etc., right up to the last minute, each flight having up to four classes, each with up to 300 fare types...just imagine the systems needed to keep that shit flowing. It's pretty epic. And you get ill-educated dicks like moi having access to this. Madness.

No, listen I completely agree about the amazingness of it all. To illustrate that I'll bore you quickly with the lost luggage story in full.

It was the first time we went around the world, meaning we'd already had 9 or 10 flights to/from and around S America. Lan Peru, what a great airline (well, it was then, but they had just had a whole new fleet of shiny planes). Coming to Australia absolutely nothing has gone wrong and we'd spent nearly six months travelling around what most people would see as developing countries. Even to this day, after dozens and dozens of flights I've never had my luggage lost.

But what I described above kind of happened in reverse. In that the fuel thing at Cairns happened, which delayed us to Sydney and we supposedly only had a 2 hour window going on to Bangkok. We were assured on the plane that the BK flight would wait for us.

Hohoho. Boy did it wait. As soon as we arrived at Sydney we saw the 'your flight is fucked' signs everywhere. We were told to get our bags to put them on the flight but then we'd be put up in a hotel first while they fixed the plane. And that's where the fun really began. In Cairns, Barrier Reef, my gf had dived for the first time and in her bag was her prize possession, underwater photo with her and a turtle. When we went to get our, fairly identical, rucksacks off the Cairns flight only one was there. And of course it was mine. She didn't take it well.

Hotel was swanky, free food etc, and she never enjoyed anything because of fretting about her bag (more to the point, that photo). We were woken at 4am next day to get on the plane to BK. And it was only because, by luck, she met a bloke on the coach to the airport who had also had his bag lost, and decided to be proactive about it, that she got hers back. They were taken to the lost luggage bit at Sydney, where, to illustrate your point, there was a huge mountain of bags, and told 'find your bag'. His was lurid and he found it in a couple of minutes. Hers was, like a lot of the others, blue. And it took her the best part of 20 minutes.

Even then, she wasn't allowed to grab it. Instead someone took it off to the plane, assuring her she'd get it in BK. So, 8 hours later when we arrived...of course it wasn't on the carousel. Mine was. After a further period of fretting we walked around the carousel, as you do, and noticed a bag, her rucksack, dumped on the floor about 10 metres away...with a stern, armed Thai policeman standing over it. To this day, fuck knows what that was about. He just went "Your?", kicked it at us, and walked off.

So yeah, amazed more doesn't go missing, although at Sydney we saw the amount that does. Really huge mountain. And having flown loads of different airlines I can't think of a single one besides Qantas I'd moan about. Haha, except American Airlines cabin crew. Yeah, you could tell they were from New York.
Heh, summer before last we took a baby buggy down the air-bridge to the aircraft door in Madrid, handed it to a bloke who went down the steps to lob it in the hold. When we arrived in Heathrow it wasn't there, it was still in Madrid. That's quite special. BA delivered it to our home the next day.

A good mate works for Emirates and they have an auction every six months of luggage that goes missing and is never re-united, Ray Bans for £5 etc., so it's not all doom and gloom ;)
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I hate flying.

It's scary, uncomfortable, bad for the planet, and the hoops you have to jump through now to get on a plane is ridiculous. I remember the excitement of it, when I was a kid. It all felt easy. Turn up at the airport two hours before, queue for a few minutes and check in your bags, then get on the plane and eat some shit, but weirdly cute, food in a little tray.

Now it's arrive three hours before, and hope that this is enough time to get through security checks. Get herded through said checks and get told off when you've left a 200ml bottle of liquid in your case instead of putting it in a clear bag, and then having your deoderant removed, or your port that you brought back from Lisbon taken off you because you forgot about the rule. You can buy some more as soon as you're through the gates, though: £££.

Then you don't have enough room to put your bag in the overhead compartments because nobody can afford to double their flight costs by checking in their luggage, so everythings in the cabin. You can't sit with your girlfriend because you didn't pay to choose a seat, and because you didn't pay extra to jump the queue, by the time you got on the only seats left were singles.

No food for you, because you didn't pay again. But even if you did pay for all of these extras, we're still gonna blast adverts at you for scratch cards and other pointless shit - because you look too comfortable in your tiny seats there.

Oh, and now you've arrived, it's silly o'clock and you're in the middle of nowhere, but as everything's interconnected now, there's a handy shuttle train to take you to the centre - great idea, should really cut down on car uses by making it simple to get to the airport. Oh, what's this? You have to pay double for a train ticket as there's an "airport surcharge"? Fuck off!
I used to get excited. I've been on 40 flights so far this year. Excitement is gone, for the most part. I do get excited when:
There are good free samples of food and drink in an airport.
An airport has padded reclining chairs (a la Doha).
I get a row of three seats to myself and can lie down.

I would get excited if:
I had an attractive man next to me
I was invited into the cockpit
I got a free upgrade
Not sure the cockpit thing is likely going to happen these days. Not unless you book a day in a simulator.

A pilot would be sacked and possibly prosecuted if he let you in the cockpit during a flight now. Pre-911 they had a stream of kids, young and old traipsing in.

I had an hour in a BA 747 simulator at Heathrow for my 40th birthday pressie; if I ever have a spare £14m I'm getting myself one of those bad boys.
I hate flying.

It's scary, uncomfortable, bad for the planet, and the hoops you have to jump through now to get on a plane is ridiculous. I remember the excitement of it, when I was a kid. It all felt easy. Turn up at the airport two hours before, queue for a few minutes and check in your bags, then get on the plane and eat some shit, but weirdly cute, food in a little tray.

Now it's arrive three hours before, and hope that this is enough time to get through security checks. Get herded through said checks and get told off when you've left a 200ml bottle of liquid in your case instead of putting it in a clear bag, and then having your deoderant removed, or your port that you brought back from Lisbon taken off you because you forgot about the rule. You can buy some more as soon as you're through the gates, though: £££.

Then you don't have enough room to put your bag in the overhead compartments because nobody can afford to double their flight costs by checking in their luggage, so everythings in the cabin. You can't sit with your girlfriend because you didn't pay to choose a seat, and because you didn't pay extra to jump the queue, by the time you got on the only seats left were singles.

No food for you, because you didn't pay again. But even if you did pay for all of these extras, we're still gonna blast adverts at you for scratch cards and other pointless shit - because you look too comfortable in your tiny seats there.

Oh, and now you've arrived, it's silly o'clock and you're in the middle of nowhere, but as everything's interconnected now, there's a handy shuttle train to take you to the centre - great idea, should really cut down on car uses by making it simple to get to the airport. Oh, what's this? You have to pay double for a train ticket as there's an "airport surcharge"? Fuck off!
Dickheads like you hold up security checks and cause the very delays you're moaning about! Read the fucking rules before packing your shit :mad::p
I was TSA pre-screened on my last flight for some reason. Got waved through lines, shoes stayed on, laptop stayed in bag...I felt like royalty :D

I do love flying. A lot of hassles but yes, I do get butterflies about it still, in a good way.
I used to have really bad anxiety (in general) and terrible anxiety about flying, so now being able to enjoy it again makes me very happy.
The rate they are being scrapped it'd probably be cheaper to buy the real thing. How long is your garden?

Not long enough, but it does have a hump like the upper deck!

Lufthansa has just bought a load of new 747-800's, which has one of the very best first class cabins going in them, but hardly any other carrier is touching them, so yeah, they will soon be gone, which is a shame as they are such lookers.
Lufthansa has just bought a load of new 747-800's, which has one of the very best first class cabins going in them, but hardly any other carrier is touching them, so yeah, they will soon be gone, which is a shame as they are such lookers.

That's odd. Lufthansa must have got a very good deal otherwise you'd just go for the a380 or smaller with the dreamliner or a350.

Anyway, I can't say I'm particularly fond of the old jumbo these days. I've had too many BA flights with them recently and I'm sick of them.
That's odd. Lufthansa must have got a very good deal otherwise you'd just go for the a380 or smaller with the dreamliner or a350.

Anyway, I can't say I'm particularly fond of the old jumbo these days. I've had too many BA flights with them recently and I'm sick of them.

They got A380's too, so yeah, must've got a deal on the 747-8's.

Lufthansa's first class wing at Frankfurt is something else too, would love to be able to pass through that, all the above moans about airports go right out of the window there, right up to be driven in a Porsche Cayman from the terminal to the plane where a private lift whisks you up to the doors!
If I only have cabin bag and I can see things out of the window and I am not having a super fat time its ok. If its Icelandair where I always get a free upgrade then its fine. If I am having a fat time I hate it because I fear I might touch the person next to me with fat bits. Suitcase/budget airline/nothing out the window/overenthusiastic clapping and singing drunken passengers = horrible. Four hour flight next to man who talks to me the entire journey about his girlfriend telling him he has skin like a chicken also horrible.
Dickheads like you hold up security checks and cause the very delays you're moaning about! Read the fucking rules before packing your shit :mad::p

I flew recently and was a bit pushed for time getting the train to Gatwick and getting to the plane. When I got to the security check the guy who I was waiting behind was finishing a drink and giving the empty bottle to security staff, packing his liquids into a clear bag, and seemingly taking hours to get his belt off, etc. Then I got a full security shake down because I'd put my liquids under my rucksack so it looked like there were liquids in my rucksack on the scanner. Don't these people know I had a plane to catch!?! :mad:
I flew recently and was a bit pushed for time getting the train to Gatwick and getting to the plane. When I got to the security check the guy who I was waiting behind was finishing a drink and giving the empty bottle to security staff, packing his liquids into a clear bag, and seemingly taking hours to get his belt off, etc. Then I got a full security shake down because I'd put my liquids under my rucksack so it looked like there were liquids in my rucksack on the scanner. Don't these people know I had a plane to catch!?! :mad:
This is the kind of thing I'm talking about. There should be a firing squad on hand to deal with people like that.
I hate flying.

It's scary, uncomfortable, bad for the planet, and the hoops you have to jump through now to get on a plane is ridiculous. I remember the excitement of it, when I was a kid. It all felt easy. Turn up at the airport two hours before, queue for a few minutes and check in your bags, then get on the plane and eat some shit, but weirdly cute, food in a little tray.

Now it's arrive three hours before, and hope that this is enough time to get through security checks. Get herded through said checks and get told off when you've left a 200ml bottle of liquid in your case instead of putting it in a clear bag, and then having your deoderant removed, or your port that you brought back from Lisbon taken off you because you forgot about the rule. You can buy some more as soon as you're through the gates, though: £££.
Yeah it used to be fun and even make you feel a bit 'special', but now it's just a load of hassle and a chore and something to be dreaded. Nobody can convince me that the terrorists haven't won - I really have to ask myself these days just how much I want to go somewhere to have to put up with all the airport bullshit now. The actual flying bit I don't mind so much, though over time even that has lost much of it's appeal, but all the crap you have to go through to actually get on the damn thing puts me right off. And I've been lucky enough never to have been stuck in an airport queue for hours (or even days) next to some screaming child, or had flights cancelled or lost luggage - but I know that the more I fly the greater the chances are that I'll have to experience some shit like that. This new EU checking for those entering and leaving the Schengen area fills me with dread - I mean, I hate queueing even for something that I want, so having to wait in line for hours, stressing about possibly missing your flight, just to be security checked gives me the horrors. Fortunately I've no plans to fly to any EU countries anytime soon, so I just hope that by the next time I do it will have got more streamlined and take less time. But then pretty soon it'll be Brexit and god knows how much more miserable that'll make things.
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That's odd. Lufthansa must have got a very good deal otherwise you'd just go for the a380 or smaller with the dreamliner or a350.

LH bought the B788 because they had major input into the '747 Advanced' program at Boeing so it was reflective of their requirements and preferences. They use it alongside the A380 but very few operators have the fleet and network size to support both. The 747-8i had the misfortune to come to market just as a combination of hyper-connecting ME airlines and the B77W were killing the four engine/450+ seat market.
They got A380's too, so yeah, must've got a deal on the 747-8's
That was the general consensus civil amongst aviation enthusiasts/ observers. Whereas the freight version of the 748 has some legs, the (few) airlines that bought the pax version were offered bargain basement prices as an attempt to steal sales from the A380.

As it sadly turned out Boeing needn't have bothered developing the 748, as the 380 hasn't exactly been flying off the shelves (if you'll pardon the pun). But I still think Airbus is far better off having launched the 380, from the prestige and technological know-how they acquired.
to the best of my recollection i've flown 2 return trips in my life. frankly it's better for everyone involved if i just don't.

combined with not driving i'm a veritable environmental saviour :cool: where do i pick up my bonus planet-points and how do i spend them?
I hate flying.

It's scary, uncomfortable, bad for the planet, and the hoops you have to jump through now to get on a plane is ridiculous. I remember the excitement of it, when I was a kid. It all felt easy. Turn up at the airport two hours before, queue for a few minutes and check in your bags, then get on the plane and eat some shit, but weirdly cute, food in a little tray.

Now it's arrive three hours before, and hope that this is enough time to get through security checks. Get herded through said checks and get told off when you've left a 200ml bottle of liquid in your case instead of putting it in a clear bag, and then having your deoderant removed, or your port that you brought back from Lisbon taken off you because you forgot about the rule. You can buy some more as soon as you're through the gates, though: £££.

Then you don't have enough room to put your bag in the overhead compartments because nobody can afford to double their flight costs by checking in their luggage, so everythings in the cabin. You can't sit with your girlfriend because you didn't pay to choose a seat, and because you didn't pay extra to jump the queue, by the time you got on the only seats left were singles.

No food for you, because you didn't pay again. But even if you did pay for all of these extras, we're still gonna blast adverts at you for scratch cards and other pointless shit - because you look too comfortable in your tiny seats there.

Oh, and now you've arrived, it's silly o'clock and you're in the middle of nowhere, but as everything's interconnected now, there's a handy shuttle train to take you to the centre - great idea, should really cut down on car uses by making it simple to get to the airport. Oh, what's this? You have to pay double for a train ticket as there's an "airport surcharge"? Fuck off!
Pretty much all of these problems can be avoided with a bit of organisation.
It's still a bloody miracle - that a massive bit of metal full of people can take off and fly! I love flying. Not the dull bit in the middle (although it used to be fun when you were in the smoking aisle because that was where all the best people were) but the take off and landing is still cool
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