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Air travel!

The more I think about it, the more it seems to me that if the FAA hadn't been the gimp in Boeing's basement for all these decades, the 737 would have lost its airworthiness directive a long time ago. It's a bit like keep granting MOT certificates to a 1970s Ford Cortina with no seatbeatls at the back and pisspoor brakes.
This is nonsense on a bunch of counts. The 737 wouldn't have lost its airworthiness certs, it just - arguably - would have become uneconomical to extend and keep competitive earlier, which is the point it's at now. And a 1970s Cortina would pass an MOT today with no seatbelts and piss poor brakes, because that's how it came.
I bloody love Indian sleeper trains. Loved them 20 years ago and they still do it for me. Am snug on my bunk (2 starched sheets and a pillow in “3rd class”) and a man just walked by calling out to see if anyone wants to buy a hot chocolate in tiny cup for 20p and I did want to.
I bloody love Indian sleeper trains. Loved them 20 years ago and they still do it for me. Am snug on my bunk (2 starched sheets and a pillow in “3rd class”) and a man just walked by calling out to see if anyone wants to buy a hot chocolate in tiny cup for 20p and I did want to.

20p sounds a bit steep for India :hmm:
I bloody love Indian sleeper trains. Loved them 20 years ago and they still do it for me. Am snug on my bunk (2 starched sheets and a pillow in “3rd class”) and a man just walked by calling out to see if anyone wants to buy a hot chocolate in tiny cup for 20p and I did want to.

This train flies does it?
Plans for LHR third runway deemed unlawful

Government will not appeal but owners of Heathrow say they will.

If the ultra expensive HS2 has an obvious upside is that it should cut demand for domestic flights. I think LHR should be able to work around the lack of additional runways.

There might also be a case for sacrificing a bit of flexibility in order to cut the number of flights. Instead of, say, an airline group like BA/ IB having 8-10 flights to Madrid a day on an A320, they could use a larger model and carry the same number of people with 5-7 flights a day instead.
Good news.

Extending the logic of the decision, the government should really be removing runways from Heathrow and eventually closing it altogether. The site could then be used for much needed housing, and other facilities that are beneficial rather than detrimental to the majority of Londoners.
Yep, I'm sure it's this Sunday. Word of warning...DO NOT go near TGIs nearly next door!!!
Went yesterday to have a look (Croydon Airport Museum that is, not the TGI next door). It was rather busy, which was nice to see. There was a bit of a wait to visit the control tower and I had various errands to run, so I saved that for another visit :)
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Landings are currently from the west on 9L, but yeah, a massive reduction in the number of flights right now.
Central and Southern Africa pretty empty right now...


The blob over Kenya is a Project Loon internet balloon.
Are you sure? Imagine the incalculable environmental damage those evil flying machines are causing to the planet.
Are you sure? Imagine the incalculable environmental damage those evil flying machines are causing to the planet.
If you are bored....by running the cursor over the plane icon on Flight Radar, you can see the aircraft and airline details - this morning c 5 am, all bar one of the planes over UK were freight
As it should be at the moment tbh. There are going to be multiple casualties in the air industry, but then again new airlines will take their place because sure as hell as soon as the world gets the all-clear there is going to be a lot of demand for air travel.
Screen Shot 2020-04-03 at 18.35.03.jpg

What's alarming about this graph - aside from the sudden dropoff - is the rise in number of flights year upon year, which appears to be following some kind of exponential curve. Like a dangerous virus.


The illegal state aid being granted on condition that they don’t go for passengers on routes that people who are not connecting use the train for anyway, it’s a win for sure...
Bahnhof Strasse bit of advice if you could. Still waiting for my money from ryanair. I have the chat transcript from March 27th with the promise to refund within 28 days. It's now 35 days. I just did live chat again and got fobbed off with youre in a queue to be processed, you will hear from us. (This what what they said, I did get to live chat again and have asked for the transcript of this chat too). Just wondering if there's anything else I can do? It was paid by CC so I know I can do a section 45 is it? But I'm wondering what is best because I don't believe the in a queue to be processed thing at all. Thanks for any help.
Bahnhof Strasse bit of advice if you could. Still waiting for my money from ryanair. I have the chat transcript from March 27th with the promise to refund within 28 days. It's now 35 days. I just did live chat again and got fobbed off with youre in a queue to be processed, you will hear from us. (This what what they said, I did get to live chat again and have asked for the transcript of this chat too). Just wondering if there's anything else I can do? It was paid by CC so I know I can do a section 45 is it? But I'm wondering what is best because I don't believe the in a queue to be processed thing at all. Thanks for any help.

O'Leary is today saying the backlog is so great that it may take up to six months to get money back. I'm inclined to believe him on this. I have a number of refunds that were sent in at the end of March and have warned my punters not to expect the cash until June at least. Under normal circumstances Ryanair are very quick, always within 7 days. Easyjet are also normally quick, but a couple of times the refunds have not happened and they have needed chasing, so that could be the case with Ryanair, but I feel that it is more likely to be the vast number of refunds they are processing that is causing the delay. Do keep on at them and keep a record of each chat/email etc. in case it has gone awry, but I think it will arrive in time. For all their many faults, their refunding system is pretty good.
I'm owed just shy of £800 by Wizz for flights that were supposed to happen in early April. They advised it would be dead slow to get the refund and I get that. I'm pretty chilled about it because of the back-up of having a credit card. Plus it was split between 6 of us.

Interestingly I think Wizz try to push you towards pay pal or bank transfer rather than credit card. I wonder what the situation is for those forms of payment when Wizz inevitably go bust?
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