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Afghanistan: Mission Accomplished

Russia is saying stuff like this.

"Russia's embassy in Kabul said on Monday that Afghan President Ashraf Ghani had fled the country with four cars and a helicopter full of cash and had to leave some money behind as it would not all fit in, the RIA news agency reported.'

leave behind as in leave on the tarmac, is what they are suggesting.
Russia is saying stuff like this

"Russia's embassy in Kabul said on Monday that Afghan President Ashraf Ghani had fled the country with four cars and a helicopter full of cash and had to leave some money behind as it would not all fit in, the RIA news agency reported.'

leave behind as in leave on the tarmac, is what they are suggesting.

I think more importantly, Russia is saying stuff like this:

Unlike Western countries, which scrambled to get their diplomats out of the country as the Taliban completed its military takeover of the country this weekend, Russia has said its embassy in Kabul will stay open.

Ambassador Dmitry Zhirnov told Russian state media that the Taliban had already started to guard his embassy.

Foreign ministry official Zamir Kabulov said on Monday that Russia would decide on recognising the new Taliban government based “on the conduct of the new authorities”.
Russia is saying stuff like this.

"Russia's embassy in Kabul said on Monday that Afghan President Ashraf Ghani had fled the country with four cars and a helicopter full of cash and had to leave some money behind as it would not all fit in, the RIA news agency reported.'

leave behind as in leave on the tarmac, is what they are suggesting.
A cool five million was abandoned on the tarmac, if reports I've read are correct.

Maybe some civilians were able to collar some of the cash after that, I don't know. It would be nice to think so, anyway.
I assume the people at the airport are Afghan soldiers being abandoned by their paymasters rather than civilians.
Biden, early last month :

View attachment 283923

I'm curious, do people who know about this stuff reckon he was lying when he said (that he thought it not inevitable) or just mistaken?

The charitable version is that one of the truths that will come out of this debacle - eventually - is that politicians (and others) believe the illusion of reality that most conforms to their desires.

The less charitable, and more likely, version is that he knew that the ANA would collapse, but saying so would get in the way of achieving his desires policy, so he told a great, big, fat lie instead.
I'm not sure what you mean here? Surely the points she makes are correct - all we can do now is to try and secure escape routes for refugees and provide asylum. And also to discharge our debt to those who worked for us.

Nobody I’ve seen disagrees with that. It’s the very least that needs to be done. It’s the ‘instead of criticising Biden’ but that rankles
It looks like Kabul airport is closed. It's now 22.20 in Kabul, it got dark 4 hours ago, and its reported that the Taliban have taken control of the civilian side of the airport while the US attempt to control the military side.

A German plane has had to divert to Uzbekistan because it couldn't land, and a Turkish plane has gone to Pakistan for the same reason.

I think tomorrow is going to be a shit-show. Burnt out aircraft, hostages, fighting, and everything that can go wrong, will.

I'm in utter dispair.
It looks like Kabul airport is closed. It's now 22.20 in Kabul, it got dark 4 hours ago, and its reported that the Taliban have taken control of the civilian side of the airport while the US attempt to control the military side.

A German plane has had to divert to Uzbekistan because it couldn't land, and a Turkish plane has gone to Pakistan for the same reason.

I think tomorrow is going to be a shit-show. Burnt out aircraft, hostages, fighting, and everything that can go wrong, will.

I'm in utter dispair.

Wholly non-judgmental question if I may? It seems that however the coalition pulled out the result would be the same; how does it feel if you have lost a loved one or some limbs there seeing how it has inevitably returned to Taliban rule?
On the China-Pakistan relationship, the common term on the Chinese web is 巴铁 "Iron Pakistan" as in a cast-iron ally and the most recent thing has been a tonne of money chucked at the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor, so the interests of the elites coincide (India as well as money of course) but of course it's not really so straightforward. There was an attack on a bus carrying Chinese citizens in Pakistan a month or so ago that killed about a dozen and that illustrates that it's not really a warm friendship on the ground.
I'd noticed the talks with the Taliban before this all blew up but didn't really follow up. Will have a poke around and see if ay of the better commentators have any insight.
It seems that however the coalition pulled out the result would be the same
That isn't true though is it. This bit of the result, that is happening right now, at the airport, and with all the people who had already been promised they would be able to leave and won't now be able to, and who will quite likely die as a result, this botched departure was not inevitable just a massive fuckup.
On the China-Pakistan relationship, the common term on the Chinese web is 巴铁 "Iron Pakistan" as in a cast-iron ally and the most recent thing has been a tonne of money chucked at the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor, so the interests of the elites coincide (India as well as money of course) but of course it's not really so straightforward. There was an attack on a bus carrying Chinese citizens in Pakistan a month or so ago that killed about a dozen and that illustrates that it's not really a warm friendship on the ground.
I'd noticed the talks with the Taliban before this all blew up but didn't really follow up. Will have a poke around and see if ay of the better commentators have any insight.

Pakistan has been firm friends with China as Pakistan is not India. PIA flew to Beijing years ago, Air India did not.
That isn't true though is it. This bit of the result, that is happening right now, at the airport, and with all the people who had already been promised they would be able to leave and won't now be able to, and who will quite likely die as a result, this was not inevitable.

How come? Could the US advertise that it will pull out on such and such a date and anyone who wants to flee now will be protected? That perhaps may have been better but the Taliban were always going to take control again once the US fucked off. They are not some alien force that appeared there, they are Afghans.
How come? Could the US advertise that it will pull out on such and such a date and anyone who wants to flee now will be protected? That perhaps may have been better but the Taliban were always going to take control again once the US fucked off. They are not some alien force that appeared there, they are Afghans.
Yes, they just got the timing catastrophically wrong. Thought they had time for an orderly withdrawal and they totally fucked it. Look at Biden's speech 5 weeks ago for instance, saying how they are calmly going about stamping the visas of their allies and interpreters and shall be ferrying them all to safety if they so choose by the 31st of August.
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James Heappey, a junior defence minister and ex-serviceman, is on C4 news. He's retelling the lie that he helped prevent Al-Q from using Afghanistan as a base for international terror. This is such horseshit and it's the official justification for the deaths of his colleagues. We invade, so we get to the top of the target list for the terrorist imams, who can live in dozens of countries. Then the imams use the internet to recruit and radicalise British people and give them bomb-making tuition. The invasion causes the attacks here, it doesn't prevent them. We'd be safer if our forces bombed the fucking internet.
Biden, early last month :

View attachment 283923

I'm curious, do people who know about this stuff reckon he was lying when he said (that he thought it not inevitable) or just mistaken?
It's not a 'gotcha' because politically he can always argue it wasn't inevitable, just the way things panned out. There's a reason he's put it with the numbers like that. "As any fule can see...(300,000 is bigger than 75000)"

Oh, but about that airforce. 22 Afghan airforce planes have landed in Uzbekistan seeking refuge in the last week. Another got shot down (by the Uzbeks) and another crashed into its Uzbek escort jet, bringing down both.
Anyway, I had a weird one following BBC online earlier at about 5pmish. They were blandly quoting US Defence Sec (Kirby?). Then, in the middle, up popped this line, quoting someone (though I'm not sure if him).

"The Afghan National Army has significant material advantages over the militia and it is now they should be using them."

I immediately had a WTF? moment. I mean, denial of reality or what. And then the line disappeared as the page seemed to refresh.

Wtf was that about? Who did say that line? And why was it reported, in the middle of reporting Kirby, and then removed?

It definitely happened.
Wholly non-judgmental question if I may? It seems that however the coalition pulled out the result would be the same; how does it feel if you have lost a loved one or some limbs there seeing how it has inevitably returned to Taliban rule?

On a personal level there are many different feelings and views, most of them mutually exclusive.

On a philosophical/intellectual level I fully understand that you don't 'buy' military/political victories with a one-off cost in blood and treasure, you just rent them, and you can keep them as long as you keep paying whatever cost in blood and treasure your enemy charges.

we have an interesting parallel that no one really questions - the Falklands. The war was fought and won 40 years ago, but we still keep a garrison there in order to maintain that outcome. It has a cost, both financial and human, and we accept that.

I'd say there's little real surprise at the end result, but the speed of it is stunning, and the 'what was it for?' stuff has filled my WhatsApp all weekend. its emotionally devastating, and its wrapped up in absolute horror at what's happening to our interpreters and Locally Employed Contractors, many of whom we had really close relationships with, and who we see being left to horrific deaths - at least in part by government indifference and incompetence.

There's some real soul searching going on, and lots of utter fury, including at a senior level, and lots of it is in public.

Existential crisis is perhaps taking it a bit far, but not by much.
James Heappey, a junior defence minister and ex-serviceman, is on C4 news. He's retelling the lie that he helped prevent Al-Q from using Afghanistan as a base for international terror. This is such horseshit and it's the official justification for the deaths of his colleagues. We invade, so we get to the top of the target list for the terrorist imams, who can live in dozens of countries. Then the imams use the internet to recruit and radicalise British people and give them bomb-making tuition. The invasion causes the attacks here, it doesn't prevent them. We'd be safer if our forces bombed the fucking internet.
You never heard of the covenant of security successive British governments entered into with jihadis then
And isn't it * really strange * that there's no bomb attacks in 2002. Or 2003. Or 2004. So where is this actual link between the invasion and bomb attacks that you're trying to make?
I assume the people at the airport are Afghan soldiers being abandoned by their paymasters rather than civilians.

No, there's a camp holding British citizens too - not just ones who worked for the gov either.
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