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Affordable, Non-Pretentious Pubs/Pub Grub Type Places In Shoreditch


Sonic: 1 Nov 2006 - 8 Jan 2022
HAHAHAHA! Has to be near Old Street station.

OH's sister in London today, wants to meet up with him, well us but him specifically, we already turned down her 2 suggestions of mortally expensive restaurants that we can't afford and she agreed to go to a pub instead.

Only problem is that she wants to meet in fucking Shoreditch of all places where you can't move without hitting a hipster fried-chicken-microbrewery-kerbside-experience (seriously), the place has changed unrecognisably since I lived near there before it got gentrified.

Any suggestions for places that are decent and affordable for beer and bar snacks? Normal pubs in other words. Am used to sub-£5 pints in my neck of the woods (our local is about £4.50), which I know we are not going to get there, but we don't want to get shocked with a £7 a pint bill.

There's the Masque Haunt, but it's a * spits * Wetherspoons.

I don't know it will, but The Prince Arthur in Brunswick Place seems like more of a historically 'local' joint.
The artillery arms (mentioned above) is really nice, I was there recently and (very well kept) cask ale was around a fiver. Didn't eat but menu looked good enough.
The Golden Heart.

It doesn’t do food. But it’s the most unpretentious boozer in the area AFAIC. Plus it’s right next to Spitalfields market, Brick Lane, and a great chippy if you do want food.
Ah sorry I should have been more specific, we are meeting on foot nearer the Liverpool Street side of Shoreditch, sorry I should have specified that it needs to be east of City Road and probably South of Old Street, most of those suggestions are too far away :(

The Prince Arthur might be a go-er though but only just.

I'm not sure how much of a say we'll get anyway tbh.
Ah sorry I should have been more specific, we are meeting on foot nearer the Liverpool Street side of Shoreditch, sorry I should have specified that it needs to be east of City Road and probably South of Old Street, most of those suggestions are too far away :(
TBH, think you're going to struggle to get somewhere round there that's not expensive and/or not full of annoying people. :(
TBH, think you're going to struggle to get somewhere round there that's not expensive and/or not full of annoying people. :(

All that side of his family are unbearable snobs tbh, I should have known she wouldn't want to go somewhere normal.

Really fucked off about the whole thing, considering not going now. Can't really afford to both go out for a drink around there anyway, she wants to see him for some reason which is a bit ominous but I don't need to be there. I was quite looking forward to a couple of beers out though.
Nevermind, it seems we aren't getting a say - we're meeting at The Fox, which is the hipster fried chicken place I laughingly referred to in my first post.

OH doesn't eat meat so food is out. I'll make us sandwiches to eat before we go.

The Fox actually used to have an okay menu (I'm veggie too and went there a few times and it was fine) so not sure what happened. :confused:
I'm feeling really "oh god" about the whole thing, the fact she wants to meet up with him is really odd, his mum (her step-mum) recently had them all sign PoA forms so it is all a bit ominous.
They have veggie/vegan stuff on the menu mate.

This is the menu I found - he hates cauli, doesn't like feta, won't eat corn if it is on the cob cos he's worried about his crown, so that leaves zucchini fries and potato tots - exciting stuff...

I mean I am fine with chicken but it's just inconsiderate of her to insist on a venue.

Her original suggestion was a restaurant which I am sure was lovely but the mains were £40-£50 each. She knows he works in a factory ffs.

The Coop.JPG
If you want an actual cheap pint, there is a spoons just outside Liverpool Street station - Hamilton Hall.

Also there's a nice victorian style boozer thats a Greene King - The Red Lion, which is a very short work from Liv Street station almost round the back of it.
OK will try to get things moved on from that initial meeting place.

Thanks for the suggestions!

Turns out OH was asked where he wanted to meet and to suggest a pub, but the words "pissup" and "brewery" spring to mind (if he'd mentioned venue suggestions to me more than 3 hours ago I'd have sorted something), so not knowing London at all she's just googled and picked the watering hole closest to where her work meeting is... :rolleyes:
there's a load of vietnamese places up kingsland road, shouldn't be an issue getting veggie food there - some of them are byob too, which might make things cheaper
An incredible amount. It's like little Hanoi up there. But a bit of a walk from where the OP needs though.

I used to practically live in the Viet Hoa back in the day - that would have been in the early to mid '90s iirc, absolutely fucking amazing fried catfish and noodles, when I first moved to London I lived on Kingsland Road in a flat next to the ambulance depot and was in there all the time and then later moved a bit up the road, opposite the museum.

I don't think we'll have time to meet up, go somewhere else, and then have a proper meal though, she's got to get a train back west fairly early. I'd also have to check peanut status of the kitchens of whatever restaurants are there now, unfortunately I can't eat in quite a lot of far-eastern eateries these days.
The Golden Heart.

It doesn’t do food. But it’s the most unpretentious boozer in the area AFAIC. Plus it’s right next to Spitalfields market, Brick Lane, and a great chippy if you do want food.
Used to be frequented by Tracey Emin and her Britpop chums back when Sandra owned it.
Liverpool St is a 5 min walk from Brick Lane. Any curry house would have cheaper grub than the pubs round there.

We're not going to be at Liverpool St though, we're meeting at The Fox and we have about 90 minutes in which to do something before she heads home, we won't be going for a restaurant meal anywhere.

Wherever we go has to be within 5 minutes walk of The Fox, we're not traipsing all over and we're not having a full meal.
Right I assumed she’d sold up. She must be ancient nowadays.

Yeah she is, and having an operation soon on her hip or something, but she's still behind the bar and that's why I like it. Amidst all the trendy chain bars and hipster hangouts, she's managed to preserve a no nonsense boozer with a decent jukebox which actual locals go to.
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