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Affordable, Non-Pretentious Pubs/Pub Grub Type Places In Shoreditch

Yeah she is, and having an operation soon on her hip or something, but she's still behind the bar and that's why I like it. Amidst all the trendy chain bars and hipster hangouts, she's managed to preserve a no nonsense boozer with a decent jukebox which actual locals go to.
Sunday nights used to be amazing. Everyone Dancing on tables to Frank Sinatra. That was two decades ago mind.
in answer to the original question, i suggest time travel

do you have any large cardboard boxes?

Haha even I am feeling confused now. :D

My OH who was there today to see his step-sister after her work meeting is pescetarian and doesn't eat chicken, but he isn't veggie and isn't my brother.
My brother who wasn't there today is vegan and has no interest in seeing my OH or OH's step-sister and barely much more interest in seeing me.
I will eat anything except peanuts so was only bothered about the chicken feast thing by proxy on behalf of my OH.

That sounds like the clues for a logic problem :D :D

The Fox was absolutely rammed due to the football so we went round the corner to The Windmill (no TV screens) which is a pizza bar and caught the end of their happy hour so the first 2 drinks weren't mortally expensive - could barely hear ourselves think though and there wasn't enough table space or time (and we are skint atm, STILL waiting on that refund cheque from EDF) to order the utterly delicious looking and reasonably priced (had we not been on our uppers) pizzas.

So we had a couple of beers and went home via Morrison's where we availed ourselves of a frozen pizza/ice cream/fizzy pop special offer, pizza in the oven now.

Will definitely return to the pizza bar at some point when we have money and fancy a pizza and beer out though.
Haha even I am feeling confused now. :D

My OH who was there today to see his step-sister after her work meeting is pescetarian and doesn't eat chicken, but he isn't veggie and isn't my brother.
well I was talking about your sister in law choosing a chicken place despite knowing her brother doesn't eat chicken!
I like the Windmill and the pizza's decent but the beer is quite expensive.

Aye they looked and smelled great. Beer prices slightly frightening, but I think that's standard for the area.
I think next time she's in London we'll meet up in the Paddington (where she gets a train back west from) area rather than Shoreditch (where her HQ work meetings are likely to be).

It was a nice evening anyhow, I've not really spent much time talking to her before but she turned out to be quite nice. The venue wasn't her fault, she doesn't know the area.
Aye they looked and smelled great. Beer prices slightly frightening, but I think that's standard for the area.
I literally used to work round the corner and I'd say despite being a bit scruffy, it's one of the more expensive places for a pint round there.
I think next time she's in London we'll meet up in the Paddington (where she gets a train back west from) area rather than Shoreditch (where her HQ work meetings are likely to be).

It was a nice evening anyhow, I've not really spent much time talking to her before but she turned out to be quite nice. The venue wasn't her fault, she doesn't know the area.
Glad it was good though!
The venue wasn't her fault, she doesn't know the area.

Well, it is a bit. After you first asked for suggestions, you said you didn't think you'd have a choice. Surely the natural thing to do when you've come to a place you don't know to see people who live there is to ask them what they'd recommend, not dictate the venue based on whatever you've found on the internet.
Well, it is a bit. After you first asked for suggestions, you said you didn't think you'd have a choice. Surely the natural thing to do when you've come to a place you don't know to see people who live there is to ask them what they'd recommend, not dictate the venue based on whatever they'd found on the internet.

Nah it really wasn't. Turns out she asked OH days ago where he wanted to go and he got confused about the postcode she said her office was at, thought it was somewhere else in London, and then forgot about it until she texted him this morning saying "Not heard from you so I'll be at The Fox between 5.30 and 6pm to meet you if you can make it, if not I'll see you another time".

I don't blame him either it's an ADHD thing.
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