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Adjusting to shift working.

I'm a bit confused as to what I should be eating at any given time. Just now eating something about every three hours when I'm awake. Trying to keep coffee usage down too.
I do a night shift for stocktake a couple of times a year and this is what really confuses me. I usually have my dinner about 3pm, go to sleep for as long as possible and then have breakfast at work at around 2am and then a second breakfast when I get home at 6.30 and then go back to sleep.
I'd smash all my grub by 11pm and then hit the chocolate machine. I stopped taking cash into work because of it.

One of the other shifts got a crew together and turned the machine upside down to empty it. After this happened a couple of times the machine was taken away and temptation vanished.

i did a few night shifts a few years back when i was running rail replacement bus services, but it tended to be one or occasionally two nights, not a week at a go, and i wasn't working full time then.

on the buses, most places that have night buses have a separate rota and some drivers are on regular nights, not a shift pattern that means a week of nights every now and then.
hmm never worked a rotation shift include a night shift on its cycle

but once tried to work the night shift for about 2 years solid not the best idea if you don't have your own quiet gaff to spend the daytimes sleeping in

was alright to begin with but found out my mood was affected by lack of sunlight so ended up living like a bat in the winter and losing my Saturday to sleep debt

driving at night , the peace & quiet and lack of management was fun

but was suffering one night and started talking to a fellow at the local tescos who also worked night and asked if it get any easier

he said you body adapts after about 3 years and i said fuck this for a game of soldiers

your experience might be different some people love it
I cannot eat on a night shift, hot drinks only. No caffeine either, apart from a coffee before starting. Just makes me feel grim sped up if i carry on. My meals stay exactly the same, in the day at the usual times around sleeping. I think that always helped me readjust to days but that's only because i never really fully adjusted to the nights. Unless my job changes radically I won't have to do 8pm-8am every again though. Thank fuck. There's research in Denmark that says night shifts are carcinogenic, and those that do them should be compensated accordingly. Lol capitalism.

Congrats on your new role sim667 :)
I'd smash all my grub by 11pm and then hit the chocolate machine. I stopped taking cash into work because of it.

One of the other shifts got a crew together and turned the machine upside down to empty it. After this happened a couple of times the machine was taken away and temptation vanished.
Yeah, however many salads and light pasta dishes you prep and take in for nights you will always end up at the kebab shop...
There is something nice about catching the sunrise at work. We had no windows, just a 1.5 mile long tin shed, so I'd generally take a shit break around sunrise and slope off out to the yard for a spliff to see the morning in.

I used to love the feeling of getting into bed shagged out in the morning and hearing the world getting up and going to work.
I used to work 8-and-a-bit hour night shifts, 7 on, 7 off. Loved it. I'd get home before 8, straight to sleep, then up in the at some point in the afternoon. To the pub to informally compete against the early finishing teachers when Fifteen to One and Countdown were on. Then back home for a few hours sleep, and at work by 11.

Now I work a rolling rota of day and night shifts, and they're 12 hours long, so not much of anything gets done during a block of them.. When I'm coming off night shifts, I get a few hours sleep, then do day things. Stay up to normal bedtime, and I'm back to normal time.
I regularly do 7 straight nights from 23.00 to 07.00 and try to keep my sleep patterns as close to how they would be normally ( my "commute" is minutes ). Finish work at 7. Home to bed to sleep for as long as possible. Normally awake and up around 11. Potter around, go back to bed around 6 and get up at 10. At end of last night I try to keep going but probably with a quick nap as I want to try and get back to normal hours asap.
Eight hours a night is a modern invention anyway. Historically, there's loads of references to 'two sleeps' because people would wake up in between sleeps and they would be awake for a while, praying, doing work or chores or having sex, before going back to sleep.

I'm a bit confused as to what I should be eating at any given time. Just now eating something about every three hours when I'm awake. Trying to keep coffee usage down too.
Yes, that's a bit confusing, and I think I developed a tendency to eat something substantial, just in case it was 'dinner time'. But I also developed a tendency to snack too, because of not having regular mealtimes, so I suppose your metabolism and digestion and energy levels are all over the place because of disrupted sleep patterns coupled with irregular eating habits. So if you hit a slump it's all too easy to nip to the vending machine for a bar of chocolate if you feel like you need an energy boost. Or if you're in a job where there might be some quiet times during the night, it's easy to start eating just to relieving the boredom too. So I tend to put on weight when working shifts.
Tonight’s the last night in this rota. I’m looking forward to some rest.

I did get to garden a bit today and tidy up but no more than fours hours sleep this morning.
I did about 18 years working over 7 days including nights, lates, earlies & long-days. I’m now about 5 years into Mon-Fri & still miss shift work well the day part. When I worked nights it would be 75 hrs over a fortnight which worked out 3 one week & 4 the next working 7.45pm-7.45am though had one job where night started at 9pm which felt more like night-shift. I would do my quota in the winter when it made no difference waking up in the dark & going home in the dark.

How I managed:
Let people know I was on nights
Don’t order anything to be delivered
Black out blinds
Food shopping & housework before nights commence

First night eat as normal at home & take healthy snacks into work. Sometimes just fruit & toast.

Second night & so on breakfast when I woke up such as porridge as I usually worked nights in winter as found them brutal in the summer. Then I would have main meal at work & would usually have a snack before sleep so hunger didn’t wake me up. Rarely would I have takeout which was common where I worked.

Resetting sleep pattern I preferred the don’t sleep after the last night approach as opposed to a few hours as guaranteed that will be the day I get my best sleep. Neither method is easy. Main thing is don’t have a normal sleep as then you will be buggered.

Medication -depending on what/if you take & if times need changing. I used to take one that was meant to be taken whilst I slept so I switched it round.
When I had the 7 nights on, 7 off job, sometimes we'd go to Smithfield on weekdays (I think most of the pubs aren't there any more, or don't do the hours), or the one on the Columbia Road flower market on Sundays. Another job I briefly had and forgot used the Market Porter, as the office was quite close. It was just about OK for the socialising aspect, but even so it wasn't the best start to the non-working week. Weirdly, I think Saturday morning was the only time one couldn't buy a drink at that time of day somewhere. Or we didn't know where to go.
When I had the 7 nights on, 7 off job, sometimes we'd go to Smithfield on weekdays (I think most of the pubs aren't there any more, or don't do the hours), or the one on the Columbia Road flower market on Sundays. Another job I briefly had and forgot used the Market Porter, as the office was quite close. It was just about OK for the socialising aspect, but even so it wasn't the best start to the non-working week. Weirdly, I think Saturday morning was the only time one couldn't buy a drink at that time of day somewhere. Or we didn't know where to go.
We used to go to the Columbia road one after partying. We must have looked horrific to those pottering about looking at plants.
I’m not sure what to do in the morning. Go on the lash at six AM? Go home to bed?
Depends how tired I am.
As already mentioned i tried to keep going. In keeping with my "training" from Crisis, I would go straight down the pub afterwards for a breakfast and a couple of pints.
more recently i have gone straight out to exercise. i am a firm believer in trying to get back to normal hours asap.
I'm just getting ready to do a 21:30 to 06:00 shift. It's a week of this in a five week rolling rota. Going from 09:00 to 17:00 to night shifts is a tad hard. Fatigue generally does not make me a kinder, nicer person. I will try with both hands.

I am not confident of getting much sleep after work this week. My cat will not approve of me being in bed in the day time. He will no doubt be a bastard. People knocking on the door, birds tweeting (bastards). Will probably walk over to Borough market when I finish and have a couple of pints and a breakfast.

Any other night workers out there?

I used to do 20:00 - 08:00 x 7. I slept OK, 30 mg of flurazepam saw to that, especially when washed down by a couple of brandy and cokes. :)
I could not do the stay up after the last shift approach, I was just too tired. I went for the go home, make a strong hash drink, have that , go to bed approach.

I got seven hours kip and awoke totally stoned. I did some gardening, ate loads of food, went to bed again at eleven pm and just awoke, still stoned. So two sleeps, fifteen hours and now back on normal time. GF is coming over later, nice walk, bit more gardening, easy day.
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