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Abandoned & unwanted plane pics


Shrouded in mystery: the Russian cargo plane abandoned in Umm Al Quwain | The National
There used to be quite a few around the NE of Scotland but in recent years, many have been cleaned-up/removed for scrap with a few rarer machines removed to museums/restoration and the RAF cleared-up their various dumps in and around Lossiemouth/Kinloss that once held many interesting planes.

This is near me - its not abandoned/unwanted though - in fact it is well looked after and makes for one of the coolest outside smoking areas I've so far seen.


The firm's back yard can often be interesting - they are a firm that buy-up old jet engines, sometimes still in the pods/planes and repurpose them for oil industry use. This plane is a survivor of a job-lot of several Hunters they once bought for reworking. :)
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its a bit of a trek innit and not a massive amount to see these days really....

Yeah a bit...... we did a private car day tour though. It was an area I felt important to see, and we'd been dicking about trying to find a coach tour, and they all looked shit, so I just doubled down, and actually, even though it was double the cost, the guide was amazing, and didn't follow the party line on stuff at all. Probably the most genuine humble guide we could have had. He'd been a young kid in the war, so could pass freely between the two sides, the company we'd used only used people who lived in the area at the time of the war.
US Navy Douglas super dc at Solheimasandur in Iceland. Has also served as a climbing frame for Justin Beiber, Kanye West and other luminaries.


  • Solheimasandur wrek 1973 US Navy Douglas super dc.jpg
    Solheimasandur wrek 1973 US Navy Douglas super dc.jpg
    239 KB · Views: 10
Inevitable AMARG…

Though I did see part of a B2 airframe there over 10 years ago (might have been a test article, wasn’t permitted to photo it then, apparently was still there last year and someone sneaked a photo)...
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