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A Woman's Place is Speaking Up in Wales

I'm going. Nobody wants me here. Bye.
Hey look if you do have to go for a bit then good luck to you. God knows I’ve had to take extended breaks from here when it’s all doing my head in and/or (mostly and) I’ve acted like a twat.

But as and when you can, pop back and say hullo.

These things can get heated, and this is personal for you, I get it. But take care of yourself x
Thanks for this Vintage Paw. I think a lot of what you say is true.

Yep, important to remember that the vast majority of people no matter what orientation are just good decent folk going about there lives with absolutely no interest in you.

What are the benefits of self ID for trans? Being able to escape the medicalisation and beaurocracy of it? Not to underestimate this. A massive thing. Not to have to prove yourself to the state and doctors.

Do you think it will lead to more men just ‘trying it out’ for a short amount of time without any real intention or feeling that they’re a woman (is that a stupid question? It sounds daft). Or that some men may use it as a defence for being in woman’s spaces? What about psychiatric wards or prisons where women are very vulnerable? Or do you think there should be ‘third’ spaces, but how would this work with such low numbers?

This is true. But some women do feel really scared of this, especially if the person is drunk?


This is also true. It’s absolutely crazy that the fear is so based around a penis, and whether the thought of a big masculine trans man just isn’t as frightening if they don’t have a penis.

A lot of it doesn’t make rational sense if you try to pin it down. But how would you feel if you were a woman locked in a cell or locked on a ward with a trans woman with a penis? It’s cringey writing this stuff about penises but that is largely what it comes down to, that fear that someone bigger and stronger than you who may want something you don’t want to give could hurt you?

There’s also what was mentioned up thread about voyers and flashers and upskirters and men that like to rub up against you. This shit is *common*. Most women have encountered multiple disgusting men of this kind and they obviously have no morals at all. I’ve been flashed three times in totally different places (on a bridge in Dublin, out running in Leeds and on an estate walking home in Brixton). These men get their kicks from basically shocking women with their dicks. This would be a green card for them? I don’t worry so much for myself as I’ve seen enough dicks to give the disgusted look and get the hell out of there, but I worry for younger girls in changing rooms.

To be clear I’d very much doubt any of those flashers was trans and there’s probably no connection between trans and sex crimes.

As well as stethoscope's excellent contributions, you might find this post useful to answer some of your questions.

In particular, when you ask "Do you think it will lead to more men just ‘trying it out’ for a short amount of time without any real intention or feeling that they’re a woman (is that a stupid question? It sounds daft). Or that some men may use it as a defence for being in woman’s spaces?" the answer is absolutely and categorically no.

I think the term 'self-id' is confusing. A lot of the current meetings and campaigns and so on are regarding extending self-id to cover applying for a Gender Recognition Certificate. As stethoscope explained, and as the post I just linked to explains, it's not something that all trans people apply for anyway, and is mostly only required to change the sex entry on your birth certificate and a couple of other random legal things. It's not in any way required to live as or identify as your preferred gender.

Self-id already exists, just not for the purposes of obtaining that GRC. So a person can already self-id and change their passport, their banking details, their name, and almost everything else. They can enter any space they want. It's already easy to 'try it out' if someone wanted to (easy being a relative term, considering the discrimination and bigotry that comes with being visibly trans in public). Extending self-id to obtaining a GRC will not have any impact on that. It is, as you suggested, about reducing medicalisation and bureaucracy, both of which can be very stressful.

Unfortunately, some of the anti-trans people aren't arguing in good faith, and often confuse the issue so as to make people believe this current GRC consultation will mean 'men' suddenly turning up in women's toilets and changing rooms and prisons and shelters*. It's a dangerous argument, because the end result is a push to roll back protections trans people already have for accessing spaces that align with their gender, and increases their visibility and puts them at even more risk of being targeted while being visibly trans in public. Some trans people who transitioned early in their lives are able to 'pass' far more easily, and they're not as visible (raising the point that how on earth would you know if there was a trans woman or trans man sharing a space with you?), but many trans people transition later in life, and can often encounter more obstacles and be more visible. Public life is dangerous for them, and conflating the consultation on self-id for a GRC with scares around trans women existing in gendered spaces just puts them in even more danger.

*It's worth pointing out there are already laws in place to allow for individual decisions to be made in terms of whether trans people will be housed in the prison estate matching their gender or not, and in terms of safety re shelters etc. And as regards prisons, prison is an incredibly violent place, and we would do better to focus on prison safety more broadly rather than targeting potential violence from trans women prisoners, otherwise it just seems like a bad faith excuse to further marginalise them.
I see. Thanks for that Vintage Paw

I’m not sure what I thought it was, but from what you’ve put (and the thread you linked to by JD Sargan) that it won’t in effect make any difference as anybody is already at liberty to self identity as the opposite gender and use toilets/changing rooms as appropriate.

Which of course I kind of knew anyway, as you don’t tend to get IDd on the way to the loo.

It sounds like that much at least is a storm in a teacup.
From the link in the OP, it seems that this issue, rather than the practical reality of extending self ID, is the problem:
Altering the definition of the word ‘female’ so that it now means ‘any person who believes themselves to be female’ is not only conceptually incoherent (more on this later); it also removes the possibility of analysing the structural oppression of female persons as a class, by eradicating the terminology we use to describe the material conditions of their existence.

What are yours (or anyone’s) thoughts on that?
I think the law change is providing a moment of heightened attention, which has then drawn out a lot of peoples' genuine concerns as well as provided a lot of prejudiced people the opportunity to hide their more simplistic bigotry behind those with more genuine issues. Just as there is a small misogynistic faction in trans activism, there clearly are transphobes in society - people who think being trans is a phase or a choice or a curable mental or psychosexual disorder or worse (I'm reminded of hardcore homophobes)... and of course those people are masking themselves in the legitimacy of those with genuine concerns for women's safety.

I don't know what I think about every issue. I don't give a single hoot about sport, but clearly there's no easy solution there. The issue of women-only shorlists I suspect should include transwomen, but I do understand the issue...

There are important conversations to be had, but there's very little chance of that when extremists on either side are marshalling debate. We have a issue with literally millions of valid perspectives in the uk alone and currently the only ones being heard are those shouting the loudest. The use of intersex men and women as some kind of argument-winning unicorn means those voices are in danger of being entirely hijacked.

I dunno the answer. I don't know how urgent it is to solve the problem RIGHT NOW, when all the problems for everyone involved have been going on for ages. I wonder if the manufactured sense of urgency is causing problems (the heightened perception of fear, the concern that being trans is "trendy", trans people feeling under more overt attack...)

My own understanding of trans arose out of knowing trans people. With each new trans friend or relation I developed an insight. I can't help feeling like, when not trans people actually know more trans people, it'll become less of an issue.
From the link in the OP, it seems that this issue, rather than the practical reality of extending self ID, is the problem:

What are yours (or anyone’s) thoughts on that?
I'm not sure who is altering the meaning of "female".
Wow, that blog that’s linked to is quite full on :eek:

I really do not think that trans gender women are on some mission to eradicate the very existence of women. I can’t in my wildest dreams imagine that’s anybodies agenda.

On the other hand, there’s something there that’s uncomfortable. A feeling that if you take away the meaning of being a woman you take away some of our power, our shared identity. I’ll stop now as I don’t know what I’m talking about.
That paragraph seems to appear in a number of known anti-trans blogs but originates in a single document about Delaware, so extrapolating that to some wording that's actually being used in a proposed consultation document in the UK relating to the GRA is again, something I find just unhelpful and dishonest (not you Edie, obviously). What is actually being proposed specifically here, and by whom, with what agenda.
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I mean, an urbanite actually retweeted this amongst other slightly concerning stuff recently...


I mean its just utter bullshittery (dangerous bullshittery) and dishonest, and its about as far away from any useful discussion that we should have over any self-id stuff and how that affects women. It was also a fucking reply to a radfem celebrating a piece by Brendan fucking o'Neill. About as anti-left/woman a cunt I've had the misfortune once to meet.

I know enough trans men who have had abuse in the men's, let alone trans women being in them. And I know that barely any trans people ever report this stuff out of fear too. I've had a man being sexually violent towards me having just walked to the door in the ladies too. Christ, am I really expected, as a woman with a fucking woman's bits (ok, not reproductive ones), to go to the men's? Shall I keep my GRC in my pocket just in case?

And where do trans men stand in all this? Is it like the US where dykes start to get pulled up by conservative women for 'looking a bit like a bloke', where trans men end up forced to enter the ladies too despite having beards and been at the gym pumped up because someone overly adopts a bad law? A minority of people who are trans, going to the toilet they 'present as'. I mean, really? 'Validation'? Fucks sake.

To said urbanite, I'm disappointed btw. You can have your opinions on stuff, but, this is so very disappointing.
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I've just caught up with the last couple of pages, I'm really sorry that Stethoscope and Sea Star feel hurt, let down and unwanted on Urban. It was never my intention, in posting about the event, for people to end up feeling that way.
I've just caught up with the last couple of pages, I'm really sorry that Stethoscope and Sea Star feel hurt, let down and unwanted on Urban. It was never my intention, in posting about the event, for people to end up feeling that way.
there are real life consequences to these meetings and how they're framed
As above, the venue for the 'Woman's Place UK' meeting has had to be changed due to trans activists contacting the Mercure to say WPUK is a hate group.

Does anyone here honestly believe that WPUK is a hate group?
Does it deserve to be no-platformed in this way?

I'm so upset about it. I have fought fucking fascists and hate groups in the flesh, I know what they look like. WPUK is not a hate group, it's a growing group of women who want to be able to debate some, imo, well-founded concerns about self-id and what that might mean for girls and women.
shygirl I think it’s perfectly fine to have posted it, and that a discussion needs to be had x

Thanks Edie, I'm not apologising for posting it, I'm sorry that Stethoscope and Sea Star have been hurt by that and the subsequent conversation on here. It's terribly messy and upsetting for a lot of us. As a woman who has experienced sexual abuse as a child, and other traumatic incidents at the hands of men, I am distressed at the thought of male-bodied people in female-only spaces.
lots of terfs kicking off about it! oh dear

You're getting your rocks off on this aren't you Ddraig? Show me the hatred in the flier I posted. Acknowledge the blatant lies that have been told to Mercure in order to get the venue cancelled.

WPUK is not a hate group. As usual, the hate is coming from trans activists. yet again attempting to close down any discussion about these matters. Shame on you.
You're getting your rocks off on this aren't you Ddraig? Show me the hatred in the flier I posted. Acknowledge the blatant lies that have been told to Mercure in order to get the venue cancelled.

WPUK is not a hate group. As usual, the hate is coming from trans activists. yet again attempting to close down any discussion about these matters. Shame on you.
no i'm not, i'm providing a link to the discussion on twitter, why assume that?

you said you were just posting an event which is/was disingenuous

obviously the group is intelligent enough not to put hatred in the flyer
what blatant lies have been used to shut the event down?
and as discussed there is no discussion, it's a closed shop event preaching to the converted

shame on me?? really? why now?
no, but including those people might be a start
and an extension of that logic, for some, would be allowing racists to hold meetings as long as they were just to "discuss" issues and potential issues
As above, the venue for the 'Woman's Place UK' meeting has had to be changed due to trans activists contacting the Mercure to say WPUK is a hate group.

Does anyone here honestly believe that WPUK is a hate group?
Does it deserve to be no-platformed in this way?

I'm so upset about it. I have fought fucking fascists and hate groups in the flesh, I know what they look like. WPUK is not a hate group, it's a growing group of women who want to be able to debate some, imo, well-founded concerns about self-id and what that might mean for girls and women.

I know fuck all about it, however i did see a video of that Ruth woman taking the piss out of people dressed as dogs.... for whatever reason.
no, but including those people might be a start
and an extension of that logic, for some, would be allowing racists to hold meetings as long as they were just to "discuss" issues and potential issues

You're saying racists shouldn't be "allowed" to associate with each other, as opposed to saying people should be able to refuse to host their meetings or disseminate their propaganda (ie. the "no platform" position)?
no, but including those people might be a start
and an extension of that logic, for some, would be allowing racists to hold meetings as long as they were just to "discuss" issues and potential issues
Tbf that’s exactly what I do think.
If discussing something is by its very nature going to be painful and difficult for some people, does that mean we just shouldn't ever discuss it?

I think being careful where and how we discuss it, and trying to keep it all in good faith, is a good place to start from.
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