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A Woman's Place is Speaking Up in Wales


Well-Known Member
The following event is taking place in Cardiff on 12 April. There's still tickets left, come along if you want to find out why many women are concerned about the actual and potential impact of self-id on women and girls.

A Woman's Place is Speaking Up in Wales

A Woman’s Place is Speaking up in Wales

Public Meeting in Cardiff

7pm Thursday 12 April 2018 (Venue to be announced)

Jeni Harvey. Writer and feminist from South Wales. She will talk about the sexism inherent in much of todays transactivism and the sanctioned misogyny of many of its male supporters.https://sexandgenderintro.com/

Ruth Serwotka. Trade unionist, co-founder of Woman's Place UK and convenor of Socialist Feminist Network. She will speak about the need to build a new women’s movement whose first principle is that sex is a material reality and that it shapes women’s lives.

Raquel Rosario Sanchez. Writer and Researcher. She specializes in ending male violence against women and girls and is currently pursuing a PhD with the Centre for Gender and Violence at the University of Bristol. She will talk about the importance of biology in clinical trials and in data collection.

Helen Mary Jones. Deputy Director of Morgan Academy and associate professor at Swansea University. Educationalist who has worked with and been chief executive of youth and children’s charities. Former Deputy Director of the Equal Opportunities Commission in Wales, and shadow minister in National Assembly in Wales for roles including Equality and Social Justice, Children and Young People’s Scrutiny Committee.

The meeting will discuss proposed changes to the Gender Recognition Act 2004.

In July the government announced a consultation on their proposal to ‘demedicalise’ the process of changing gender, so that people can self-identify as the gender they choose, without any need for a medical diagnosis of gender dysphoria.

But what exactly is ‘gender’, and what will be the impact of self-identification on women and on women’s rights?

Will this reform spell the end to single sex spaces and the provision of single sex services, such as those provided by rape crisis centres and women’s refuges?

Will the changes make it harder to gather accurate data on the pay gap between men and women; on domestic violence against women; and on the health services women require?

Come and have your say on this controversial proposal.

Meeting hosted by Woman’s Place UK

The Woman's Place UK Five Demands:

1. Respectful and evidence based discussion about the impact of the proposed changes to the Gender Recognition Act to be allowed to take place and for women’s voices to be heard;

2. The principle of women only spaces to be upheld – and where necessary extended.

3. A review of how the exemptions in the Equality Act which allow for single sex services or requirements that only a woman can apply for a job (such as in a domestic violence refuge) are being applied in practice;

4. Government to consult with women’s organisations on how self-declaration would impact on women only services and spaces;

5. Government to consult on how self-declaration will impact upon data gathering – such as crime, employment, pay, and health statistics - and monitoring of sex-based discrimination such as the gender pay gap.


Are there ID or minimum age requirements to enter the event?

ID is required for each person attending and must match the name on the ticket.
There is no minimum age. Babes in arms are encouraged. Please consider the suitablity of the event if bringing children. No unaccompanied children.

What can I bring into the event?

For the security of all attendees, please don't bring excessive belongings to the event. Bags may be searched.

How can I contact the organiser with any questions?

Please email AWomansPlaceUK@gmail.com

What's the refund policy?

Tickets bought may be refunded up to seven days before the event. Organisers reserve the right to refund and cancel any tickets ordered. A collection will also be made to cover costs of the meeting.
Actually, I don't agree with the question, tbh. I don't believe that we're exclusionary in the first place. Women and girls have protected rights to female-only spaces for reasons of privacy and safety. Not wanting male-bodied people and trans women in those spaces is just upholding those rights. Male-bodied people, whether they identify as women or not, haven't been allowed into these spaces since the rights were established. Why would be change that based on the feelings of a tiny minority of people. It doesn't make sense, imo.
Here in Cardiff we already have a problem with inappropriate behaviour in the Village swimming mixed changing facitilites:

BBC NEWS | Wales | Concern over pool sex complaints

We know that predatory men go to extraordinary lengths to access their girls and women (boys/men too, of course), gaining employment in child-related work-places, befriending families in order to be close to children, targeting vulnerable women for abusive relationships, and so on.

Who is to say that some predatory men will not use self-ID to access women and girls? That's what we're opposed to. We aren't and never have been, anti-trans people. Never. Those of us who go back to the 70s and 80s in our fight for equality, and who achieved much for later generations, have always shown solidarity to trans ppl. The accusations of transphobia are tedious and tiring.
Hey, I'm advertising an event, if people come along and comment, it's only polite to respond. I'm not really up for it, but I get that posting what I have will draw some people in for discussion. It's not what I want, as it's wearing for all of us.
Here in Cardiff we already have a problem with inappropriate behaviour in the Village swimming mixed changing facitilites:

BBC NEWS | Wales | Concern over pool sex complaints

We know that predatory men go to extraordinary lengths to access their girls and women (boys/men too, of course), gaining employment in child-related work-places, befriending families in order to be close to children, targeting vulnerable women for abusive relationships, and so on.

Who is to say that some predatory men will not use self-ID to access women and girls? That's what we're opposed to. We aren't and never have been, anti-trans people. Never. Those of us who go back to the 70s and 80s in our fight for equality, and who achieved much for later generations, have always shown solidarity to trans ppl. The accusations of transphobia are tedious and tiring.
Article from 2009. Wow it's such a problem!!
It's an on-going problem, but I just can't find the info. Will try to get it on here later. Nevertheless, whether is was 2009, 1909, or 2018, it shows men's propensity to do these kinds of things. It's why seperate loos were established, much to men's dislike, in the first place.
Perhaps I should be blunter and state, I know that men will exploit any loop-hole they can in order to access to girls and women, who are the target of their deviant sexuality. I use the term deviant to include voyeurism and paedophilia.
So from your 'who's to say' a minute ago, we've moved to it's for you to say.
Sorry Pickmans, but I've not really got the time or inclination to get into nit-picking.
Yeh. Nit-picking. It's always accusations of nit-picking or pedantry people fall back on when they're caught out. And why not? No one *wants* to be thought a bigot after all. But here you are, insisting that you're not an anti-trans bigot when you're convicted of such out of your own mouth. Of course it's that pesky nit-picking to point it out.
Actually, I don't agree with the question, tbh. I don't believe that we're exclusionary in the first place. Women and girls have protected rights to female-only spaces for reasons of privacy and safety. Not wanting male-bodied people and trans women in those spaces is just upholding those rights. Male-bodied people, whether they identify as women or not, haven't been allowed into these spaces since the rights were established. Why would be change that based on the feelings of a tiny minority of people. It doesn't make sense, imo.
I can rephrase. Are there any speakers representing feminist women like me, who support self identification? I.e. The other side of the debate.
Perhaps I should be blunter and state, I know that men will exploit any loop-hole they can in order to access to girls and women, who are the target of their deviant sexuality. I use the term deviant to include voyeurism and paedophilia.
It's a meeting though, I don't see that there's any obligation to present opposing views. They aren't the BBC.
yeah, we wouldn't want anyone listening to the views of actual trans people, or having fake facts challenged would we?
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