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A thank you to Brexiteers.

They've got hardly any choice in terms of fizzy drinks at my local Tesco these days. A near-monopoly by Coca-Cola it seems. They had the cream soda but I had to go to my local corner shop to get the cherryade I wanted. God-damn you Brexit Ears, making me patronise smaller businesses instead! Is there no end to the indignities you have heaped upon me?! ;)

Allegedly there is a tomato shortage going on, but oddly this is not being reflected in my shopping habits either. A couple of times I remember getting substitutions (e.g. a tube of garlic and herb tomato puree instead of the regular stuff), and there was this one time they didn't have any at all, and I once again had to go my local shop to get some tinned puree. I prefer the puree in tubes because it's more convenient to use than having to scrape out a tin, but if this level of mild inconvenience is the best that Remainiacs can come up with then I'm not exactly quaking in anticipation of the apocalypse.

I wonder if people have become too reliant on supermarkets. During the Great Pandemic Bog Roll Incident, I distinctly remember that my local shop still had plenty of the stuff while the supermarket shelves were bare...
So Boris and his team is trying to blame May

whislt he was the one who got brexit done

just feel for the poor orangemen if somehow they are forced to keep eating british sausages

Johnson’s deal was basically May’s deal but presented with a bit more bravado (‘oven ready’) and deception. Same red lines, same contradictions (NI etc.) that we‘re still dealing with.

It‘s dishonest to pretend May had some kind of soft Brexit that was scuppered by hardcore remainers. Single market etc. was never on the table because of the anti-immigrant stuff.

Although I do sometimes wonder if the government taking a racist position on the result was because of people banging on about how the vote was fuelled by racism, May being a bit of a weather-vane politician.
Just got back from Sainsbury’s in King Heath. The bastards had everything on my list, which I’ve then had to lug home. One of the so called ‘bags for life’ dug into my hand slightly. There was a drizzly rain that I had to endure on the way back, even though it wasn’t raining when I set off.

I hope the brexiteers are happy..….:mad:

Sorry for your temporary lack of sunny uplands:(
Glad to report that there was birdseed today & there are many happy chirping British birds in the garden, Still no petit pois though. :(

Maybe there will soon be small English peas instead. One can only hope this is a benefit of Brexit.
Glad to report that there was birdseed today & there are many happy chirping British birds in the garden, Still no petit pois though. :(

Maybe there will soon be small English peas instead. One can only hope this is a benefit of Brexit.
Think you’ll find that the petite pois are actually English
Think you’ll find that the petite pois are actually English
I know that & am curious why they are in short supply. Put it down to distribution problems rather than supply but I expect they will be renamed to make eating my Chicken Kiev, chips & PP More of a Garlic stuffed chicken chips & small English peas. :D
all written in Russian no doubt
It is amusing that Russias Wiki lists Russia as a form of government in which "power is held by the people and their elected representatives" :D. Someone needs to tell Putin, he always looks like he needs a laugh.
A Federal, semi-presidential, constitutional, Republic.
The primary positions of power within a republic are attained through democracy or a mix of democracy with oligarchy or autocracy rather than being unalterably occupied by any given family lineage or group. Hmmmm.
Must be a relief for the Tories that the bar for declaring Brexit a success has apparently been lowered to "Food is still available for purchase."
Or that they can call vegetables by a French name and make us believe that there are still imports.
They've got hardly any choice in terms of fizzy drinks at my local Tesco these days. A near-monopoly by Coca-Cola it seems. They had the cream soda but I had to go to my local corner shop to get the cherryade I wanted. God-damn you Brexit Ears, making me patronise smaller businesses instead! Is there no end to the indignities you have heaped upon me?! ;)

Allegedly there is a tomato shortage going on, but oddly this is not being reflected in my shopping habits either. A couple of times I remember getting substitutions (e.g. a tube of garlic and herb tomato puree instead of the regular stuff), and there was this one time they didn't have any at all, and I once again had to go my local shop to get some tinned puree. I prefer the puree in tubes because it's more convenient to use than having to scrape out a tin, but if this level of mild inconvenience is the best that Remainiacs can come up with then I'm not exactly quaking in anticipation of the apocalypse.

I wonder if people have become too reliant on supermarkets. During the Great Pandemic Bog Roll Incident, I distinctly remember that my local shop still had plenty of the stuff while the supermarket shelves were bare...

The homogeneity of supermarkets (particularly the Express versions) is very much one of my pet peeves about the modern world. Theres so little variety between them, the same chocolates, the same few brands of drinks.
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