I'm gonna post here, as a British national who has Brexit proofed themselves (got permanent residency here in Europe).
I now fully support a no deal BREXIT having thought remain would be a better option. I am thoroughly sickened by Britishness.
The reasons are linked to a video that I filmed two weeks ago which you will find below.
All your (collectively as a Nation, not individually, obviously) rhetoric of "immigrants invading", British values, ruining British culture, not fitting in... Blah blah blaaaaah it's bern going on for years. We'd be stupid to deny it was a major reason for the Brexit vote happening which has been intertwined with 30 plus years of neoliberalism in the UK.
Obviously this is a left wing forum, but Lexit isn't ever going to happen. The EU is a capitalist wank sock, but it's not like the UK hasnt been selling off its own collective assets and privatising them for 30 years. It is more aggressively neoliberal than any other EU country.
The UK and its people need to hold a fucking mirror up to themselves as a culture. And I think Brexit is probably the vessel with which it is happening and NEEDS to happen.
British nationals, on aggregate are the most arrogant, fucking invasive people in Europe with no fucking dignity, but with hubris by the bucket loads.
They are willing to, and have always been willing to waltz into other countries, act like they own the place, and then have the embarraassing lack of self awareness to projectingly accuse others of doing the same.
We see this reflected in the way business operates in the UK, and how their citizens behave abroad.
As a nation it would all do good for your pride to take a beating.
Seriously. You need Brexit as a nation, but not for the reasons you think. And quite frankly it can't come quick enough.
I now have changed my position.
Britain needs to float off alone the soggy little island it is.
British Nationals can get their expensive tourist visas, eat baked beans and tinned food, and stay the fuck away from us in Europe, and pray to God that your government has your best interest at heart, won't privatise your health care, won't continue to sell off YOUR public assets, and make sure that societal cohesion doesn't disintegrate, workers rights won't be dismantled, and you won't be fucked over for and squeezed for every penny.
Good luck with all that.
It will fail and you will all sort yourselves out in the long run, it will take as long as it takes, but it'll be a long old process.
After watching this sort of behaviour GET worse for 8 years my tolerance has all but vanished.
Metephorically, your politicians behave exactly the same way.
You get what you vote for.
And take your ridiculous behaviour and unwarranted sense of pride with you.