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A question for those who still support a Brexit

A question for those who still support a Brexit

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There's no suggestion of that. The point is that the regardless of people's motivations to leave, no reasonable person could have thought everything was going to remain the same for non-UK citizens from EU states living here..
And here's where we will have to disagree. It seems highly reasonable to me to think that the sensible solution in a country so obviously divided over the question of EU membership would be a compromise position involving a soft landing back into EFTA, with similar migration arrangements to those of the countries already in that situation: not Schengen for the reasons given for not being in it already (primarily lack of id cards), so something really very very very much like what we have right now.

When you add in the fuck up that is the Northern Ireland question, that becomes not only a sensible compromise, but just sensible full stop. And let's be honest - how many people were thinking about the Northern Ireland border when they voted? Outside NI the issue gained virtually no traction during the campaigning - I barely remember it being mentioned by anyone other than Martin McGuinness.
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I'm gonna post here, as a British national who has Brexit proofed themselves (got permanent residency here in Europe).

I now fully support a no deal BREXIT having thought remain would be a better option. I am thoroughly sickened by Britishness.

The reasons are linked to a video that I filmed two weeks ago which you will find below.

All your (collectively as a Nation, not individually, obviously) rhetoric of "immigrants invading", British values, ruining British culture, not fitting in... Blah blah blaaaaah it's bern going on for years. We'd be stupid to deny it was a major reason for the Brexit vote happening which has been intertwined with 30 plus years of neoliberalism in the UK.

Obviously this is a left wing forum, but Lexit isn't ever going to happen. The EU is a capitalist wank sock, but it's not like the UK hasnt been selling off its own collective assets and privatising them for 30 years. It is more aggressively neoliberal than any other EU country.

The UK and its people need to hold a fucking mirror up to themselves as a culture. And I think Brexit is probably the vessel with which it is happening and NEEDS to happen.

British nationals, on aggregate are the most arrogant, fucking invasive people in Europe with no fucking dignity, but with hubris by the bucket loads.

They are willing to, and have always been willing to waltz into other countries, act like they own the place, and then have the embarraassing lack of self awareness to projectingly accuse others of doing the same.

We see this reflected in the way business operates in the UK, and how their citizens behave abroad.

As a nation it would all do good for your pride to take a beating.

Seriously. You need Brexit as a nation, but not for the reasons you think. And quite frankly it can't come quick enough.

I now have changed my position.

Britain needs to float off alone the soggy little island it is.

British Nationals can get their expensive tourist visas, eat baked beans and tinned food, and stay the fuck away from us in Europe, and pray to God that your government has your best interest at heart, won't privatise your health care, won't continue to sell off YOUR public assets, and make sure that societal cohesion doesn't disintegrate, workers rights won't be dismantled, and you won't be fucked over for and squeezed for every penny.

Good luck with all that.

It will fail and you will all sort yourselves out in the long run, it will take as long as it takes, but it'll be a long old process.

After watching this sort of behaviour GET worse for 8 years my tolerance has all but vanished.

Metephorically, your politicians behave exactly the same way.

You get what you vote for.


And take your ridiculous behaviour and unwarranted sense of pride with you.

I'm gonna post here, as a British national who has Brexit proofed themselves (got permanent residency here). I now fully support a no deal BREXIT having thought remain would be a better option.

The reasons are linked to a video that I filmed two weeks ago.

All your (collectively as a Nation, not individually, obviously) rhetoric of "immigrants invading", British values, ruining British culture, not fitting in... Blah blah blaaaaah it's bern going on for years. We'd be stupid to deny it was a major reason for the Brexit vote happening which has been intertwined with 30 plus years of neoliberalism in the UK.

Obviously this is a left wing forum, but Lexit isn't ever going to happen. The EU is a capitalist wank sock, but it's not like the UK hasnt been selling off its own collective assets and privatising them for 30 years. It is more aggressively neoliberal than any other EU coynrty.

The UK and its people needs to hold a fucking mirror up to themselves as a culture. And I think Brexit is probably the vessel with which it is happening.

British nationals, on aggregate are thr most arrogant, fucking invasive people in Europe with no fucking dignity, but hubris by the bucket loads.

They are willing to, and have always been willing to waltz into other countries, act like they own the place, and then have the embarraassing lack of self awareness to projectingly accuse others of doing the same.

We see this reflected in the way business operates in the UK, and how their citizens behave abroad.

As a nation it would all do good for your pride to take a beating.

Seriously. You need Brexit as a nation, but not for the reasons you think. And quite frankly it can't come quick enough.

I now have changed my position.

Britain needs to float off alone the soggy little island it is.

British Nationals can get their expensive tourist visas, eat baked beans and tinned food, and stay the fuck away from us in Europe, and pray to God that your government has your best interest at heart, won't privatise your health care, won't continue to sell off YOUR public assets, and make sure that societal cohesion doesn't disintegrate, workers rights won't be dismantled, and you won't be fucked fuck over for and squeezed for every penny.

Good luck with all that.

It will fail and you will all sort yourselves out in the long run.

After watching this sort of behaviour GET worse for 8 years my tolerance has all but vanished.

Metephorically, your politicians behave exactly the same way.

You get what you vote for.


And take your ridiculous behaviour and unwarranted sense of pride with you.

you'll hate what happens next then.
and i like the way you start off by saying you're a british national but from the first line on british nationals are 'you' rather than 'we'.
I'm gonna post here, as a British national who has Brexit proofed themselves (got permanent residency here in Europe).

I now fully support a no deal BREXIT having thought remain would be a better option. I am thoroughly sickened by Britishness.

The reasons are linked to a video that I filmed two weeks ago which you will find below.

All your (collectively as a Nation, not individually, obviously) rhetoric of "immigrants invading", British values, ruining British culture, not fitting in... Blah blah blaaaaah it's bern going on for years. We'd be stupid to deny it was a major reason for the Brexit vote happening which has been intertwined with 30 plus years of neoliberalism in the UK.

Obviously this is a left wing forum, but Lexit isn't ever going to happen. The EU is a capitalist wank sock, but it's not like the UK hasnt been selling off its own collective assets and privatising them for 30 years. It is more aggressively neoliberal than any other EU country.

The UK and its people need to hold a fucking mirror up to themselves as a culture. And I think Brexit is probably the vessel with which it is happening and NEEDS to happen.

British nationals, on aggregate are the most arrogant, fucking invasive people in Europe with no fucking dignity, but with hubris by the bucket loads.

They are willing to, and have always been willing to waltz into other countries, act like they own the place, and then have the embarraassing lack of self awareness to projectingly accuse others of doing the same.

We see this reflected in the way business operates in the UK, and how their citizens behave abroad.

As a nation it would all do good for your pride to take a beating.

Seriously. You need Brexit as a nation, but not for the reasons you think. And quite frankly it can't come quick enough.

I now have changed my position.

Britain needs to float off alone the soggy little island it is.

British Nationals can get their expensive tourist visas, eat baked beans and tinned food, and stay the fuck away from us in Europe, and pray to God that your government has your best interest at heart, won't privatise your health care, won't continue to sell off YOUR public assets, and make sure that societal cohesion doesn't disintegrate, workers rights won't be dismantled, and you won't be fucked over for and squeezed for every penny.

Good luck with all that.

It will fail and you will all sort yourselves out in the long run, it will take as long as it takes, but it'll be a long old process.

After watching this sort of behaviour GET worse for 8 years my tolerance has all but vanished.

Metephorically, your politicians behave exactly the same way.

You get what you vote for.


And take your ridiculous behaviour and unwarranted sense of pride with you.

That's quite a rant! :thumbs:
you'll hate what happens next then.
and i like the way you start off by saying you're a british national but from the first line on british nationals are 'you' rather than 'we'.

Yeah. You.

I lived in the UK for 28 years of my life and it was made very clear to me then that because My birth mother was European, that I was not welcome.

It is the reason that I voted with my feet. I was TOLD over and over again I was not welcome.


YOU! Not us and not we. For 28 years I was made very aware that it was not us. But YOU and "dirty halfbreed" me.

I was sick of the arrogance and now these cunts are following me around like a bad smell.

So yeah, you all can fuck off.

And you, Pickman's are one of the most arrogant fuck head's in here.

You are literally the dude with the microphone in my video. You behave on these forums like a proper British tourist, so we'll done you.

Take a look in the mirror.
That's quite a rant! :thumbs:

:D :thumbs:

I'm dreadfully tired of the whole fucking thing.

The other thread talked to about British pathology - that exists and needs to be fixed and it's something the Brits need to fix themselves.

So yeah, for the good of everyones you all kind of need to section yourselves.
I'm gonna post here, as a British national who has Brexit proofed themselves (got permanent residency here in Europe).

I now fully support a no deal BREXIT having thought remain would be a better option. I am thoroughly sickened by Britishness.

The reasons are linked to a video that I filmed two weeks ago which you will find below.

All your (collectively as a Nation, not individually, obviously) rhetoric of "immigrants invading", British values, ruining British culture, not fitting in... Blah blah blaaaaah it's bern going on for years. We'd be stupid to deny it was a major reason for the Brexit vote happening which has been intertwined with 30 plus years of neoliberalism in the UK.

Obviously this is a left wing forum, but Lexit isn't ever going to happen. The EU is a capitalist wank sock, but it's not like the UK hasnt been selling off its own collective assets and privatising them for 30 years. It is more aggressively neoliberal than any other EU country.

The UK and its people need to hold a fucking mirror up to themselves as a culture. And I think Brexit is probably the vessel with which it is happening and NEEDS to happen.

British nationals, on aggregate are the most arrogant, fucking invasive people in Europe with no fucking dignity, but with hubris by the bucket loads.

They are willing to, and have always been willing to waltz into other countries, act like they own the place, and then have the embarraassing lack of self awareness to projectingly accuse others of doing the same.

We see this reflected in the way business operates in the UK, and how their citizens behave abroad.

As a nation it would all do good for your pride to take a beating.

Seriously. You need Brexit as a nation, but not for the reasons you think. And quite frankly it can't come quick enough.

I now have changed my position.

Britain needs to float off alone the soggy little island it is.

British Nationals can get their expensive tourist visas, eat baked beans and tinned food, and stay the fuck away from us in Europe, and pray to God that your government has your best interest at heart, won't privatise your health care, won't continue to sell off YOUR public assets, and make sure that societal cohesion doesn't disintegrate, workers rights won't be dismantled, and you won't be fucked over for and squeezed for every penny.

Good luck with all that.

It will fail and you will all sort yourselves out in the long run, it will take as long as it takes, but it'll be a long old process.

After watching this sort of behaviour GET worse for 8 years my tolerance has all but vanished.

Metephorically, your politicians behave exactly the same way.

You get what you vote for.


And take your ridiculous behaviour and unwarranted sense of pride with you.

u ok hun? inbox me.
you'll hate what happens next then.
and i like the way you start off by saying you're a british national but from the first line on british nationals are 'you' rather than 'we'.
She's not saying anything that I haven't heard from loads of other Europeans, tbf. We weren't the most likeable kids on the block before the referendum but over the last couple of years we've become marginally less popular than herpes.
Yeah. You.

I lived in the UK for 28 years of my life and it was made very clear to me then that because My birth mother was European, that I was not welcome.

It is the reason that I voted with my feet. I was lsick of the arrogance and now these cunts are following me around like a bad smell.

So yeah, you all can fuck off.

And you, Pickman's are one of the most arrogant fuck head's in here.

You are literally the dude with the microphone in my video. You behave on these forums like a proper British tourist, so we'll done you.

Take a look in the mirror.
there's arrogance and arrogance. and tbh i've never been arrogant enough to post what you have here or in your post 183. if your example of me as british tourist is people getting obnoxious and pissed up abroad, that's literally not me as i've not had a drink since december of 2002.
Yeah. You.

I lived in the UK for 28 years of my life and it was made very clear to me then that because My birth mother was European, that I was not welcome.

It is the reason that I voted with my feet. I was TOLD over and over again I was not welcome.


YOU! Not us and not we. For 28 years I was made very aware that it was not us. But YOU and "dirty halfbreed" me.

I was sick of the arrogance and now these cunts are following me around like a bad smell.

So yeah, you all can fuck off.

And you, Pickman's are one of the most arrogant fuck head's in here.

You are literally the dude with the microphone in my video. You behave on these forums like a proper British tourist, so we'll done you.

Take a look in the mirror.
That's a bit strong though, isn't it? :(
She's noit saying anything that Ihaven't heard from loads of other Europeans, tbf. We weren't the most likeable kids on the block before the referendum but over the last couple of years we've become marginally less popular than herpes.
Remember being in Riga years ago and the bemused look on the bouncer's face as he refused entry to a stag party with the groom dressed as a baby. The stag party weren't really being out of order as such, but it was a big culture clash with no self-awareness on the part of the Brits. FLB's dead right about that bit.

I've been in mainland Europe plenty of times and found myself desperately edging away from a group of obnoxious British lads in a bar.
Remember being in Riga years ago and the bemused look on the bouncer's face as he refused entry to a stag party with the groom dressed as a baby. The stag party weren't really being out of order as such, but it was a big culture clash with no self-awareness on the part of the Brits. FLB's dead right about that bit.

I've been in mainland Europe plenty of times and found myself desperately edging away from a group of obnoxious British lads in a bar.
I don’t recognise that rugby club type behaviour as part of any culture I am included in.
Remember being in Riga years ago and the bemused look on the bouncer's face as he refused entry to a stag party with the groom dressed as a baby. The stag party weren't really being out of order as such, but it was a big culture clash with no self-awareness on the part of the Brits. FLB's dead right about that bit.

I've been in mainland Europe plenty of times and found myself desperately edging away from a group of obnoxious British lads in a bar.

Where on earth do you lot hang out when you're away? I have NEVER been in a venue in mainland Europe that has this shit going on. Of course in dumps like Aiya Napa and Magaluf it will happen and I'm sure that in Czech and Baltics you get these stags, but why on earth are you frequenting the kinds of places these morons want to hang out in?

Where is your mother from FabricLiveBaby!? My step-mum is Dutch and she's never had any issues living here?
Where on earth do you lot hang out when you're away? I have NEVER been in a venue in mainland Europe that has this shit going on. Of course in dumps like Aiya Napa and Magaluf it will happen and I'm sure that in Czech and Baltics you get these stags, but why on earth are you frequenting the kinds of places these morons want to hang out in?

Where is your mother from FabricLiveBaby!? My step-mum is Dutch and she's never had any issues living here?
my mum's canadian and she's never had any issues living here
I don’t recognise that rugby club type behaviour as part of any culture I am included in.
No, neither do I. Hence wanting to get as far away from it as possible whenever I see it. It's hard not to feel embarrassed by it sometimes when abroad, though, even though I absolutely am not a part of it. Possibly embarrassed not the right word - makes me cringe, though, in a way it wouldn't if it were not British people doing it.
Remember being in Riga years ago and the bemused look on the bouncer's face as he refused entry to a stag party with the groom dressed as a baby. The stag party weren't really being out of order as such, but it was a big culture clash with no self-awareness on the part of the Brits. FLB's dead right about that bit.

I've been in mainland Europe plenty of times and found myself desperately edging away from a group of obnoxious British lads in a bar.

The problem you have in Britain that British "lad" culture is the prevailing culture and its only getting worse. I see some of that stuff in my own personality what with being brought up in the UK but nearly a decade of living abroad really lifts the fog on pathologies of the British cultural personality.

That "lads" culture is a personality trait that is fundamental to politics too. Its like a self feeding loop where culture is links into politics which then feeds back into culture.

British politicians metaphorically behave the same way as tourists in the video.

Anyway, I'm pleased some of you can see what I'm on about but the Brits can't go round acting like complete nobbers and then blame other people for pointing out that they're are being rude arrogant nobbers and projecting their own behavioural patterns on to others.

It would be amusing to watch if it wasn't so depressing.
No, neither do I. Hence wanting to get as far away from it as possible whenever I see it. It's hard not to feel embarrassed by it sometimes when abroad, though, even though I absolutely am not a part of it. Possibly embarrassed not the right word - makes me cringe, though, in a way it wouldn't if it were not British people doing it.
That’s interesting. You seem to feel not a part of it, but also in some way ... I don’t know if ‘culpable by association’ is the right way to put it. You’d feel differently if they were Brazilian or Spanish. I don’t think I would.
Where on earth do you lot hang out when you're away? I have NEVER been in a venue in mainland Europe that has this shit going on. Of course in dumps like Aiya Napa and Magaluf it will happen and I'm sure that in Czech and Baltics you get these stags, but why on earth are you frequenting the kinds of places these morons want to hang out in?

Where is your mother from FabricLiveBaby!? My step-mum is Dutch and she's never had any issues living here?
Riga's not very big. When I was there at least, it was a newly cheapo Ryanair/EasyJet destination and had loads of stag dos. You couldn't avoid them.

But I've also seen this stuff in Amsterdam and Brussels, and I'm sure it happens loads in Poland - cheap destination, cheap beer...
I love this idea that pissed up twats are a uniquely British phenomena. Very Perry Anderson.

Pour me a pint and call me a Thompsonite.

Do you littlebabyjesus also feel embarrassed by the behaviour of pissed up, boorish Russian tourists? Or the rude-as-fuck Chinese ones? Aggressive Israeli's? Noncey Germans? and so on?

To take from the constant moans of the locals in the last place I went on holiday to.
If my prejudice is inaccurate, I apologise.

It's not, I'm from the Welsh border and there's just a different...vibe, shall we say. No need to apologise.

As I began playing for the North Midlands and then had trials for England schoolboys, the reality of the public schoolboy culture in English, Irish and to some extent Scottish rugby came as a hell of a shock.

I live in Sheffield now and would never think about playing union here. Maybe one day I'll get around to finding a rugby league vets team. I miss playing but not the people I was coming into contact with.
Where is your mother from FabricLiveBaby!? My step-mum is Dutch and she's never had any issues living here?

Hungary. And it was communist Hungary at the time and she brought me up with similar values.

So not Capitalist Western Europe but povvo Commie Hungary.

And I think that's the rub. Sense of superiority. There's a reason why Brits behave like this in Spain and Greece and Poland but not so much France of Scandinavia or the Netherlands.

I wonder if you can guess what that is and find commonalities with the Brexit narritive and the Neolib Britain?
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