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A question for those who still support a Brexit

A question for those who still support a Brexit

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Does littlebabyjesus also feel embarrassed by the behaviour of pissed up, boorish Russian tourists? Or the rude-as-fuck Chinese ones? Aggressive Israeli's? Noncey Germans? and so on?

To take from the constant moans of the locals in the last place I went on holiday too.
As I replied to dlr, it's not rational. and as I said, embarrassed isn't quite the right word for it.
OK, and I'm indulging in whataboutery, but to claim as flb does that this is a uniquely British phenomenon and attitude is not only downright rude towards the vast majority of Brits, but it is also patently wrong.
Oh, I've seen obnoxious groups of pissed up Dutch lads as well. It's not uniquely British of course, but it doesn't have to involve a majority of Brits for it to give a reputation. Bit like football hooliganism.
OK, and I'm indulging in whataboutery, but to claim as flb does that this is a uniquely British phenomenon and attitude is not only downright rude towards the vast majority of Brits, but it is also patently wrong.

It is a uniquely British phenomenon.

The bar in the above video and others that I used to frequent 8 years ago were full of Poles, as well as other tourists.

They have form in Krk and elsewhere of hanging out together and then forcing out the Polish national as well as other tourists with their behavior.

No other tourists does this. This bar has changed from. A Polish rock bar in 18 months to this, and its because of once the Brits start hanging out there they take the place over and dominate.

So it's not rubbish at all.

Yes #NotAllBrits but the vast majority of them.

The fact that you refuse to believe it is troubling tho. And part of the reason why Brexit needs to happen.
Probably all the more interesting, then. It suggests it stems from something deeper-seated. I’m not sure how to pursue it, but there we are.
One more rational aspect of it is that bad behaviour by groups of your fellow countrypeople has negative consequences for how you are seen and treated when you go abroad. Tainted by association whether you like it or not.
That’s interesting. You seem to feel not a part of it, but also in some way ... I don’t know if ‘culpable by association’ is the right way to put it. You’d feel differently if they were Brazilian or Spanish. I don’t think I would.

I'd expect the locals to have a bad impression of me based on my compatriots - that's pretty common.
It is a uniquely British phenomenon.

The bar in the above video and others that I used to frequent 8 years ago were full of Poles, as well as other tourists.

They have form in Krk and elsewhere of hanging out together and then forcing out the Polish national as well as other tourists with their behavior.

No other tourists does this. This bar has changed from. A Polish rock bar in 18 months to this, and its because of once the Brits start hanging out there they take the place over and dominate.

So it's not rubbish at all.

Yes #NotAllBrits but the vast majority of them.

The fact that you refuse to believe it is troubling tho. And part of the reason why Brexit needs to happen.
all very well. but even if brexit does happen, and i don't believe it will, i don't believe you're going to see the change you desire. it'll just be a bit dearer for anti-social binge drinking arseholes to go to riga and prague and krakow. i think your expectations of what brexit will mean even if it does go ahead are quite unrealistic.
all very well. but even if brexit does happen, and i don't believe it will, i don't believe you're going to see the change you desire. it'll just be a bit dearer for anti-social binge drinking arseholes to go to riga and prague and krakow. i think your expectations of what brexit will mean even if it does go ahead are quite unrealistic.

That'll be a great shame for the UK and its culture in the long run, then.
It is a uniquely British phenomenon.

The bar in the above video and others that I used to frequent 8 years ago were full of Poles, as well as other tourists.

They have form in Krk and elsewhere of hanging out together and then forcing out the Polish national as well as other tourists with their behavior.

No other tourists does this. This bar has changed from. A Polish rock bar in 18 months to this, and its because of once the Brits start hanging out there they take the place over and dominate.

So it's not rubbish at all.

Yes #NotAllBrits but the vast majority of them.

The fact that you refuse to believe it is troubling tho. And part of the reason why Brexit needs to happen.

I do refuse to believe that this is uniquely British, not that it doesn't happen. My last holiday was to Phuket, as British people all the Thais we spoke to welcomed us warmly whilst moaning about the Russians for being drunk and boorish, the Chinese for being downright rude and treating the Thais like shit, the Israelis for being violent and the Germans for being creepy leches.

All countries have their issues, Hungary has a big problem with racism, Spain with acknowledging rape to name but two.
I do refuse to believe that this is uniquely British, not that it doesn't happen. My last holiday was to Phuket, as British people all the Thais we spoke to welcomed us warmly whilst moaning about the Russians for being drunk and boorish, the Chinese for being downright rude and treating the Thais like shit, the Israelis for being violent and the Germans for being creepy leches.

All countries have their issues, Hungary has a big problem with racism, Spain with acknowledging rape to name but two.
People go to different places for different reasons and exhibit different behaviour. When I lived in Cuba, I never saw drunken laddish behaviour from Brits - cos big groups of lads didn't go to Cuba for piss-ups. Plenty of creepy leches, though, of all nationalities.
People go to different places for different reasons and exhibit different behaviour. When I lived in Cuba, I never saw drunken laddish behaviour from Brits - cos big groups of lads didn't go to Cuba for piss-ups. Plenty of creepy leches, though, of all nationalities.

I could do with a holiday. Where's a nice, inexpensive place to go that is relatively free from creepy letches and drunken thugs?
And don't say Antarctica.
People go to different places for different reasons and exhibit different behaviour. When I lived in Cuba, I never saw drunken laddish behaviour from Brits - cos big groups of lads didn't go to Cuba for piss-ups. Plenty of creepy leches, though, of all nationalities.

Exactly. To say that it is a uniquely British thing is just xenophobic tosh.

8ball, you can now forget Cuba, the Yanks are allowed in and it is an hour's flight from Miami, only 3 from New York, it's rapidly turning in to a Spring Break shithole.
Regardless if such behavior being unique to British travelers, it's certainly a stereotype. I have countless experiences of being abroad, being asked if I'm english, I clarify I'm Irish which leads to a complete change to a positive demeanor in dealing with me.

A lot of people think the British are cunts. The "lets put on a cup of tea" placards from the march did zero favors either. It really demonstrated the complete disconnect from how British people see themselves versus how others do.
I think the cultural stereotyping of British people is a bit of a red herring. The important thing imo is that the British state sees itself as uniquely entitled, and I can certainly see an argument (Remainer that I am) that in the long term Brexit would be a good way to take it down a peg or two.
I think the cultural stereotyping of British people is a bit of a red herring. The important thing imo is that the British state sees itself as uniquely entitled, and I can certainly see an argument (Remainer that I am) that in the long term Brexit would be a good way to take it down a peg or two.

"During a reactionary war a revolutionary class cannot but desire the defeat of its government." Lenin, 1915
It is a uniquely British phenomenon.

The bar in the above video and others that I used to frequent 8 years ago were full of Poles, as well as other tourists.

They have form in Krk and elsewhere of hanging out together and then forcing out the Polish national as well as other tourists with their behavior.

No other tourists does this. This bar has changed from. A Polish rock bar in 18 months to this, and its because of once the Brits start hanging out there they take the place over and dominate.

So it's not rubbish at all.

Yes #NotAllBrits but the vast majority of them.

The fact that you refuse to believe it is troubling tho. And part of the reason why Brexit needs to happen.

Are you done with your inane gibberish or is there more to come?

There has been a lot of stupid bloody shite chatted on this thread but you've really set the bar for complete inanity.

Please. No more of your self important fucking feelings.
I think the cultural stereotyping of British people is a bit of a red herring. The important thing imo is that the British state sees itself as uniquely entitled, and I can certainly see an argument (Remainer that I am) that in the long term Brexit would be a good way to take it down a peg or two.

So once the UK has left and the EU tears itself apart, the UK's sense of self importance is going to balloon :(
There is a lot to be said for being honest about that being your perspective though isn't there?
Indeed. It's what this thread is all about, essentially. What are your political objectives, and whom are you prepared to see hurt in order to further them?

It's a discussion for a different thread, perhaps, but my counter to that is that the means cannot be separated from the ends. They are not independent variables.
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