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ACORN Manchester asking for people to help stop an eviction tomorrow:

They've been asking people to sign up for four-hour shifts, but I imagine they presumably won't be turning people away who can't commit to that?

Also, crossposting from the gig thread, strike fundraiser gig/clubnight on Thursday:

I'd hazard a guess that they wanted to make sure there would be minimum viable eviction resistance crew available for 12-24 hours. No good if two dozen people turn up in response to initial call-out, but then everyone drifts off a couple of hours later to go to work, uni, appointments, etc, leaving insufficient support.

My experience of eviction resistance was that any reinforcements were welcome, the more the merrier, but you needed to have a baseline number of people to be effective, which I guess it what that rota was trying to ensure.
I saw the singing film ages ago - kind of enjoyed it, but found the claim that sacred harp singing is a traditional folk song of east lancashire a bit of a stretch - how far back do shape note singing traditions go in east lancs? the 1990s?
Having asked around, I am reassured that no-one would claim a continuous unbroken Lancashire sacred harp tradition, but apparently it was a thing back in the 18th century or something, apparently Israel Holroyd was important, although looking him up he appears to be from Halifax?
Having asked around, I am reassured that no-one would claim a continuous unbroken Lancashire sacred harp tradition, but apparently it was a thing back in the 18th century or something, apparently Israel Holroyd was important, although looking him up he appears to be from Halifax?
Having a look at this today, and it looks like there was an english congregational singing tradition called West Gallery Music which has some relation to the Sacred Harp, but died out in the 19th century - will have to check out the Maddy Prior LP referenced.

The Hardy novel sounds interesting too:

Furthermore, the old church bands were often difficult for a vicar to control, while influence over an organist was a much easier task. Such an ousting of the band by an organist is given a fictional treatment in Thomas Hardy’s early novel Under the Greenwood Tree, which reflected actual events at Hardy’s church at Stinsford.
Having a look at this today, and it looks like there was an english congregational singing tradition called West Gallery Music which has some relation to the Sacred Harp, but died out in the 19th century - will have to check out the Maddy Prior LP referenced.

The Hardy novel sounds interesting too:

Furthermore, the old church bands were often difficult for a vicar to control, while influence over an organist was a much easier task. Such an ousting of the band by an organist is given a fictional treatment in Thomas Hardy’s early novel Under the Greenwood Tree, which reflected actual events at Hardy’s church at Stinsford.
My ma apparently reckons that George Eliot wrote better West Gallery novels, fwiw.
via tweeter

Co-operative Heritage Trust have done a blog post about the CIS Tower


Security guard at your Harvey Nic’s store seems like a nice bloke

Can't be arsed watching that video, but just checked to see if the uploader is who I thought it was going to be and indeed it is, Veitch is a proper cunt. I'd have critical but unconditional support for any security guard who batters him.
Can't be arsed watching that video, but just checked to see if the uploader is who I thought it was going to be and indeed it is, Veitch is a proper cunt. I'd have critical but unconditional support for any security guard who batters him.

Veitch is an absolute cretin, yes. But as with a thread I started earlier tonight, don’t just fucking dismiss something without even giving it the minimum of a read/watch/listen; it’s just arrogance
Veitch is an absolute cretin, yes. But as with a thread I started earlier tonight, don’t just fucking dismiss something without even giving it the minimum of a read/watch/listen; it’s just arrogance
Is there any particular reason I should watch this video of a dedicated clickbait windup merchant getting into an argument with a security guard? What will I be missing out on?
Is there any particular reason I should watch this video of a dedicated clickbait windup merchant getting into an argument with a security guard? What will I be missing out on?

Now when you frame it like that, nothing except an appalling misogynist attempting to use his position as building security to threaten an appalling ‘you-tuber’ and being shut-down
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There’s our boy the security guard singing about how women’s vaginas don’t please him to smell , maybe this is one for the misogyny thread

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An exhibition of Shirley Baker's work at The Working Class Movement Library.

Can't be arsed watching that video, but just checked to see if the uploader is who I thought it was going to be and indeed it is, Veitch is a proper cunt. I'd have critical but unconditional support for any security guard who batters him.
Fucking hell, that was a rabbit hole and a half. What a scum bag.
£60 seems a bit steep for this, but maybe I'm just tightfisted. Anyway, if anyone's up for doing an online Manchester history course:

I'd stay well clear of this prat, he's a massive transphobe.
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