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Grub has been slapped around the face, and have spelled out the financial consequences

Looks like they were letting Grub use it as a pop-up venue on a 'meanwhile' use basis but decided to renege on the deal after signing up a long-term tenant. A bit of a shady thing to do, given it was only a month, and Grub had clearly already put so much effort into organising it.
MIF Line Up announced and once again I'm not excited by anything. Maybe there'll be something I want to see in the free stuff at festival square.

The combined documentary/DJ sets about the Rome rave scene this weekend sounds decent:
A piece in The Face about photography and Hulme.

Thanks for posting this. I grew up on the Princess Road side of Chorlton, and used to get the bus to town through Hulme, past the Crescents. Hulmeloonies is interesting too.
What's a cigarette coupon?

you used to get them in packs of (at least some brands of) fags, you could save them up and exchange them for something.

like green shield stamps that some shops / petrol stations used to give out

not sure if they went out of fashion or got banned. vaguely remember seeing them when i was little (some relatives smoked, i never saw the point)

more here

you used to get them in packs of (at least some brands of) fags, you could save them up and exchange them for something.

like green shield stamps that some shops / petrol stations used to give out

not sure if they went out of fashion or got banned. vaguely remember seeing them when i was little (some relatives smoked, i never saw the point)

more here

Banned I think in that first, late-nineties drive towards changing the culture around smoking/health awareness.

Hi mancs

I'm working in your beautiful city for the next few weeks. If anyone fancies a pint, let me know. I'm based at the new factory international building so near spinning fields.

Any recommendations for nice food/bars/events midweek also much appreciated.

Only place I ate that wasn’t the Travelodge (or salamis, cheese, olives, and red wine in my room like a snobby sad-sack) was Wright’s Chippy on Corporation Street near the Town Hall. Was nice:

I also got told about a really great Thai place in Chinatown, there was a queue of people waiting to be let in:

Also got Tom’s Chop House but as mentioned upthread there’s another, better, British style restaurant somewhere. Either way I love the decor in Tom’s and the food was pretty great too:


This place caught my eye on fb recently:

And of course curry mile down in Rusholme is worth a wander just for the buzz of the place.

Oh and don’t forget the world famous:

Anyone recommend a pub that shows football that I won't get aggro for having a vaguely London accent? Want to watch the city arsenal game somewhere with some atmosphere but also, crucially, don't want to die.
⬇️ souljacker ⬇️

I used to go in here a lot but obviously been a long time. Was a decent mix of people and not a dive pub, unlike:

when it used to be the ‘Something Pig?’ and I was on the table after Bellamy scored the 3rd at Old Trafford. Good job Owen scored a winner and I knew the Salford lot that was in there otherwise :bigeyes:
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Banned I think in that first, late-nineties drive towards changing the culture around smoking/health awareness.

Only place I ate that wasn’t the Travelodge (or salamis, cheese, olives, and red wine in my room like a snobby sad-sack) was Wright’s Chippy on Corporation Street near the Town Hall. Was nice:

I also got told about a really great Thai place in Chinatown, there was a queue of people waiting to be let in:

Also got Tom’s Chop House but as mentioned upthread there’s another, better, British style restaurant somewhere. Either way I love the decor in Tom’s and the food was pretty great too:


This place caught my eye on fb recently:

And of course curry mile down in Rusholme is worth a wander just for the buzz of the place.

Oh and don’t forget the world famous:

View attachment 372040

Love walking down Rusholme. It's a drive for us, so normally a cheap night as no booze, although Jafra, which does Palestinian food, have put their prices up, it's still good value. Afgan Palace is also great.

Nearer town we went to Azuma recently for Korean BBQ which was good fun.
Yeah the Tollgate on Trafford Road :thumbs:

*Talbot Road, sorry. I’m unfamiliar with Cheshire :D
I'm a Chelsea supporter and went to see them at OT many years ago when I was living in Withington. Early kick off and we are 3-0 up so me and the girlfriend at the time (who was from Cambridge) left and nipped into the Tollgate for a pint before heading back to South Manchester. Was watching the last five mins of the game on the TV and the rag bloke next to us must have heard our accents and said, very nicely said"'Effing hell mate , fancy coming all the way up here to see that load of shite . Do you want a pint?" He'd obviously mistaken us for London Reds.

I used to go in here a lot but obviously been a long time. Was a decent mix of people and not a dive pub, unlike:

when it used to be the ‘Something Pig?’ and I was on the table after Bellamy scored the 3rd at Old Trafford. Good job Owen scored a winner and I knew the Salford lot that was in there otherwise :bigeyes:
The botanist is a bit posh I think. The sort of place where not having a fake tan means you won't get in. I very much doubt it will show the football.

I've got a good stream so I'll probably just stay in my hotel and get a deliveroo.
The botanist is a bit posh I think. The sort of place where not having a fake tan means you won't get in. I very much doubt it will show the football.

I've got a good stream so I'll probably just stay in my hotel and get a deliveroo.

No sorry, this is years ago. It used to be an open-spaced place that seemed to be an attempt at being a nouveaux gastro-pub but saw a hefty number of scallies, weekenders from other UK cities on the piss, and all manner of waifs and strays.
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The botanist is a bit posh I think. The sort of place where not having a fake tan means you won't get in. I very much doubt it will show the football.

I've got a good stream so I'll probably just stay in my hotel and get a deliveroo.
Bit late now, but plenty of Spoons in the city centre, trying to think of places in Spinningfields... I don't know it that well, but I think the Oast House shows football? Lass O'Gowrie's maybe a bit more out of your way but probably nice?
Bit late now, but plenty of Spoons in the city centre, trying to think of places in Spinningfields... I don't know it that well, but I think the Oast House shows football? Lass O'Gowrie's maybe a bit more out of your way but probably nice?
The oast house would have worked actually as it's only 5 mins away.

Waiting on my deliveroo now anyway.
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