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Are adults allowed to....yer know.....Slide awayyyyYYYY!

and if so what is the inside circumferance of the tube? :oops:

Well I mean...Who doesn't want to go down a slide across a river!

I saw an adult going down it, maybe average size but with a big coat on. The tube looked fine but the way up to it looks quite challenging...once you're over the rope bridge bit there's some climbing through bars to get up to the top. He didn't exactly shoot out of the bottom.
Well I mean...Who doesn't want to go down a slide across a river!

I saw an adult going down it, maybe average size but with a big coat on. The tube looked fine but the way up to it looks quite challenging...once you're over the rope bridge bit there's some climbing through bars to get up to the top. He didn't exactly shoot out of the bottom.
It looks ace. I reckon I'd take a bit of wd40 and make it interesting 😉
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It's a fine park, was there on the weekend.

I spotted maybe a dozen gay/NB couples dog-walking so clearly the male/male-presenting side of LGBT+ Mancunians have taken a shine to it 😄.
Second pic, Scala/Cine City. I saw Bridget Jones's Diary there. Not a bad little cinema. Finally killed off by that abomination along the road in Didsbury.

Ha, cine city now there's some memories from the late 90s into the early 2000s

Wasn't there some other issues pre pandemic with people moving into the vibrant Northern Quarter and then deciding that they didn't like the noise that goes with the vibrancy.

I really feel for these guys. This is part of the fabric of the area and now they're being squeezed due to the shit application of planning and building control by the same people who are issuing abatement orders. :facepalm:

Wasn't there some other issues pre pandemic with people moving into the vibrant Northern Quarter and then deciding that they didn't like the noise that goes with the vibrancy.

I really feel for these guys. This is part of the fabric of the area and now they're being squeezed due to the shit application of planning and building control by the same people who are issuing abatement orders. :facepalm:
Might be mistaken, but I'm not sure this is such a big deal. Think Night and Day has always had a licence condition of shutting the fuck up at midnight. So, it seems they've been breaking it and so they've been issued with a warning by the council, unsurprisingly.
Might be mistaken, but I'm not sure this is such a big deal. Think Night and Day has always had a licence condition of shutting the fuck up at midnight. So, it seems they've been breaking it and so they've been issued with a warning by the council, unsurprisingly.
A weekend midnight curfew in a place like the NQ is a bit wank though isn't it? And the planning issue is a real concideration for building homes in places that have 'Nightlife' businesses. It's clearly a big enough deal for 90.000 folk to sign the petition.

I'm off to see a gig in Liverpool late November and the Mrs said "Can we stay the night?". It's still a novelty to her, I'd rather grab a cab home but I said "Yeah sure". She's booked us in a gaff near the Cavern. I'm not expecting it to be a quiet nights sleep :D .
Yeah, music venues should be able to operate as music venues without facing complaints for noise.

A few years ago, Night and Day was threatened with closure due to a complaint, but it won in the end.

It doesn't look to me like this is the same sort of case though, although it's understandable for the owners to lay it on thick. The council don't seem to be threatening them with closure, but telling them they have to stick to their licenced hours for music, which you can hardly expect them not to do, can you?
I think the recent argument for Night and Day seems to be that the council fucked up by not ensuring the right noise reduction measures were checked and built into the new flats so they're suggesting the council pay to put it right.

As killer b said before though there's been fuck all on there that I've been interested in since last time this came up so I'm less arsed than I might be if it were Soup, The Peer Hat, Gulliver's or Aatma which are all much better venues.
The new exhibition at the Whitworth is great - a major retrospective of Trinidadian painter / designer Althea McNish. Much of the exhibition is the spectacular cloth & wallpaper designs she created for Liberty, Hull Traders, John Lewis and the like - many which will be familiar from your childhood.

It does mean there's a lot of wallpaper stuff on display there atm, but that suits me. Will head back for a longer look soon,

also notice Gee Voucher from Crass is going to be doing a talk there tomorrow, which I can't get to but some of you might be interested?
The new exhibition at the Whitworth is great - a major retrospective of Trinidadian painter / designer Althea McNish. Much of the exhibition is the spectacular cloth & wallpaper designs she created for Liberty, Hull Traders, John Lewis and the like - many which will be familiar from your childhood.

It does mean there's a lot of wallpaper stuff on display there atm, but that suits me. Will head back for a longer look soon,

also notice Gee Voucher from Crass is going to be doing a talk there tomorrow, which I can't get to but some of you might be interested?
Went to that just this weekend past, did you go to the singing film thing? You can see my parents in that.
Went to that just this weekend past, did you go to the singing film thing? You can see my parents in that.
I saw the singing film ages ago - kind of enjoyed it, but found the claim that sacred harp singing is a traditional folk song of east lancashire a bit of a stretch - how far back do shape note singing traditions go in east lancs? the 1990s?
The Vaucher thing was good...bar a few fanboys in the Q+A. She did get a bit 'old person' when she was going on about social media and young people looking at their phones etc etc but I realised she's older than my mum and forgave her that.
ACORN Manchester asking for people to help stop an eviction tomorrow:

They've been asking people to sign up for four-hour shifts, but I imagine they presumably won't be turning people away who can't commit to that?

Also, crossposting from the gig thread, strike fundraiser gig/clubnight on Thursday:
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