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A Birmingham and Black Country thread for all things Brummie and Yam-Yam


Well-Known Member
I've decided to ripp off mauvais A Manchester thread for all things Manc thread as it seems there's quite a few Brummies scattered around here from various topics and posts.

So post your news, events, offers, trivia, chat, meetup attempts (eeek)

I'll start off by posting about this weekly e-mag that ends up in my inbox, if I'm honest I don't even remember subbing to it, might have been as part of something else I signed up too.

The online archives are available here Home and generally always has some good shouts for random things to do that are more independent based with a fairly decent restaurant review each week.

Speaking of which. Anyone been Meat Shack yet? It's ace.
I have been to The Meat Shack. It's brilliant - the fries with chipotle on are a work of genius.

ICB is shit though.
I grew up in Birmingham and am going back for the weekend in December. Would love a recommendation for a great Sunday roast (town or Moseley area) and some Christmassy things (apart from German market).
Moseley is bad for a Sunday dinner. The best is the dark horse but it’s really overpriced and not that great, just better compared to the others. I think the lord Clifton in hockley / jewellery quarter is meant to be good.
Moseley is bad for a Sunday dinner. The best is the dark horse but it’s really overpriced and not that great, just better compared to the others. I think the lord Clifton in hockley / jewellery quarter is meant to be good.

I'm afraid my Moseley chum echoed the above, is that you kel?
For a Sunday roast in reach of town I'd go to one of the gastropubs round edgbaston way - the physician or the high field. The clifden is good but it's the opposite side of town to Moseley.
miss direct The High Field in Edgbaston is definitely the place to go for Sunday Roast. It's delicious and they bring round extra yorkshire pudding and roast potatoes. I would book though as it is popular. Moseley should be swerved as others have said.
At the steelworks on Lizzy. He worked there until Thatcher shut it
my dad worked there for a bit. one of his best mates was a foreman fitter there and one of my mates worked under him.
i did my apprenticeship over the road at metabrasives (formerly bradley and fosters).
i stood with my dad at the top of bilston and watched when they demolished lizzy. sad day.
my dad worked there for a bit. one of his best mates was a foreman fitter there and one of my mates worked under him.
i did my apprenticeship over the road at metabrasives (formerly bradley and fosters).
i stood with my dad at the top of bilston and watched when they demolished lizzy. sad day.

So did I bud. My dad drove me and my brothers over to watch it. I was only a kid but I still remember it vividly. I wonder sometimes what my dad felt like seeing his livelihood literally been blown up

What’s never been mentioned - as far as I know - was how many of the workers there suffered after. One of dad’s best mates gassed himself in his car because he couldn’t find work after the closure and his marriage was breaking up. Another one of his mates lost it and ended up disappearing and was never seen again.
So did I bud. My dad drove me and my brothers over to watch it. I was only a kid but I still remember it vividly. I wonder sometimes what my dad felt like seeing his livelihood literally been blown up

What’s never been mentioned - as far as I know - was how many of the workers there suffered after. One of dad’s best mates gassed himself in his car because he couldn’t find work after the closure and his marriage was breaking up. Another one of his mates lost it and ended up disappearing and was never seen again.
they broke the unions by breaking people.
I worked at Bilston Town Hall in Housing Benefits for ten years before the council "re-centralised". I loved every day of it, helping folk out getting round the benefits system. This was people from the lizzy, Darlo Steel, Wednesbury Tube etc etc who were dumped by Thatcher and her policies as Smokeandsteam has mentioned up above.

The people I dealt with were real true Black Country folk, proud but battered by the gov't at the time in its pursuit of the Unions.

We seem to have drifted a few miles down the road. Maybe cybershot would be gracious enough to add (and the Black Country) in the thread title ??
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